The Division 2 - March 2019

Still playing D1, grinding out the last few shields before the new game drops. If you want to team up with a mutual goal in mind I'm usually up for it.
Have you not ran out of stuff to do?

Unfortunately all the best weapons are looted in the DZ.

Sort of but I enjoy coop PVE play so I do keep coming back for that though I'd love some proper new content or better using the existing content of which there is a lot that the potential of is poorly leveraged.

It is possible to get all the weapons without going in the DZ just potentially takes a bit longer for some of the higher end ones but with 1200+ hours in the game I've acquired pretty much everything now.

I spent a few hours in the DZ but its ruined for me by the number of times I encountered people who we pretty much unkillable while easily killing you from any range with like 2-3 shots, etc. bare in mind I've got stuff like min/maxed Striker classified setups with The House, etc. and near two decades of PVP experiences in games like the Quake series and Eve Online so have a reasonable understanding of the mechanics as well as reasonable aim/movement so not like I'm just being outplayed by good players who have better gear, etc.
I cancelled cdkeys order, or rather sent cancellation request, given I am building a ryzen2 rig, and conveniently buying a amd chip gives the game free right now.
I only ever bother with the DZ if the weekly or something requires it... sad thing is theres groups running around killing solo people for no reason

i was there yesterday killing the rikers for weekly and a group of 3 run up, kill me and carry on down the road, i had nothing for them to loot so was a pointless kill
i just dont see what they get from it
There is a reason we bark when the USA asks us to.

With an ally like them it would take someone with serious balls to try and invade the UK.

I get the idea that russia secretly funds some lobbying groups to encourage the UK to self destruct, it is entirely plausible. It is probably the only plausible idea other than the tax evasion one. But I dont think its prerequisite to invasion.

Er... /looksaround ....Ok.

There is a reason we bark when the USA asks us to.

With an ally like them it would take someone with serious balls to try and invade the UK.

I get the idea that russia secretly funds some lobbying groups to encourage the UK to self destruct, it is entirely plausible. It is probably the only plausible idea other than the tax evasion one. But I dont think its prerequisite to invasion.

Wrong thread ;)
I didn't know the div 1 was so successful on release in terms of sales and even play throughs. I got it and barely touched it in all honesty.
I only ever bother with the DZ if the weekly or something requires it... sad thing is theres groups running around killing solo people for no reason

i was there yesterday killing the rikers for weekly and a group of 3 run up, kill me and carry on down the road, i had nothing for them to loot so was a pointless kill
i just dont see what they get from it

First few times i entered into the DZ i met up with other solo players and we formed a group, managed to roam for a good few hours, extracted out maybe 100-150 items in that session. Last time i went in i was looking around for players to join, and i heard there was an extraction incoming, so figured there would be players there, so had a wander over to the area (made it pretty clear that i wasn't sabotaging their extraction or looking to attack anyone), but yeah one of their group just killed me - had no loot either so not like they'd have got anything from me.

I've just hit level 30 so will have another roam around tonight, i think i'll try and find players to go around with before i start looting stuff.
I only ever bother with the DZ if the weekly or something requires it... sad thing is theres groups running around killing solo people for no reason

i was there yesterday killing the rikers for weekly and a group of 3 run up, kill me and carry on down the road, i had nothing for them to loot so was a pointless kill
i just dont see what they get from it

Wouldn't be so bad if it was just that - for instace last time I wandered in there some guy had a support station that somehow let him LOL tank my classified Striker - even maxed out reclaimer support station doesn't heal more than about 40K DPS effective (including armour mitigation) while effective damage output on a decent build is closer to 10x that.
yeah it should be that you can only kill someone if youve both gone rogue

went in again yesterday to finish off one of the shield things, had to kill names bosses.. and got lucky with a drop i needed, the tommy gun
so i attempt an extraction right away, maybe 10 seconds later a group rolls through and kills me and worst of all they didnt even take the gun.. i tried to get back to it but they were camping the area

i dont like the whole extraction thing, i think if i can make it to one of the entrances that should be enough for me to get the items out.. not have an alarm go off to alert everyone to come kill me
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