The Division 2 - March 2019

Its not the monitor there is something wrong with HDR in Division 2 that goes all washed out and horrible. Make sure HDR is turned off. There doesn't seem to be a fix for the terrible HDR in Division apart from to just switch it off.

That explains it then, thanks. Will have a lokk tomorrow. In all honesty I thought it was disabled and don't recall enabling it but if that's the case, I'd be quite pleased.
Tried a raid for the first time today. Completely waste of time. I think its a combination of not being anywhere near skilled enough, and even more so the fact that matchmaking dumps you in with a load of people who aren't interested in actually working together. When it came to the Lucy and Buddy fight, you can imagine how that went.
@Spleen Sauce Yeah, don't do raids with randoms. It's bad enough with normal matchmaking missions. I had one the other night in Capitol Heroic, a mortar got me and we had this solo sniper not reviving anyone. He kept running past my body and even standing next to it. Wouldn't revive anybody. He nearly died at one point from it.

These are the players I've seen cause the complete group to quit. Then there are the others going in expecting carries all the time. The worst part he wasn't killing fast enough that caused him to nearly die.

Raids really need great builds and everyone talking to each other.

How many wipes were there when lucy or buddy went into 360 mode? Were they also running about like headless chickens?
@Spleen Sauce
How many wipes were there when lucy or buddy went into 360 mode? Were they also running about like headless chickens?

Lost count by the end. Having never played it before, first time I realised that it was instant-kill as soon as the 360 mode hits. Also then very quickly realised that if you deal too much damage at once and they hit overdrive you're pretty much scuppered. I tried telling the group in chat but nobody was having it. Just kept running around, throwing everything at them without any strategy. Utter waste of time.

I don't think my build is suited to raids, but just had no chance with the group of clowns I was stuck with.
Reminds me of Clear Sky on TD1 - no matter how many times you told a group to kill the two snipers on the left first in the second area (as it is the quick fire high alpha that gets people downed) they'd run off and engage the infinite spawning waves and wipe over and over so you'd just have to facepalm and quit group. With the right team it was an easy sub 3 minute job.
Oh yeah, Lucy & Buddy are the reason I've only ever tried a Raid once in this game. The mechanics are pretty simple to figure out, but trying to get that across to a group of random morons and have them act in unison is nigh on impossible.
Lost count by the end. Having never played it before, first time I realised that it was instant-kill as soon as the 360 mode hits. Also then very quickly realised that if you deal too much damage at once and they hit overdrive you're pretty much scuppered. I tried telling the group in chat but nobody was having it. Just kept running around, throwing everything at them without any strategy. Utter waste of time.

I don't think my build is suited to raids, but just had no chance with the group of clowns I was stuck with.

That was why I haven't done any raids yet. I've done partial parts of them. Was invited to the Razorback part on Discovery once when I was shd 1xx and was doing the Iron Horse first boss which was completed on launch day when I was shd 2xx. We had to quit after the first boss with the arranged group as other people had to leave for life things.

Haven't been in a raid since. As I'm sure you're aware by now, getting 7 people together for the group for 2 - 3 hours and trusted people is near impossible. So I've been grinding for better gear for raids in the future when that time is ready.

There are a lot of elite snobs out there when it comes to raids with randoms. They'll kick you or not be invited if they think your build isn't up to par. Yet I've seen and has been proven, you can have a great build but if you don't know how to play it to its advantage. It's no good.
But no, randoms has to have meta builds.

Great builds only works to the players skill and play style. Nothing else.
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Lost count by the end. Having never played it before, first time I realised that it was instant-kill as soon as the 360 mode hits. Also then very quickly realised that if you deal too much damage at once and they hit overdrive you're pretty much scuppered. I tried telling the group in chat but nobody was having it. Just kept running around, throwing everything at them without any strategy. Utter waste of time.

I don't think my build is suited to raids, but just had no chance with the group of clowns I was stuck with.
I haven't even attempted any raids and doubt I ever will

I don't know 7 other people to even attempt it and no point trying with randoms (as you have noticed why)
Doubt I'll do any raids either and given my MMO history, I just cba dealing with stupid mechanics bosses anymore. Too olde for that lark.
Glad it’s not just me then. I think I’ll be sticking to everything else outside of Raids - still enjoying the game. Be interesting to see what this new PvE mode is that’s coming next month and this skyscraper thing.
Finally rolled my Coyote's mask for a god roll after 2 parts. Was also so close to a god roll Lady Death after 7 exotic parts used. 1% away. There is another Lady Death I can use to try again, once I get more parts.


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