The Division 2 - March 2019

Probably because you're getting rushed by more adds making you think it's slower.

lol, wish it were that :) With a 'small' shield, the one used with rifles/assault rifles, you normally move around at a slow jog. Big shield is walking pace. Will try it out again later but anything above floor 80 or so and, for me, using even the small shield makes me feel like i'm walking in treacle.
lol, wish it were that :) With a 'small' shield, the one used with rifles/assault rifles, you normally move around at a slow jog. Big shield is walking pace. Will try it out again later but anything above floor 80 or so and, for me, using even the small shield makes me feel like i'm walking in treacle.

Yes, and then look at those enemy ***** with shields. They can chase you at a sprint, can ascend/descend stairs and ropes with a shield deployed and they have pistols that can basically one shot you from rifle distance.
LMG's are quite viable but they can be risky on Heroic and above. I've literally always been LMG for my DPS builds using an Infantry MG5 with Fast Hands. The damage, which was toned down a while ago is still devastating thanks to the fast fire rate but as with any LMG - you're heavily exposed for the time you need to down a yellow elite. On higher difficulties (heroic and above), this is quite risky at times. Packing the 'Unbreakable' talent on your chest gives you an extra 'life' for when your armour breaks so that can help. Rocking Sawyers Kneepads and charging that up helps greatly for a damage boost but you need to be stationary.

Ideally the higher difficulties require a weapon with massive burst damage so you can down an enemy before they move into position and become an annoyance (them reaching for their grenades). For TU10 I switched back to a godrolled all the godamn armour/gear/mods DPS build with a god rolled G36 Assault Rifle. It hits like a truck with its poxy 30 ammo count and reloads pretty fast. I wanted more damage though and moved to a godrolled FAL (think thats the name?) and that hits harder but has less precision. I am still hunting for an assault rifle that has high burst damage, 30 ammo count and decent accuracy so not an easy task.

I've got god rolled SMG's (namely a vector and MPx or something). I haven't given my SMG builds much love yet as I always end up struggling against armoured chungus - they're like a brick wall to me.
I've got god rolled SMG's (namely a vector and MPx or something). I haven't given my SMG builds much love yet as I always end up struggling against armoured chungus - they're like a brick wall to me.

Once the chain is broken, drill his ass. I mean literally, shoot his ass. He's dead in no time.
Well that was terrifying, with a typical poor execution...

Managed to finish off the Manhunt last night with PR. (shield tank dps) and a newbie friend (no real build) who wasn't legible for the final mission only to find you can join the final map after players have entered it. Still can't get the final reward which is a Trap.

The finale in Coney Island seemed like a great choice and it was. Massive nailed the terrifying reputation of the Hunter perfectly. In Division 2, there is an early newbie mission near the Demolition site CP where you encounter a fellow agents body hanging from an office ceiling and then you meet a hunter for the first time. It is a scary first encounter.

This finale was that all over again. The VO's for our hunter friend was scary and very well done. We played the map on Heroic - and I knew it wasn't the best idea as I saw minor spoilers on reddit. The battle with the hunter went on for ages with my DPS build being hit for upto 5mill+ on a few occasions instantly killing me. Oddly the mission failed after a set amount of time with us barely putting a dent in the guy. We then restarted the mission on Challenging and this time he was 'manageable'. I died a few times being hit for 3.5mill and 5.2mill respectively (no glass cannon).

Skill builds are typically out of the equation because the hunter simply hacks them or emp's the whole area. DPS is viable but you need to either be wise with your heals or have a healer on hand. The experience is no different to a normal hunter really. He is weak to his own Trap, which is the skill you will pick up during this mission though.

The final battle with that Brandon Scaffaer bloke = what a dull mess.
Well that was terrifying, with a typical poor execution...
I finished the manhunt last night as well.

Did manning Zoo but did the invaded mission first which it was locked behind.

@V F , What would you suggest for a primary weapon?

I am currently using a nearly maxed out bullet king and nearly maxed out White death for the sniper.

using 4 x Negotiators dilemma set piece's and sawyers exotic knee pads. I cant remember the chest I am using atm but i know its a + LMG damage item.

currently have 55.8% CHC, 114% CHD and 65% HS damage with SHD at 605.

Before this it was a number of items aimed towards CHC and CHD (no set items)
@ED209 Definitely a good assault rifle for good burst damage if one gets flanked. Which is always handy against dogs and chungus.

Police M4, F2000 or Famas.
@ED209 Definitely a good assault rifle for good burst damage if one gets flanked. Which is always handy against dogs and chungus.

Police M4, F2000 or Famas.
TY, I will have a hunt through my stash. Think I have some maxed out Assault rifles.

I do have a maxed out Artists Tool which I may give a try
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TY, I will have a hunt through my stash. Think I have some maxed out Assault rifles.

I do have a maxed out Artists Tool which I may give a try

Update, went from ending the level on 600m to 1040M so improvement using the rifle. Also tried a AK-M maxed out and this finished on 1000M and started later on in the level.

Think ill try and get a decent Police M4 to give a try. got plenty of MK17\Mk16s lol
Have been matchmaking all day on the Invaded Zoo, have never got past the Ambush in the Crocodile pit yet. It's ******* ridiculous. The last one, not five minutes ago, the ambush started and all four of us were one shotted at the same time by warhounds even though we were in cover.
Have been matchmaking all day on the Invaded Zoo, have never got past the Ambush in the Crocodile pit yet. It's ******* ridiculous. The last one, not five minutes ago, the ambush started and all four of us were one shotted at the same time by warhounds even though we were in cover.

I'm guessing nobody had a good jammer build... What's your Uplay? Manning Zoo Invaded is real fun. Most hates it because they don't play it tactically.

Also how did the team approach the mortars? What I do is snipe from the first door that explodes. Never go outside, it's suicide. Once that area is clear, run down as fast as possible, go left, then take out the first mortar control point before the posse invades the field. Then it's a cakewalk.
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Have been matchmaking all day on the Invaded Zoo, have never got past the Ambush in the Crocodile pit yet. It's ******* ridiculous. The last one, not five minutes ago, the ambush started and all four of us were one shotted at the same time by warhounds even though we were in cover.
Ive never had any issues doing manning Zoo with randoms, I did it a few nights without any issues on Heroic. This did the Invaded mission as well as the manhunt.

I am sure me and @V F can team up with you with 1 random to make 4 players?

I will be on tonight from 8:30pm onwards if you want a hand.

Changed from the bullet King to Artist's Tool rifle and i'm getting tog rips with it now!
Thanks, but have just this minute done it. Decided to forgo matchmaking and run through it solo. Still got raped by those ******* mortars though thanks to my colour-blindness.
Randoms can still make it hell. They run out into the mortars then you see both die. The 3rd tries to revive one of them but the mortar launches are quicker than anybody can revive. In between the staggers. Leading to the 3rd to die, then they start quitting. :D
And then they just lie there expecting you to go to them, that really raises my ire. If they don't make an effort to crawl back into the tunnel or some form of cover then **** 'em.
9/10 they never make it back to the tunnel, as the next incoming mortar is a splat to their crawling body.
Not sure how, but I just found these in my inventory. That Vector looks tasty but I'm rusty on SMG's. I do have a Hunters Fury build, which can that can slot into but does anyone have any talent recommendations?


Yes, and then look at those enemy ***** with shields. They can chase you at a sprint, can ascend/descend stairs and ropes with a shield deployed and they have pistols that can basically one shot you from rifle distance.

will test it later but think i worked it out. Embarassing really. I was using group chat and i must have hit backspace by accident - Backspace toggles walk on and off which is why i was walking slowly :rolleyes: :p Didn't realise because i never use walk.
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