I still play TD1 but I don't bother with the DZ.
Have you not ran out of stuff to do?
Unfortunately all the best weapons are looted in the DZ.
There is a reason we bark when the USA asks us to.
With an ally like them it would take someone with serious balls to try and invade the UK.
I get the idea that russia secretly funds some lobbying groups to encourage the UK to self destruct, it is entirely plausible. It is probably the only plausible idea other than the tax evasion one. But I dont think its prerequisite to invasion.
There is a reason we bark when the USA asks us to.
With an ally like them it would take someone with serious balls to try and invade the UK.
I get the idea that russia secretly funds some lobbying groups to encourage the UK to self destruct, it is entirely plausible. It is probably the only plausible idea other than the tax evasion one. But I dont think its prerequisite to invasion.
Er... /looksaround ....Ok.
are the AMD keys uplay or epic?
just realised this is not on steam, and I Dont want that epic dirt anywhere near my pc.
I only ever bother with the DZ if the weekly or something requires it... sad thing is theres groups running around killing solo people for no reason
i was there yesterday killing the rikers for weekly and a group of 3 run up, kill me and carry on down the road, i had nothing for them to loot so was a pointless kill
i just dont see what they get from it
I only ever bother with the DZ if the weekly or something requires it... sad thing is theres groups running around killing solo people for no reason
i was there yesterday killing the rikers for weekly and a group of 3 run up, kill me and carry on down the road, i had nothing for them to loot so was a pointless kill
i just dont see what they get from it