The Division 2 - March 2019

It's not like that tho is it, it's more like you both have the same car but someone has but a big block in the boot, and if you pay more you can fit more in the boot.

Do you really need EVERYTHING in your boot tho?
I never strugled with space in D1,even tho im quite a hoarder,managed space okeish i guess,have all sets,some even double sets for different play styles..

Some news:

Proper hype train !
Even though I have been super reserved and still am about many aspects of this Im looking forward to jumping in for the beta this weekend!

I never had issues with space either, I simply don't keep trash gear and replace allloott of stuff. Only issue was classified gearsets but then i just decided what i wanted to play and just kept that
Only issue was classified gearsets but then i just decided what i wanted to play and just kept that

I've kept a bunch of loadouts for different scenarios/playstyles and then bits so I can change it up i.e. reconfigure a Striker setup between AR or SMG, etc. my normal loadouts are:

D3-FNC (classified) - rarely used but some stuff like Stolen Signal you kind of need a setup
9K Striker (classified) - PVE focus but can PVP
Hybrid Tactician - very high damage turret and health from skill damage, etc.
PVE "Combat" Reclaimer (classified) - focussed on DtE and bias towards damage output but still has around 26-28K HP/s support station
Reclaimer (classified) - min/maxed pure healer
6K Striker (classified) - based around extended use of and rapid cooldown of signature skill (good for bursting through lower level PVE)

Then all the bits so I can for instance convert the Hybrid Tactician for bomberman style of play, etc. really easily.

I super struggle for space :( even using stash and extra characters.
I normally played with a squad of friends so we had preferred roles - probably why I never built all the hybrid stuff etc for solo play.

Only concern I do have about td2 is the bugs that might be coming with it. Watching Marco he showed off some bugs that got fixed in 1.2 in the first game but are back in td2.

Considering I used to datamine this game I have a reasonable idea of how they implemented fixes as I used to track them - they modified a lot of variables for 1.0/1.1/1.2 and then moved away from that with a different literal folder that referenced some stuff in the original with modifications as they went along. Based on what I saw in marcos vid.....they have used the original folder and ignored the others. Think the original files were called "juice" and the modifications were handled in "rejuice" in terms of how the files were setup. Alpha file structure was similar as well from what I have been told so I can imagine a lot of "juice" has been used for consistency.

eg: full auto burst fire weapons with a macro are back, double reload as there is no halt on interrupts or check if that action is happening, no kill call for NPC's behind doors etc.

Im sure they will get fixed so will be checking for a lot of these in the beta to give feedback on findings.
Only concern I do have about td2 is the bugs that might be coming with it. Watching Marco he showed off some bugs that got fixed in 1.2 in the first game but are back in td2.

That is something that has had me on the fence from the start over TD2 - given their spiel about the problems with TD1 (even though when it comes to TD1 they won't even admit half the problems are problems) making it more worth spending the time on TD2 instead as justification for moving development focus if the same old bugs crop up all over again I'm done - it is why I haven't bought any of the newer Battlefield games as the same old bugs come back time after time with each new release even when they finally fixed them in the game before.
Apart from early start on release day and year pass thingy any other reason to preorder the gold edition instead of standard?
I hate preordering games but would love beta access to this.
Apart from early start on release day and year pass thingy any other reason to preorder the gold edition instead of standard?
I hate preordering games but would love beta access to this.
Check on CDKeys you'll probably be able to buy a beta key without preordering the game, did this with The Division and more recently Anthem.
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