The Countdown Has Begun...... Fallout 3

In the outside areas tougher things spawn as you increase in level yes, also they move (much/ridculously/stupidly) faster, and appear to be more accurate and do more damage with weapons.

Lvl 16 now and as my Perception is only 6 if I run around too much I can be reduced to about a 1/2 health by mere raiders before they even show up as red lines on the compass and I even know where they are. That is with toughness and cyborg perks and wearing ranger combat armour.

If I play through again in 6 months time when some decent mods have appeared I think I'll be going hvy stealth and assoc. perks and melee/h2h
Why do there seem to be so many people on the forum playing at 1440x900. Do you guys have monitors smaller then 20"?! Aren't you kind of wasting the power of the 4870?
Im at work now, but last night run into a "problem". Tried the armoury door "just because", and ended up with a full on firefight inside Megaton. Managed to get outside by the skin of my teeth! Now, im not at home, but im guessing I could skip time "T" or sleep somewhere, and after a few days, I could go back in without getting assaulted by everyone in Megaton?
Not sure if you can go back in, the one time that happened to me the game messed up and I was crouching and got near a locked gate, and everyone just started pummeling me... didn't even touch the gate at all, was just crouched next to it. I just loaded the game back up, would be interesting to know if you can just run out thought and come back a few days later as I don't like loading games to previous saves, just seems cheaty.

Why do there seem to be so many people on the forum playing at 1440x900. Do you guys have monitors smaller then 20"?! Aren't you kind of wasting the power of the 4870?
Well I use a LCD TV so my resolution is around that, "only" on a 4850 though but it plays perfect.

Went exploring some more, took a screeny:

This game just gets better and better :)

Anyone know if you can get back into Vault 101? As I noticed when I started the game there was a picture frame behind dads desk that needed a lockpicking of 50 to open and I couldn't do it then as I lacked the skill. Tried going back but won't let me in. To avoid spoilers you probably want to wrap the answer in a colour the same as the background :)

Ran across some more bobbleheads too, bringing my tally up to 5... still loads to find however.
Max INT and Speech rock IMHO. RPGs live or die by the interactivity with the NPCs and this game is great at it - just hate the idea of going all thuggish and shoot first ask questions later - I am getting sooooo far by talking my way thru things (and the additional comebacks are brilliant!)
Has anyone managed to get into the armory in Megaton? Is it worth trying to get in or just full of crap?

I did but...

Hightlight: There was a robot in there who spots you as soon as you enter, which makes all the citizens smack you around as soon as you leave the armoury.

Max INT and Speech *** IMHO. RPGs live or die by the interactivity with the NPCs and this game is great at it - just hate the idea of going all thuggish and shoot first ask questions later - I am getting sooooo far by talking my way thru things (and the additional comebacks are brilliant!)
Aye but the benefit in this game or picking any specilisations is that you get special text for a high level of anything, such as I've had a few [Explosives] and [Medicine].
Why do there seem to be so many people on the forum playing at 1440x900. Do you guys have monitors smaller then 20"?! Aren't you kind of wasting the power of the 4870?

Admittedly yes I am - to a point. (19" Asus something-or-other-widescreen)
Im kinda used to playing at that resolution, every game runs absolutely perfectly too, inc Crysis.

I do have a 42" LG LCD in the living room, so when the lads are in for a gaming/beer night we often move the PC there and play at 1920x1080.

Thats my excuse anyway ;)
am using a 42" Plasma (1080p) and am loving using the 360 gamepad - will be doing the same for Dead Space too - having the best of both worlds (PCs superior gfx and the 360 gamepad) really does make all the difference :)
Aye but it has to be black wireless ;)

Even though I prefer the black gamepad, I am keeping it linked to the Elite and thus just using a plain ole white one. Can't be bothered to keep linking the pads to the PC n back to the 360 n vice versa all the time.
On another note, I was playing till silly o'clock the other day when I literally pooped myself. I had the surround sound on and I was standing in a room minding my own business in-game when out of nowhere I heard a "hello" behind me and I physically turned around. I swore there was a lass sitting on the sofa behind my chair and it proper freaked me out cos I wasn't expecting it. Damn surround sound sometimes lol!
I am a bit overwhelmed with choices on what to level up, I just gone to level 3 but more or less randomly picked some stats to increase, are there stats worth raising above others?
On another note, I was playing till silly o'clock the other day when I literally pooped myself. I had the surround sound on and I was standing in a room minding my own business in-game when out of nowhere I heard a "hello" behind me and I physically turned around. I swore there was a lass sitting on the sofa behind my chair and it proper freaked me out cos I wasn't expecting it. Damn surround sound sometimes lol!

I was in a building full of ghouls last night. It scared the crap out of me when one ambushed me!
I am a bit overwhelmed with choices on what to level up, I just gone to level 3 but more or less randomly picked some stats to increase, are there stats worth raising above others?

There is no real right or wrong answer for this, altho I would suggest that you master a few skills rather than be a jack of all trades.
Fantastic game.

Running it at 1440x900 (19" monitor limit) on a 4870 512, full detail, no slow downs, but who cares about that, the game is fantastic whatever the gfx level.

Im at work now, but last night run into a "problem". Tried the armoury door "just because", and ended up with a full on firefight inside Megaton. Managed to get outside by the skin of my teeth! Now, im not at home, but im guessing I could skip time "T" or sleep somewhere, and after a few days, I could go back in without getting assaulted by everyone in Megaton?

"oops" :)

I've got the key to the armoury but it's not really worth it. Just a few assault rifles and a bit of ammo.
Yeah i think i need to search for the screenshots

I have only managed to find one bobble head so far, but then again i been questing around, NOT main quest :P only found it where daddy ran off after megatron
got 6 or 7 of the bobble heads so far - am annoyed tho as I already had max intelligence so no bonus for me :(
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