The Division 2 - March 2019

They seem to have tweaked the movement a little, lot less instances of moving automatically beyond your input, but still not good enough for my liking. Haven't played enough to see how much anything else has changed and doesn't seem to be a changelog or anything like that - largely seems to be changes to the call for backup feature and some tweaks to mission difficulty.

EDIT: After a few minutes of play I quit out - the movement just completely kills my enjoyment even trying to look beyond some of the other criticisms I have. Might try and play a bit more later but I just can't get on with games that make movement unnecessarily clunky.

There's a couple of patch notes on the private technical forum:

Patch 2.03 - Open Beta

*The Private Beta has been unlocked for public access
*Save Progression is now reset for the Open Beta

Major Bug Fixes

*Improved NPC Animations
*Improved overall stability
*Fixed problem with "Call for Backup" frequency
*Fixed invincible rusher, you may now kill him.

Balance Changes

*Adjusted difficulties for missions
*Adjusted End Game difficulty and respawn

General Improvements
*Minor fixes in different features
*Adjusted colours in boot flow screens
*Added tracking for Delta error

Survival worked so well due to the cold and atmospheric elements. It should be possible in DC but I'm guessing a heatwave or maybe dust storm would be the way to take it?
I did spend a couple of hours on the technical beta last night. Had a bit more of a free roam around the city which I think you were a bit restricted with during private beta.

There was one area early on after leaving the white house where it was quite foggy/hazy and you couldn't quite see so well. So don't know if they are adding some atmospheric elements to the game.

I'm actually finding it more annoying that they're not saving progress during the beta. I can understand a complete reset on launch day so that everyone starts the same. But it's just annoying having to repeat the starter missions during beta, which means very little of the game further in gets tested out. Hopefully the open beta will give that option.
I'm actually finding it more annoying that they're not saving progress during the beta. I can understand a complete reset on launch day so that everyone starts the same. But it's just annoying having to repeat the starter missions during beta, which means very little of the game further in gets tested out. Hopefully the open beta will give that option.

Talking this, in the previous beta when I went to the DZ I had to go through a little sort of mini-tutorial mission before entering the DZ "proper", I'm hoping that is skippable because if you've played TD1 you already know everything in that minitutorial mission.
The Technical test feels less smooth than the Beta to me. At times it feels like my actions are occurring after a delay and I've noticed some jerking at the edges of the screen that wasn't present before, but this may be down to having my overclock on my cpu lowered. Otherwise all settings are the same.
There was one area early on after leaving the white house where it was quite foggy/hazy and you couldn't quite see so well. So don't know if they are adding some atmospheric elements to the game.

I saw these effects in the Beta prior to the technical test. I think i said earlier in this thread that i have all the eye candy turned up and it really adds to the atmosphere. It DOES make it more difficult to see the enemies and surroundings, but that is a trade off I'm willing to make, at least in the pve sections.

Perhaps your graphics settings for volumetric fog have changed since the Beta?

Edit: found it. I have the fog setting on cinematic now iirc, i think it was on ultra in the beta because I don't remember cinematic being an option but I could be wrong.

I cranked the settings up as far as they would go (@1080p) and to me the game feels much more immersive. The smoke and fog effects as well as the light do make seeing enemies much harder, but outside of PVP that's a trade off I'm willing to make for the eye candy. It isn't the best looking game I've seen, but I much prefer the way it looks now. I'm not entirely sure what the settings were on before since I didn't check.
I never tried to change it but it is already in the options, it was for the Beta as well.

Was it? good god , how did I miss that.

As we're talking hopes though, I'm also hoping that there are plenty of "civilian" clothes to collect. Sad though it may sound, I loved collecting all the various non military looking clothing in TD1. So far most of what I've seen in TD2 has been militaristic clothing...and I loved my cowboy hat in TD1 :)
Was it? good god , how did I miss that.

As we're talking hopes though, I'm also hoping that there are plenty of "civilian" clothes to collect. Sad though it may sound, I loved collecting all the various non military looking clothing in TD1. So far most of what I've seen in TD2 has been militaristic clothing...and I loved my cowboy hat in TD1 :)
Found 3+ shirts, some blue shoes, and some other cosmetic bits during the Beta. I was so pleased with myself :D

I haven't done as much exploring with the technical test, in fact I've only got as far as the white house due to other commitments, but i imagine the cosmetics are still out there waiting to be found.
The Technical test feels less smooth than the Beta to me. At times it feels like my actions are occurring after a delay and I've noticed some jerking at the edges of the screen that wasn't present before, but this may be down to having my overclock on my cpu lowered. Otherwise all settings are the same.

I think their servers are struggling in general at the moment - I'm seeing a little bit of delay in menus in TD1 and sometimes skills, etc. take a second or so before the icon updates to reflect they've been activated and start happening, etc.

The more I've played with the technical test the less and less inspired by the game I am though - there is some really good stuff but skills are still really glitchy with lots of random problems, movement completely hampers any enjoyment I have in the game and finding more and more areas that are slightly glitchy/buggy even if its just things like incidental NPCs over-riding main NPC events either talking over them or getting the way, etc.

Also something going on a bit hard to explain unless you experience it where it is like the first ~3 shots are completely out of sync (I know in TD1 often the first shot can be out of sync causing issues with semi-automatic weapons/rifles) and also sometimes enemy health acting very different to what you expect with them suddenly dying at some point out of sync with your actual shooting.
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Also something going on a bit hard to explain unless you experience it where it is like the first ~3 shots are completely out of sync (I know in TD1 often the first shot can be out of sync causing issues with semi-automatic weapons/rifles) and also sometimes enemy health acting very different to what you expect with them suddenly dying at some point out of sync with your actual shooting.
I've noticed this in the technical as well as the previous beta.
Hmmm, debating whether I'd like this game or not. Got it as one of the games with amd bundle.
Reading up it looks like you can solo everything and not get involved in multiplayer at all?
Is there a campaign storyline? Or is it a case of battle for territory then gain more, rinse repeat?
Hmmm, debating whether I'd like this game or not. Got it as one of the games with amd bundle.
Reading up it looks like you can solo everything and not get involved in multiplayer at all?
Is there a campaign storyline? Or is it a case of battle for territory then gain more, rinse repeat?

There will be a story but The Division 1 really excelled in multiplayer rather than solo and I would imagine TD2 will be no different. Think of it in Path of Exile or Diablo terms, pretty tiresome and repetitive when playing for an extended length of time alone but way way better with friends

(Can probably include the Borderlands games in that analogy)
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