The Division 2 - March 2019

Dunno about competitive to the degree he is talking about - those that do that tend to be self-contained clans anyhow - but if you are playing with randoms at higher difficulty setting it is annoying when someone hasn't got a reasonably well put together setup and/or ignores what the other 3 players are trying to achieve.

Personally I find the game much more enjoyable post level 30 in coop - unfortunately they've not really given it the City of Heroes type treatment where both solo and coop were equally enjoyable at end game.

Oh yes, playing with Randoms is a recipe for despair (in all titles), in TD and many other games , I ONLY co-op with friends and family. Absolutely no randoms ever.
How does this run on older i7's like mine (3770k @ 4.3) compared to the first? Didn't get chance to try the beta.

Didn't seem to have any problems with my 4820K @ 4.4GHz - though it was hardly touching the CPU really - my GTX1070 was the biggest bottleneck at 90-99% utilisation most of the time at 1440p but getting well over 60 fps almost constantly so I wasn't worried. It also feels really responsive even when you drop to around 50 fps it still feels better than 60 fps in all too many games these days.
Didn't seem to have any problems with my 4820K @ 4.4GHz - though it was hardly touching the CPU really - my GTX1070 was the biggest bottleneck at 90-99% utilisation most of the time at 1440p but getting well over 60 fps almost constantly so I wasn't worried. It also feels really responsive even when you drop to around 50 fps it still feels better than 60 fps in all too many games these days.

Good to know. I'll drop some settings to see a minimum of 60fps in all but heavy firefights hopefully.
Has anyone without the required hardware bought a raise the game fully loaded bundle? I'm wondering if there are specific hoops that need to be jumped through to redeem the games without an AMD card or CPU? Any input would be appreciated. Thanks.
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Excluding the PVP element, i just don't really see the competitive side with co-op play in TD1? So i'm not too sure where people are getting worried.

Dunno about competitive to the degree he is talking about - those that do that tend to be self-contained clans anyhow - but if you are playing with randoms at higher difficulty setting it is annoying when someone hasn't got a reasonably well put together setup and/or ignores what the other 3 players are trying to achieve.

Personally I find the game much more enjoyable post level 30 in coop - unfortunately they've not really given it the City of Heroes type treatment where both solo and coop were equally enjoyable at end game.

Perhaps I should've qualified the statement a bit more. I meant for myself, it's either going to be competitive play (and in PvE that means be fastest, be best, be first, have best gear etc. all very much present in these sort of grinding games as well) or playing solo for other reasons (immersion etc). I can't do the latter in co-op or with others (it feels wrong for some reason), so that leaves just the competitive element. I don't play co-op with friends just to shoot the breeze, so to speak; that's more for real life activities in my case.

I don't mean that others should enjoy the game in the same way as me.
I am currently using a I7 950, 1080p, 12gb of ram and a sapphire Nitro 390 8gb and when playing the beta it seemed to run fine.

Are UK beta dates different to that of US? Open beta doesn't start until 1st March here, would love to dive in and play this.
Has anyone without the required hardware bought a raise the game fully loaded bundle? I'm wondering if there are specific hoops that need to be jumped through to redeem the games without an AMD card or CPU? Any input would be appreciated. Thanks.

The automated process you have to install a windows tool, that verifies the CPU, it will pass verification in a windows guest under ESXi as well as bare metal.

Their website states if for some reason you cannot do this method of verification they will work with you to verify in other ways, but they dont state specifically what, I expect would possibly be proof of purchase or cpu serial number.
I really wanted to enjoy The Division but couldn't for some reason. Maybe I'll give this a go and see what its like on the 1080.
I've played a little of the division with all the gfx settings turned up and imo the Div 2 looks much better.

I'm not comparing setting to setting here, just the quality of the visuals in general. I do like NY in the snow, I have to say.
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