The correct way to eat a custard slice?

I found this small poll for you :p nabbed off another forum

Some of them are lol!

Bite into the blunt end. If custard is spilled it is deniable
6 6.67%

Turn it sideways and hold my hand underneath for safety
11 12.22%

Nibble around the outside of the pastry so no crumbs fall on the tablecloth
1 1.11%

What the **** is a custard slice you ******* Nancy?
24 26.67%

Stick my tongue in the custard, suck and take my time
17 18.89%

Mummy said sweets were bad for me.
1 1.11%

I have mine with a silver spoon/knife thing because I am posh
15 16.67%

Stop toying with me Lovely Iron Duke. Rip off my undies and do me hard. Now.
15 16.67%
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Open mouth wide to fit it in gob, get lockjaw, spend the next five minutes trying to hide that i look like i'm chewing a wasp while wolf howling, squeeze custard slice then lick and nibble like a gurl.
Remove top with half of custard - eat
Eat bottom with other half of custard (and jam if you have bought them from the right place)

Done :)

Used to work at a bakery/ Gregs type place (not Gregs) and these would be delivered to the store in the morning as a block of 6 in a card tray. We would have to slice them and put them onto another tray to display. Of course if the icing had slid or if it wasnt perfect it couldn't possibly go out to be sold to customers :o omonomnomnomnomnom tray of vanilla/ custard slices...heaven
Dangle it above your head and eat it like you're feeding a fish to a seal. Any that falls on your face should stick and can be retrieved at a later date.
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