The Division 2 - March 2019

Is there still a clan and perks etc for OCUK? ive dipped back in after a REALLY long time off, as i never even finished the first main story content. But enjoying it a lot again.
Can anyone suggest a good DPS build?

im stuck using a set build (The Dilemma one) and want to try and increase my DPS

managed to get 15 of the Resident Evil caches so far as well so not much more to go
Can anyone suggest a good DPS build?

im stuck using a set build (The Dilemma one) and want to try and increase my DPS

managed to get 15 of the Resident Evil caches so far as well so not much more to go

What is your main weapon, rifle, smg, AR?

3 pc providence, coyote mask, fox prayers, fenris is a good place to start. You should aim for CHD 150% and CHC 80%.
Is this still active? I have the itch to play something new but haven't played this since the year it came out. I got to world tier 5 (i think) but then stopped playing. I suppose at this point I'd need the DLC?
What is your main weapon, rifle, smg, AR?

3 pc providence, coyote mask, fox prayers, fenris is a good place to start. You should aim for CHD 150% and CHC 80%.
I have 2 Main weapons

1 - Is a SOCOM MK16 (Assault Rifle) with 13.5K assault rifle damage (not maxed out, max is 15%), 21% Health Damage (maxed stat) and 10% Headshot Damage with Optimist talent.
2 - Is a Artists Tool (Rifle) with 15% Rifle Damage Maxed stat), 17% Crit hit damage (maxed stat), 6% Damage to Armor (Maxed stat) with Perfect Rifleman as the talent.

With Artists Tool my CHC is 60% and CHD is 137% and with the MK16 its CHC at 60% and CHD at 117%

I think I have most of them items but I used to use something similar but unsure on the stats.

I can’t even bring myself to level up these days (20xx). Hell I’m behind on this RE apparel event alongside this weeks Faye Lau manhunt. I took a small break in order to play Satisfactory with friends and now we’re onto Valheim until Update 4 hits the former. All these manhunts are just recycled crap now with odd storylines that don’t fit into the overall narrative anymore.

That said, the nemesis mask looks quality!
anyone still playing this?
been trying to play with my son and the game seems to frequently crash for my son and some times for me.
I see other online having constant crashes as well.
anyone still playing this?
been trying to play with my son and the game seems to frequently crash for my son and some times for me.
I see other online having constant crashes as well.

Straight to desktop with no error report? It's a well known bug that has been going on for over a year now. Massive/UbiSoft are inept and can't track the issue down and so just ignore all reports about it now, or offer the same cut and paste replies, in the hope that people simply go away.
anyone still playing this?
been trying to play with my son and the game seems to frequently crash for my son and some times for me.
I see other online having constant crashes as well.

Sadly, it's been a thing since TU11. It can crash with overlays that gets triggered by the anti-cheat. Supposedly.

I've been trying to find brand new people to take advantage of the friend referral for the cosmetics.
I stopped playing after the end of Season 4 and all rouge agents where done.

I never had any issues of it crashing to desktop but unsure if this was down to a patch that came out after I stopped playing
They also got rid of a lot of servers and because of that the server performance got worse. There is sadly no bug fixing happening with the game now. There used to be many patches happening on maintenance day.
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