The Division 2 - March 2019

Yeah but pick up a key for 20 quid it's probably worth it. :p

To be honest the more I think about it, the more I'm considering getting it... I never actually spent money on D1 (game pass) and I really need my looter shooter fix now that Anthem has failed to live upto the hype!
To be honest the more I think about it, the more I'm considering getting it... I never actually spent money on D1 (game pass) and I really need my looter shooter fix now that Anthem has failed to live upto the hype!

There is no better looter/shooter atm,and is major step up from TD1,there is so much things to do,also Y1 content looks amazing as well (free also).
Massive really did homework not falling in same trap as Destiny 2
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Just had a quick couple of hours at the beta and it's loads better than 1 for me. The cover system is more friendly and fluid for one. Doesn't seem to be as much clutter on the screen either. And if I remember, didn't you have to walk everywhere inside safe zones, instead of run. That used to tee me right off. Nice, I like it.
And if I remember, didn't you have to walk everywhere inside safe zones, instead of run.

I think that was the case early on not 100% as I picked the game up later but only the bio-tent entrances stop you running now (still annoying but fairly brief) everywhere else in a safe zone you can sprint.
Just had an hour or two playing and it seems ok so far, I don't want to put too much time into it as I want to keep things fresh for me when it launches.

Having just replayed D1 over the last few weeks with a new character and pushing up to Lvl 30 I've seen a few things that bug me already, some of which have already been mentioned in the thread with regards to the UI and low enemy numbers. The UI in D1 wasn't the best but they've somehow made it even clunkier and more confusing to navigate, I'll get used to it in time no doubt but it doesn't feel nice to use atm. The world feels a little empty to me, in D1 you can usually stumble into an enemy patrol or people scavenging every odd minute. I've had a few occasions already where I've been running around the play area with nothing to shoot.

My main reservation at the moment is with the world itself, I'm just not getting that atmospheric feeling like I did with D1 so far. I think it's because we've seen this kind of setting many times before, whereas having D1 set in the winter set it apart a little. Running around in a snow storm with no visibility and heavy volumetric lighting is still one of my favourite things about that game. I'll reserve judgement until I explore the full map though as I've only seen the same few areas at this point.

Also the night time skybox is awful, it looks really low res and the further you look up the more you can see the stars turning into lines as they all are all stretched.
Running around in a snow storm with no visibility and heavy volumetric lighting is still one of my favourite things about that game.

I wish they'd made a mode for it that had the survival like weather conditions but a more casual take on the mode. I have to be 110% in the mood to play survival.
I wish they'd made a mode for it that had the survival like weather conditions but a more casual take on the mode. I have to be 110% in the mood to play survival.

Yeah I always thought they should have tried to include it somehow, I often wondered whether it would have worked if there had been some kind of server wide weather warning, where a snowstorm would come in for a good hour or so across the whole map and dark zone.
I played quite a lot of D1 and bought the expansions. A part from the various crashes and lots of rubber banding, D2 looks like it will be a lot of fun. Like a lot of people have said its got more to do than D1 in its base game and what looked to me like lots more loot to grab. It also looked like the stats are a bit easier on the brain, although I'm sure that will change.
I just cant justify paying £39 (with Uplay discount), that's a whole lot of food for the table. I guess in the past 10 years I have always bought games that are out of fashion or old at a dramatically reduced price, now nothing seems worth paying full price for. No doubt D2 its a great game but looks like I'll have free run of D1 DZ for a while...
For very different reasons I struggle to justify the price of TD2 - although there is some very good stuff in it and seems to be a lot of content including planned I can't get over the fact that there are a lot of TD1 legacy issues after they used them as justification for moving developer focus from TD1 at best I could only justify paying expansion pack kind of price and even then the movement as it completely kills the game for me which is sad because I jumped onto TD1 originally after getting sick and tired of trying new games and finding the movement and basic mechanics so naff.
Exotics look a bit different in TD2


For very different reasons I struggle to justify the price of TD2 - although there is some very good stuff in it and seems to be a lot of content including planned I can't get over the fact that there are a lot of TD1 legacy issues after they used them as justification for moving developer focus from TD1 at best I could only justify paying expansion pack kind of price and even then the movement as it completely kills the game for me which is sad because I jumped onto TD1 originally after getting sick and tired of trying new games and finding the movement and basic mechanics so naff.

This game will give you hundreds of hours of content at the least. You know it will, just like you know you'll be buying it :p

OB runs like an absolute dog for me for some reason. Had to turn down most of the graphics options to stop the game crashing but still getting some obscene stuttering that was also present in CB. TD1 runs perfectly fine, really not sure what the cause is at the moment.
This game will give you hundreds of hours of content at the least. You know it will, just like you know you'll be buying it :p

OB runs like an absolute dog for me for some reason. Had to turn down most of the graphics options to stop the game crashing but still getting some obscene stuttering that was also present in CB. TD1 runs perfectly fine, really not sure what the cause is at the moment.

The engine while same,quite a bit upgraded.
I specifically kept my old PC (3570,GTX1070,16gb) who run TD1 perfectly to see how much "damage" 2 will do,and at least in Alpha,Closed Beta old PC struggled in parts.I played with options obviously,and shadows and volumetric fog are your "enemies",turned them down and all ok,not much lost visually.
TD2 graphics improved quite a bit,more complex,so some extra gpu is understandable.

P.S.100's hours in this game is probably nothing,will be in 1000's easily :D

That sniper seems from Black Tusk guys,there is BT sign on very left,im very curious about exotics.
Will get 2 of them because of preorder.
Also there are few more exo shotguns and another AK,different,and some other sneaky info,but spoilers as well
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