The Division 2 - March 2019

trying to figure out how the cache works, so OCUK TWO has the bronze and silver cache unlocked, but when I checked it nothing in there.

Did anyone in our clan get anything out of it?

the ranks, bronze etc are just for that weeks cache.. so your not getting a bronze then a silver then a gold too, your just upgrading the cache for when you get it

the cache is awarded on Tuesdays

taken from that first article you posted " Depending on how much CXP you have at the end of any week, your clan is rewarded with a bronze, silver, or gold clan cache as a reward."
Anyone had issues where fps wont go above 58 / 59, gpu is only at about 55% cpu no where close, vsync off (checked game specific setting in geforce settings), frame rate cap is set to 120fps. Any ideas? Running latest drivers as well.
I have never seen mine go over 60 on a benchmark. I'm so confused with this game and settings, sometimes its runs great and, without changing any setting, sometimes it starts to glitch and splutter something awful. It might be because of the different areas, some have more fires and vegetation than others that might cause it to slow down.
Anyone had issues where fps wont go above 58 / 59, gpu is only at about 55% cpu no where close, vsync off (checked game specific setting in geforce settings), frame rate cap is set to 120fps. Any ideas? Running latest drivers as well.
Check the game settings there is options in there for fps. Mine is set to 59.9
What's the fastest way to level up? Seems to be taking me ages. Currently level 12.

Missions and side missions are where the best XP is at.

I know you might feel the need to do 'everything' on the map, but there's no point, as soon as you bump a world tier, all control points etc get reset.

All the main missions and perhaps 10-20 side missions should be enough to get you to 30.
Leave the side missions until level 20 as the XPs scales with your rank. Main missions it’s fixed XP regardless.
question dont you have an overlay showing your cpu and gpu utilisation during game?

On my 6 core 8600k at 4.8ghz cpu utilisation is about 25-60% at 60fps.

A 4 core 3570k I can see as a bottleneck. But you can find this out easily by having an OSD and watching cpu utilisation as you play.
Check the game settings there is options in there for fps. Mine is set to 59.9

I have set the fps limit to 120 but never goes past 59. Running 1440p with most things set to high or ultra. Div 1 ran much better.

My cpu was sitting around 25 - 35 % on most cores so I doubt that's the issue
What FPS are people getting? I have a 3570k with a 1080ti and am getting about 35-40 on 1440p .. expected more

What settings? I've not played the fullgame but in the beta at 1440p with mostly high and a couple of ultra settings I was getting 60-70 FPS with my 4820K and GTX1070. (Windows 7, DX11).

Windows 10 and DX12 people often seem to be reporting poor performance with amongst those that do report poor performance.
I've been impressed with how great this game looks, but when I was playing last night and it was raining it really hit me at just how fantastic it looked, even if it did make it harder to spot the enemies.
What settings? I've not played the fullgame but in the beta at 1440p with mostly high and a couple of ultra settings I was getting 60-70 FPS with my 4820K and GTX1070. (Windows 7, DX11).

Windows 10 and DX12 people often seem to be reporting poor performance with amongst those that do report poor performance.

I left it at defaults I think a lot are high/ultra. I switched to dx12 as read that performance was better not worse? I'll try turning stuff down
What FPS are people getting? I have a 3570k with a 1080ti and am getting about 35-40 on 1440p .. expected more

something very odd going on there, I'm at 75+fps at 1440p near max settings on a 1080. I'd do a clean install of the latest drivers to eliminate any issues there. Any items overclocked? Have you done a 3dmark/heaven benchmark run to rule out a wider issue with pc performance?
I've been impressed with how great this game looks, but when I was playing last night and it was raining it really hit me at just how fantastic it looked, even if it did make it harder to spot the enemies.

Oh it looks stunning - although I've already come to terms with the fact that I'd really rather not go out at night and/or in bad weather! (bit like in real life now I'm getting a bit old! :D)

I do miss the snowstorms from TD1 but overall I love the new feel of the landscape!

All this gushing and I'm actually only playing it on "medium" with DX12 enabled - I honestly could see much of a difference bumping it to high and the FPS took a hit so I've made my peace with it as it is!
What's the fastest way to level up? Seems to be taking me ages. Currently level 12.

someone above already mentioned trying to leave side missions until around level 20 because they'll give more xp then.

Other than that, do all the control points. Keep an eye on projects and their requirements since they can give useful xp for maybe not much effort. Also, check to make sure you've activated the xp perks from the quartermaster for bonus xp.
something very odd going on there, I'm at 75+fps at 1440p near max settings on a 1080. I'd do a clean install of the latest drivers to eliminate any issues there. Any items overclocked? Have you done a 3dmark/heaven benchmark run to rule out a wider issue with pc performance?

I have a feeling he is cpu bottlenecked.

My 8600k hits in the 60s at some points in the game (possibly higher in fights but I dont look at OSD in fights), if I took away 2 cores that 60 becomes 80, take away 800mhz for ivy bridge clocks, than that 80 becomes 93, then takeaway IPC improvements and you see the problem.

Thats not even taking into account dropping down from ddr4 to ddr3 as well.

This indicates about a 90% all core benefit on my cpu vs his.
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