The CustomPC Media Benchmarking Suite

Hey bud. Nice choice of board (Still on my Rampage II and 990X :))

The more RAM slots you fill, the more stress you put on the CPU's integrated memory contoller and the board's memory power circuits.

Try running less RAM and tightening the timings or maybe upping the RAM speed at slacker timings. To be honest, I found memory bandwidth to matter less as rigs got newer on this benchmark. Kit fit BATTERED me on a much slower BLCK ;)

On my 990X I ran 5ghz (200 X 25)
Ram is Corsair Dominator GT 2000MHz 7,8,7,20 2T (Epic Elpida Hyper chips)
Overall score was 2880

Remember that is triple channel, not quad like your beast :D

I reckon your 1866 stuff will hit 2000MHz with a few timings slackened but give the bandwidth u need.

Bloody nice rig by the way.

Hope this helps

Cheers for the input Andy, might have another crack later on today although i'm not that hot on messing with memory, might need to have a read up.
Thanks for the kind words on my rig, it is plenty quick enough for what I need.
Bulldozer doesn't like this test :p

Image editing: 1013 points.
Video encoding: 2401 points.
Multitasking testing: 1247 points.
Overall score: 1554 points.
Thought it time I have a go at this :)

So, with my Shuttle SZ68R5 at 4.8GHz, 8GB 1600 ram at Cas 9 and a 2600K CPU


Update from above... makes quite a difference with the monitoring software switched off

Image editing: 2202 points.
Video encoding: 4083 points.
Multitasking testing: 1881 points.
Overall score: 2722 points.
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Is that a challenge mate.:D Btw, i thought you had the small matter of a wedding to deal with.;) Youll have no cash for a new pc mate.

Wedding's in August, once I've that out the way a new build is planned for October-ish. And ohhhh how I'm gonna whoop the leaderboard then!! :p
What settings? what system? specs? MOAR INFO!! :cool:

FX6100 @ 4.8 (1.45v), 8gb Kingston DDR3 1600MHz (9,9,9,24), XFX HD6950 2gb, Gigabyte 990X m/b, 64gb C300 SSD

I'm gonna try again when I hit 5ghz but I'm not very hopeful, benchmark is massively single threaded :(
FX6100 @ 4.8 (1.45v), 8gb Kingston DDR3 1600MHz (9,9,9,24), XFX HD6950 2gb, Gigabyte 990X m/b, 64gb C300 SSD

I'm gonna try again when I hit 5ghz but I'm not very hopeful, benchmark is massively single threaded :(

that is definitely not good, looking back to my 4.5Ghz run on a Phenom II X4, you only beat me on video encoding, despite having 4Gb more ram and an SSD? you should have smashed the image editing tbh.
that is definitely not good, looking back to my 4.5Ghz run on a Phenom II X4, you only beat me on video encoding, despite having 4Gb more ram and an SSD? you should have smashed the image editing tbh.

Yeh... I'm still trying to work out exactly what it is that's buggered this benchmark for it. Everything else it's doing ok(ish) with. I did notice that the image editing was only using 1 core to 100% and the multi-tasking was using 3 but only to a maximum of ~60%.
:Thought i'd give it bash, had a few goes, this is the best with a 4.8GHz cpu clock, also clocked my gpu @ 1000 MHz core:eek: 1450 MHz mem

Surprised to see im the only 2700k would like to see some other 2700Ks results.
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I've got the BD up to 5GHz to see if it can start to redeem itself, got about half way through before locking up - will hopefully get a new score up later tonight!

Anyone got ideas as to what else could help? :p
FX6100 @ 5GHz. I've had to run a hideous 1.6v through it but temps are stable @ around 50-55 under full load still. It probably helps that I've got the side of the case off with a pedestal fan pointed at it...


Still bloody awful :p
FX6100 @ 5GHz. I've had to run a hideous 1.6v through it but temps are stable @ around 50-55 under full load still. It probably helps that I've got the side of the case off with a pedestal fan pointed at it...


Still bloody awful :p

5Ghz and only 1684

Vs PII X4 4.4Ghz and 1634

again, ouch let us hope that the new iteration of BD works somewhat better
Oh and my chip was £99.99 retail, sorry lol
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