The Division 2 - March 2019

Hmmm, unlocked the end game characters, but get DC'd everytime I get a little into the intro cutscene, will try again tomorrow, 4am, time for some sleep.
When Beta launched yesterday,i had some FPS/stuttering issues,after few h they gone.Weird how game "fixes" itself.
Today it runs perfectly
When Beta launched yesterday,i had some FPS/stuttering issues,after few h they gone.Weird how game "fixes" itself.
Today it runs perfectly

Theres been an update. It's a beta, expect this to happen... It's the whole point of a beta lol.
@JediFragger hi mate

Freesync fine now. I had some issues along with some other guys on the latest 19.2.x drivers for Vega 64 using custom flashed LC bios, so before was using an older driver (19.1.2) to avoid the bug on newer drivers.

Now I've got that bug sorted, (check out the last 4 or 5 pages in the AMD driver thread) I'm running the 19.2.3 driver and it seems fine for me. Around 90fps outside, 130ish inside 1440p mix of high and ultra, Freesync looks about what id expect to be fair.
@JediFragger hi mate

Freesync fine now. I had some issues along with some other guys on the latest 19.2.x drivers for Vega 64 using custom flashed LC bios, so before was using an older driver (19.1.2) to avoid the bug on newer drivers.

Now I've got that bug sorted, (check out the last 4 or 5 pages in the AMD driver thread) I'm running the 19.2.3 driver and it seems fine for me. Around 90fps outside, 130ish inside 1440p mix of high and ultra, Freesync looks about what id expect to be fair.

Very strange then m8, was really really choppy for me but I've seen zero reports anywhere else (was working as I checked my monitor refresh was going up and down). I just popped it in a window and it was fluid, just no Freesync. Hopefully it's just a small issue either to be found by me or an odd driver issue.
Yep. I'm sure just a BETA thing.

On a side not, I'm enjoying this a lot more than when I played last night for a few hours. I think possibly the GPU issue I was having didn't help, kinda muddied my mood when playing. Now that's all sorted, game looks better, performance so nice, and also enjoying the content more. Kinda nice just getting down with my character properly.
light machine gun is a beast on elites, it can keep them staggered for eternity.

The balance changes I for sure agree now are way too overboard, turret over nerfed possiby, enemy count over nerfed.
Also elites dont guarantee a drop anymore either I noticed as well.

The thing with the turret it used to be capable of clearing out a group by itself, now it will serve as a useful distraction but you need to assist it to clear out enemies so its still useful, in that regard it only seems a subtle nerf but when you consider enemies have been nerfed as well its actually a big nerf on the turret. The healing drone I am surprised didnt get nerfed, you are not far off been a tank with it activated.
light machine gun is a beast on elites, it can keep them staggered for eternity.

The balance changes I for sure agree now are way too overboard, turret over nerfed possiby, enemy count over nerfed.
Also elites dont guarantee a drop anymore either I noticed as well.

The thing with the turret it used to be capable of clearing out a group by itself, now it will serve as a useful distraction but you need to assist it to clear out enemies so its still useful, in that regard it only seems a subtle nerf but when you consider enemies have been nerfed as well its actually a big nerf on the turret. The healing drone I am surprised didnt get nerfed, you are not far off been a tank with it activated.

They really should have just left it all as it was, it really wasnt THAT difficult a game in the first place, didnt really need changing at all. Do wish that devs would stop listening to moaners on forums and making things too easy all the time in games.
Talking about easier - dunno if they've massaged the AI in TD1 to try and appeal to a new influx of players (probably not) or they've just rebooted the servers and it is running better or something but a group of us were destroying the content in TD1 last night - Madison legendary we just face tanked the last boss group (normally a huge pain) right where they come out the door and killed them the fastest I've seen yet then did Warrengate and I cleared out around half of it (upto the timed section) on my own with ease while the rest were mostly AFK and the medics in the boss group at the end just melted without even needing tac link.
done the missions, got to level 8 etc so im done for now

only thing worrying me is the performance (yes i know its a beta, but were close to release day)
in TD1 i have most things on max settings, in this the same settings feel really choppy so had to go down to medium preset

but even on medium things dont feel smooth at all
also possibly related to performance but my cursor seems to slow down at times, like when looking around or in a firefight... really odd and messes with aiming

hoping its better on release
done the missions, got to level 8 etc so im done for now

only thing worrying me is the performance (yes i know its a beta, but were close to release day)
in TD1 i have most things on max settings, in this the same settings feel really choppy so had to go down to medium preset

but even on medium things dont feel smooth at all
also possibly related to performance but my cursor seems to slow down at times, like when looking around or in a firefight... really odd and messes with aiming

hoping its better on release

I've not had any performance issues personally - GTX1070 with i7 4820K @1440p most settings on high or ultra it is very smooth and responsive - framerate wise pretty much identical to what I get in TD1 though I've more settings on ultra in TD1 but not sure how closely equivalent the graphics are in that respect - ultra in TD1 might be more like high in TD2 or something.
It seems "ok" so far. Load times are horrendous, even on a good spec PC.

I think I'll suffer from motion sickness from it though so may at this stage pass.

Story looks like it could be great though.
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At the very least I'll take this 1-30, so will get my moneys worth (free AMD code, so zero :D). Not top-drawer though, it's obvious the 'A' team has moved on after making the fantastic Division and the B team are getting their shot, ie Not great.
Well for me it runs far smoother in OB than CB which is nice although I have had a few CTD's. Feels like they have tweaked TTK levels as enemies drop much easier, not sure if this will change for release again.

I'm not playing much of the OB as the full game is just around the corner, can't wait.
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