The Division 2 - March 2019

My buddy and I have been playing Div since it's launch. You usually run as a couple and find that we hold our own in the DZ against 4 player teams. This new version looks like it is more geared towards four players and I don't think we will be spending our evenings playing this. The Dark zones will be smaller and the levelling makes building kits moot. We both have around 2k hours in Div and will probably stick with that until they pull the servers.
The problem with joining other solo players they could quite easily just turn around and kill you when you least expect it.

I am always watching my back in the DZ unless I am with people from work or joining people I know will not screw you over the first chance they will get
Mine doesn't say, but i'd presume uplay.

I just claimed and yeah it doesnt say.

Rewards “Ryzen Game Bundle with Division 2” AMD Ryzen™ 7 2000 Series, or AMD Ryzen™ 5 2000 Series Processor Component and System Integrator Campaign
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Tom Clancy’s The Division® 2 - Ubisoft
Congratulations on reserving Tom Clancy’s The Division® 2! We will update your account and notify you as soon as the content key is available.
Release Date: March 15 2019

The release date is determined by the publisher and may change without notice.
Looks like its a uplay code, the AMD support rep answering my ticket on cpu validation, decided to add this info to his reply.

Game Release Schedule:
Tom Clancy’s The Division 2 will be publicly available on March 15, 2019 on Uplay.
Devil May Cry 5 will be publicly available on March 08, 2019 on Steam.
Resident Evil 2 will be publicly available on January 25, 2019 on Steam.
looks like I didnt get the 2nd invite.

It's only next week that the open beta starts anyway.

Won't play it too much as progress doesn't save, but the email says you can play all content apart from conflict, photo mode and the endgame mission. So should be a fair amount of exploring available.
They seem to have tweaked the movement a little, lot less instances of moving automatically beyond your input, but still not good enough for my liking. Haven't played enough to see how much anything else has changed and doesn't seem to be a changelog or anything like that - largely seems to be changes to the call for backup feature and some tweaks to mission difficulty.

EDIT: After a few minutes of play I quit out - the movement just completely kills my enjoyment even trying to look beyond some of the other criticisms I have. Might try and play a bit more later but I just can't get on with games that make movement unnecessarily clunky.
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Seems to be to make them easier so far - not a big fan of that really as it tends to pander to people who can't be bothered to put the time in to get good.

I am ok with it, I felt e.g. it was too hard to take out some control points in the closed beta as a solo player and as someone who had never played TD1.

The problem they got balancing this game is that some people play in groups and others play solo, the balance changes they make for groups seems not enough to make that as challenging as solo which could make them wrongly increase the baseline difficulty. e.g. someone mentioned when you in a group the enemies get more HP, but its not really the enemy HP that adds to difficulty it is the amount of enemies vs yourself. So e.g. 6 enemies vs 1 player is going to be a whole lot harder than 6 enemies vs 4 players even if those 6 enemies have more hp against the 4 players.

If you balance a game so it feels right for the veterans then the game will be too hard.
Players who already have the Private Beta build installed on their computer won't have to download this client again. Instead, they will only have to download a patch!

13.5GB patch. lol
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