The Chaos Engine (Air > Water Cooled)

Looks much better without all the bubbles:)
Yeah some sort of fill/bleed tube at the top would make life easier
Just did similar to allow me to refill an expandable AIO
So, just showed what the potential difference is to my 11 year old girl and she says she prefers clear and hates the green.... so this is what it could look like... think I'm still going to go green...



like i said not a great fan of green lol
but i think you are right that will make a nice contrast
its when people go over the top and put all the leds to green as well
then its too much for me :)
Well, as I needed to get the standard deironised water out of the system, flushed out with more and thought I'd top up with this before I finish the build properly and not convinved... it's just too much and has lost it's classyness now... looks cheap ???


Just personal choice
But yeah bit too much green for me
Yeah I was hoping it would look amazing. In the GPU block it does... but you know deep down, when I seen the clear water I was like wow, it shows off all the colours, put this in ast night, came down this morning and just thinking... no, this isn't giving me the fizz and if it's not giving me the fizz, I think it's going, so ordered some EK clear now and when I fit the final bits tomorrow, that's what I'll go for, just need to make sure I drain the green 100% that might take some time now, but at least gets proper fluid in and not just deironised. yep, clear it is!
It's your pc mate
Go with what does it for you
You did a really nice build so not being 100% happy with the coolant isn't an option
Exactly, after all the hard work hahaha, need to be 100% happy and I'm working at the moment, but keep glancing at it wanting to love it, but I don't... lol

make it red it'll **** off the intel cpu and the nvidia card :p
Weirdly was thinking red the other day, but think I'll stay away from colours now for the fluids... :p:p:p:p:p:p when Big Navi comes out I might change colour then hahaha
Damn, I've just realised I've piped my Graphics Card wrong... I've put the IN on the block OUT and the out on the Block IN. However all seems well, does it really matter? Just looking underneath it and flow is all fine and temps are perfect?
Damn, I've just realised I've piped my Graphics Card wrong... I've put the IN on the block OUT and the out on the Block IN. However all seems well, does it really matter? Just looking underneath it and flow is all fine and temps are perfect?
most gpu blocks you can go in or out any way you want
unless you have a block that specifically says you cant
all of mine it hasnt mattered
Yeah just cranked the pump up and the flow of green can see it's super fast throught he GPU block so... and can't see any restriction, think I'm worrying over nothing lol
Ok, pretty much finished now and this is how it looks. Got the tap/valve fitted and moved the temp gauge to where it will stay under the GPU... tell ya what though, getting that EK Cryo Green out, it's amazing in 3 days just where it gets. Used 2.5l of ironised water to flush through... took me around 4.5 hours to drain, flush, refill and get all the bubbles out the system last night lol

I've also got a 360mm rad on the way to possibly add to the rear of the build as well so that would make 2x240mm and a 1x360mm in there. I find on full chat with side panels on in a proper warm computer room with 3 PC's in it... maxing CPU and GPU using stability software overnight, the water temp hits 30.1C maximum over night. In the day when I have the door open it's running around 24.5C on full chat so there is a 6C difference in temps and on idle around 23C (19C with patio door open), but that is absolutely putting maximum load through the whole machine for hours.

So, thinking, got the room and it's only a small mod with two additional bends, why not chuck and use the space behind the 3 vertical fans and chuck another rad in there :) No rush though for that and ordered the rad which won't come for a while. Will do it when I get bored lol.

Let me know what you guys think, obviously the pictures are a "point in time" i.e. the colour scheme is cycling and sometimes the pictures capture an odd colour combo that can look yuck, however hopefully the video gives more of a feeling. I can obviously amend all the RGS on the fans individually as theyr'e through one controller and the other RGB on the CPU/GPU/PUMP and Waterblock are all on another controller. Overtime I'll probably amend and tune the RGB profiles but for now it is this.

The pictues below kinda are there to just show the different colours variations rather than what I'll stick to... so you could tailor this to either classy or outright garish lol
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Cheers guys appreciated, yeah iot's took around 3 weeks really to get this finished, in between work, family etc etc... be nice to actually play some games on it now hahaha. tell ya what some of these colour combos... jesus... lol This one is one of my personal faves...

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