The Division 2 - March 2019

one thing i really dont like is the weapon mods having negative stats

mods should be an upgrade, not improve one thing but damage another...
one thing i really dont like is the weapon mods having negative stats

mods should be an upgrade, not improve one thing but damage another...

yeah, but i guess they'll have a crafting method to reroll/change unwanted stats (if the other stats are good).
What's general view on this compared to the first? Played it heavily at one point and loved everything about it bar the lack of enemy variety.
one thing i really dont like is the weapon mods having negative stats

mods should be an upgrade, not improve one thing but damage another...

Weapon mods are being sorted :

Fredrik Thylander
Replying to
Sniper and shotgun stagger are being addressed (as in being removed). The negatives on mods are being toned down to make sure its not a 0 sum game to mod weapons.
Somebody asked for Beta invites the other day - sorry,was very busy at work,didnt even played myself,just today finished work earlier.
Give me UBI names and i will send invites ASAP
Enjoyed it a lot, much to my surprise as I was really uninterested in the setting and look of the gameplay when watching Youtube vids. After playing tonight with the boys I'm impressed. Smooth, gunplay real nice, lighting and visuals look sharp and colourful and I think there's going to be loads of content. Plus not as spongey as TD1
I still miss snowy New York though :p;)
Anyone found a restock box in the White House?

I like the idea of the settlements - makes sense story wise and adds another layer of missions.

Also received the notice that some end game was available but not sure how to access? Do I need to delete my character?

Also received the notice that some end game was available but not sure how to access? Do I need to delete my character?

no, no need to make any changes to your character. When you complete the last main mission available, you get a message saying an invasion mission/end game teaser content is available. Log out & you'll find 3 additional pre-prepared 'end game' characters for you to try in that end game mission (scroll through them, like with additional characters in division 1). Each character has a different special weapon/weapon skill. Select one of those characters and the mission starts.
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