The Division 2 - March 2019

Nice. Uplay has logged me out but is taking so long to send the 2 stage authentication code it's invalid by the time it arrives! Broken... :mad:
After ~400hrs I finally get a God roll, and it's a **** one. Why couldn't it have been a Fenris chest armour?


Looks a good one, especially if you change the skill for crit hit damage 12%.
This is ******* ridiculous. Trying to do District Union Arena on legendary and every group I join is full of morons who just rush in and die.

Welcome to my world. I was the only one left alive at one point. I was in Roosevelt and they died where the red tanks were and all the barb wire as the 3 chungas killed them. The Nemesis build saved me.

I kept telling them to fall back. They eventually listened.

I had to lure the 3 chungas back to the yellow containers to pick them off one at a time along with a red and purple ad. Carrying 3 people on Legendary is not fun. Especially when they were all dead.


Did you get to Logan? and if you did, how many times did they die to his instant death pulse?
Beat up Hornet last night. Interesting bad guy and experience getting to him but I can't fathom the point of the final reward which is trap. Thought the friendly npc doggo was a cool idea.
Is there an active ocuk clan still? My prev lot stopped playing after the ban wave and it's lonely! I want to group, raid and farm legendaries. Currently shd lvl 670
if anyone wants a hand with anything I’m on most evenings.

finished off the manhunt last night, done all invaded areas and unlocked all the specialisAtions.

I did one legendary run a few weeks back and done it successfully but haven’t tried any since. I normally group up with ransoms and I’m currently in a inactive clan and the only one in just for the clan perks and vendor.

Username is EED209, I have cleared out my Friends list, if I have removed you and not realised then just re add me!
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Have they fixed the DX12 crashing issue? I had a good hour's play last night and it didn't miss a beat.

If it's more stable now I might try and figure out what I'm supposed to be doing instead of wandering around, gawping at the graphics. :)
Have they fixed the DX12 crashing issue? I had a good hour's play last night and it didn't miss a beat.

If it's more stable now I might try and figure out what I'm supposed to be doing instead of wandering around, gawping at the graphics. :)

It's a bit of a mixed bag. Some still get it, some not so I'd say no.
It's random. Can play for days with no problem, but then at other times it dump to desktop multiple times in quick succession. I just with UbiSoft weren't so ******* useless and actually admit that there's a problem.
I hardly use SMGs, but I might use this one that just dropped for fun.

That's a beautiful piece of kit!

I've not bought the expansion yet and I played TD2 mostly solo, but for some reason I always went between either SMG's or LMG's while not bothering much with anything else. Probably not the optimal approach as I never get far enough into the end game to really set out a build, but I always found it odd how my preference leaned toward two extremes.

I'm planning on picking Warlords up this weekend, I still have a £10 epic voucher I can use.
I get so triggered by groups trying to do the Titan boss event that i never managed to get the Tidal Basin mission done on heroic. The amount of people that cluelessly die to the virus is so frustrating esp when a group wipe brings you back to the start.
I get so triggered by groups trying to do the Titan boss event that i never managed to get the Tidal Basin mission done on heroic. The amount of people that cluelessly die to the virus is so frustrating esp when a group wipe brings you back to the start.
I had no issues doing it on Heroic with randoms. I made sure to avoid the virus lol
I had no issues doing it on Heroic with randoms. I made sure to avoid the virus lol

Just don't share the healing when someone had ran through it. One cloud per person from the dog.

I personally thought the Manhunt mission both Titan and Hornet was so extremely disappointing. Huntsman was my most memorable encounter.

I had a full on war with him with many of the outcasts near the Sink Hole control point. I was running a Vile Status effect build at the time so there was no revive hive. Fun but risky. It was funny watching everything melt and running. Even Huntsman kept rolling and diving all over the place that it was funny to watch and him heal up.

Titan I lured out in the open and drilled him down with one of the mounted miniguns. That was funny. He hid behind a fuel container that I popped then finished him off with the Famas after he healed up. He dropped a god rolled Baker's Dozen for me.

Hornet I grouped up with randoms due to better loot as grouped is better than solo on Heroic. Everytime I group up I get better drops. The Hornet battle to a degree was fun until his fight. Once we came up the exit area, it was a full on war. The randoms were dealing with the ads while I took down Hornet. He threw a stinger hive to my feet, when those things hit me with Glass Cannon it's instant death. I cannot out heal a stinger hive. Once my revive hive got me back up, I threw 3 foam grenades and drilled him down with the Famas. The other players looked around wondering where Hornet went. One of them said "well that was anticlimactic" I lol'd but I also asked this cannot be it? Surely not.

Jupiter will always go down for me as one of the best Manhunt missions. You had cleaners and heavy cleaners fighting everywhere. It was a napalm mess. That and it seemed to feel better at night since everything was dark with all the fire and explosions going off. I remember Jupiter feeling a sweaty battle on Heroic because fire was so crazy even back in TU8.

Plus the fact I remember running Jupiter many times before I did mine responding to backup calls.

Back on the 6th of June. Fun memories for a backup call.
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