The Division 2 - March 2019

To me in the private beta the issue was the sudden large difficulty ramp up at level 5, the first 3-4 levels werent too hard anyway. So all I was calling for was a slower ramp up of difficulty not a overall nerf across the board. As always with developers tho they tend to over do balance changes, I seen it in many games.
With AB also have crash,doesnt matter if DX11 or 12.Guess its more like due to totally different PC setups,as some have this,some not.EVGA X1 tho working no problem
With AB also have crash,doesnt matter if DX11 or 12.Guess its more like due to totally different PC setups,as some have this,some not.EVGA X1 tho working no problem

Works for me now providing I launch after game start on dx12 at least
To those who REALLY enjoyed the Dark Zone from the Division 1, is it much worse now?

I had some of my best gaming moments in the DZ in Division 1, I wonder how much different is it now and are you guys enjoying it? How much has it changed?
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Well this release is a proper **** show........

- crashes - under dx 12, dx 11 feels horrible in comparison to dx 12
- have to set my tv as main display in order for fullscreen mode to stick
- and delta errors

Private beta ran great for me, not a single issue.
I'd like them to work on the map, it's not very detailed and I'm finding my self running around in the whitehouse trying to find what they want me to do.

Moving the mouse stops the deconstructing, so using mouse to click the button is better.

The double clicking has to go. It's utterly stupid.

Performance has been perfect for me, sorry to hear of others having issues, hopefully that'll get sorted.

Enjoying the combat, I never got into TD1 in a big way so I'm a 'casual' and from my light, it's really enjoyable.

If anyone can tell me how on earth I get rid of the '!' for SHD tech in the Whitehouse, that would be brilliant.
I think the biggest 'turn off' for me is the UI, not to mention the double clicking...

Yea, on a whole, the UI is just all over the place. It's tough to navigate, clearly designed with a controller in mind and then mapped to random keys for PC.
Bored within 2 hours or so. Probably played td1 too much. Feels exactly the same with bullet sponge repetitive enemies and uninspiring loot. Bullet sponge element works with certain enemies, just not humans in a semi realistic world. Probably a lot of fun if you haven't played the first one much, as will be more polished with more to do. Looks great and plays fine. Thought the ui was ok as well, by no means bad.
Bored within 2 hours or so. Probably played td1 too much. Feels exactly the same with bullet sponge repetitive enemies and uninspiring loot. Probably a lot of fun if you haven't played the first one much, as will be more polished with more to do. Looks great and plays fine. Thought the ui was ok as well, by no means bad.

More of the same but in a new venue is perfect for me and the missus. We loved Div1, loved the private beta of Div 2 (she liked it so much she immediately preordered the Ultimate edition), so pretty happy to hear that it continues to play much the same and looks great. Must admit despite initial reservations I ended up loving the aesthetics of Washington with all the ground clutter in the private beta.
More of the same but in a new venue is perfect for me and the missus. We loved Div1, loved the private beta of Div 2 (she liked it so much she immediately preordered the Ultimate edition), so pretty happy to hear that it continues to play much the same and looks great. Must admit despite initial reservations I ended up loving the aesthetics of Washington with all the ground clutter in the private beta.

There's very little wrong with it considering it's a beta and I actually prefer the visuals and setting to td1 as I think there will be more variety. The lighting and smoke/fog as well as the overall details is a step up. Just doesn't seem particularly inspiring or new having played the first quite a bit. Feel like it's all the same over again with the unlocks and progress.
There's very little wrong with it considering it's a beta and I actually prefer the visuals and setting to td1 as I think there will be more variety. The lighting and smoke/fog as well as the overall details is a step up. Just doesn't seem particularly inspiring or new having played the first quite a bit. Feel like it's all the same over again with the unlocks and progress.

Maybe you just need a wee break from it then, try again when the first episode content drops and see if being away from it for a bit has refreshed it for you
got to agree about the UI, much prefer the one in TD1

the drone spam is pretty annoying too...
still dont like the negative stats for weapon mods either

overall though its pretty fun so far
got to agree about the UI, much prefer the one in TD1

the drone spam is pretty annoying too...
still dont like the negative stats for weapon mods either

overall though its pretty fun so far

I like the idea of the negative stat, as long as they make sense. For example I would expect a suppresor to reduce range or some such and I would expect something like an extended magazine to decrease stability, as long as they arent daft things like a scope with negative accuracy etc then I like the rock,paper,scissors of the mods.
How people expecting SEQUEL to be totally different is beyond me.
Impossible to make game for all tastes.
Different enough from TD1 IMHO,many more things to do than id TD1.TD1 map feels empty compared to this.We didnt even scrached 5% of game.
Enemies has way more wariety than TD,and we had only 8lvl-chainsaw boss,boss with hammer chasing you,minigun etc.
To not expect bugs in Beta is naive,bugs will be in full release as well,games just way to complex and to big to make them bug free,cant remember any AAA game without bugs in last few years.
I had no problem with performance either,bar AB crashing game (there are more than few games where AB crashing them),forgot im on old NV drivers,updated to 419.17 and prob gone.
DX12 feels much better than DX11,tried both for few hours.

NPC's i liked more in previous private build,but thats i guess will be fixed,as quite a bit of players saying they are bit to easy.
Oh,and i liked new suply drop in LZ :D
You have to be joking right? Based on the play time in TD2, TD1 is so much more refined as its had more time to develop. I cant deny the gun play and cover models are amazing, but they have already nerfed how hard the NPCs hit - it was fine beforehand. It's not TD1 and at this point in time cannot match how much fun it was.
What's the double click issue people are going on about? I've not noticed that...

Also anyone got any ideas how I recon the DZ, it says I need to do something to fully unlock it. But I've had a wander around and cleared out some landmarks but can't seem to figure out what to do.
After playing tonight it just doesn't feel as good as Div1 to me, it's a step back in enjoyment levels for me personally. I don't get the same vibe from it, I don't get the same level of pleasure from the gameplay and the city itself+the lighting of certain times of the day, it looks out right ugly in comparison to New York.

I don't even feel enthralled to play any more of the BETA over the weekend, so weird to be saying that.
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