The Division 2 - March 2019

What did you used to get in TD1? I always found TD1 to be heavy on my cpu, so much so that it used to interfere with my Discord.

In TD1 from launch I ran 3570k at 4.3 and upgraded after a few months. I'd say the CPU use is very similar on this but with the 3770k at same clocks. This is with nothing else running in background on a clean pc. Wanting to upgrade as cash waiting but won't spend on Intel 14nm and pcie3 when next ryzen and pcie4 is so close.

Dropping the extra streaming distance noticeably increases fps. Even going from 10-6.
Some people are needing to click on the header of the Uplay app where it says "the division 2 open beta" then click preload within that to get it to activate. Bit weird
not sure if its just me but there seems to be a bit much of a delay when clicking to use a skill, then going back to weapons

theres been a few times when ive gone to throw a seeker and then an enemy has rushed me and reaches me before that animation is done and im back to my gun
Load this up with my Vega56 (and LG in sig) and although Freesync was obviously working (with HDR) it was really really choppy like it wasn't working (75-90fps on Medium). Gonna slip my Ti in and see if that handles it ok.

@LtMatt might be interested, with it being a touted AMD game. Just a heads-up.

yep same.
Typical afterburner issues, forcing game to CTD on startup for me so will try finding another way to monitor it later unless I can start that app after the games in session.

Performance is lacking imo, between 60 and 80fps maxed settings, lower at night with heavier shadow cascades, have seen 50fps although it's usually relegated to heavy bloom effects in the day staring at the sun. In buildings it can rise past 100fps but even with g-sync its a glaring ommision and stands out.

Honestly just feels like a cut and paste job with minor tweaks, think this must have been a lot cheaper to develop second time around because of this. Animations, textures and a fair amount of assets are reused.

Gunplay however is a lot stronger and makes me feel I'm actually contributing damage within a squad fight so there's this at least.

DX12 seems to run better than DX11, Less choppy and a higher AVG framerate from feel alone.

Ryzen 2700 @4.1 all core and a 2080 @ 2000mhz, 2560x1080 res

Feels too disconnected from my input, every time the player steps a few steps onwards from where I'm trying to stop or feels like turning a boat around to turn, etc. or rolling into cover instead pushes me into the open because I've hit the turn rate cap and so on increasingly becomes irritating until I just alt+F4.

Some people are needing to click on the header of the Uplay app where it says "the division 2 open beta" then click preload within that to get it to activate. Bit weird

That didn't even appear in uplay for me until after I'd managed to get the technical test to convert to the open beta via clicking on a link on the Ubi website itself at which point the entry in uplay magically changed.
This is a lot easier, I have gone through to the end of the rescue mission so far, not used a single armour pack. I dont know if its all down to the balance changes or me been better at the game from my private beta experience, but there seems to be way less enemies on the missions and even on patrols.
but there seems to be way less enemies on the missions and even on patrols.

During the technical test I found it varied more than the beta - sometimes there would be way less other times it would string more of them together in longer combat chains.
This is a lot easier, I have gone through to the end of the rescue mission so far, not used a single armour pack. I dont know if its all down to the balance changes or me been better at the game from my private beta experience, but there seems to be way less enemies on the missions and even on patrols.

Nerfed for the idiots.
Nerfed for the idiots.

Hopefully only in the early game. Noticed a few things in the private to open beta patch notes like:

- Decreased likelihood of early game Hyena NPCs from flanking the player.

Hopefully the AI will ramp up as the game progresses and not just soak up more bullets.
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