The Division 2 - March 2019

Well, it'd dependant on settings etc. I'm not running a 1080 and i suspect you are running a resolution higher than 2560x1080 so my requirements are probably a fair bit lower than yours. I didnt have any cpu issues in TD1, but TD2 is much harder on my CPU and i cant find any combination of settings to really lower that. It's that bad my GPU using is hovering around 60-80% and that's just a GTX970.
Well, it'd dependant on settings etc. I'm not running a 1080 and i suspect you are running a resolution higher than 2560x1080 so my requirements are probably a fair bit lower than yours. I didnt have any cpu issues in TD1, but TD2 is much harder on my CPU and i cant find any combination of settings to really lower that. It's that bad my GPU using is hovering around 60-80% and that's just a GTX970.

try the shadows on medium aswell as the fog
if that doesnt help maybe lower resolution scale too
also the extra streaming distance, some people are having issues with that set any higher than 4

the game does seem poorly optimised, ive seen people with fairly recent i7 and a gtx1080 struggle to get decent frames

hopefully this stuff is sorted for launch
2560x1080 so ~33% more pixels.

try the shadows on medium aswell as the fog
if that doesnt help maybe lower resolution scale too
also the extra streaming distance, some people are having issues with that set any higher than 4

the game does seem poorly optimised, ive seen people with fairly recent i7 and a gtx1080 struggle to get decent frames

hopefully this stuff is sorted for launch

Yeah i tinkered with it a bit last night, had everything on medium, scaling 85%. looks rough and the framerate is low but the stuttering has stopped for the most part.
That’s what I did, but when you redeem the key, do it through the website, it didn’t work for me through the launcher.
Cheers, ill give this ago when I get the key.

I have not had any issues with other games from them so far.

I'm not fussed about the free games as I don't think I would play them anyway.

Edit - Just noticed that they have put the prices up for it now on cd keys as its £36.99. I may as well get it through Uplay, use the discount and at least have a free game to play when I get bored of the others
I've never played the first Division but gave this a go last night with my partner. She was using the secondary PC (2700X @ 4.2GHz, 16GB 3000MHz, Vega 56 @ 64 speeds) and I used my main gaming PC (2700X @ 4.2GHz, 16GB 3000MHz, 1080Ti OC) and we had a blast playing co-op together. Works really well, we will be buying it for sure. Performance was really good on both PCs, 1080Ti was pushing out more frames but the Vega still did really well with all the settings maxed and there were only a few instances where the frame rate dropped below 45FPS.

As neither of us have played the first, is it worth picking up? Or just go straight in with #2? I would imagine we will playing co-op through the whole campaign.
I've never played the first Division but gave this a go last night with my partner. She was using the secondary PC (2700X @ 4.2GHz, 16GB 3000MHz, Vega 56 @ 64 speeds) and I used my main gaming PC (2700X @ 4.2GHz, 16GB 3000MHz, 1080Ti OC) and we had a blast playing co-op together. Works really well, we will be buying it for sure. Performance was really good on both PCs, 1080Ti was pushing out more frames but the Vega still did really well with all the settings maxed and there were only a few instances where the frame rate dropped below 45FPS.

As neither of us have played the first, is it worth picking up? Or just go straight in with #2? I would imagine we will playing co-op through the whole campaign.

Honestly from a gameplay perspective D2 is pretty much the same as the first, so I wouldn't bother unless you want something to tire you over for the next 10 days :p
Honestly from a gameplay perspective D2 is pretty much the same as the first, so I wouldn't bother unless you want something to tire you over for the next 10 days :p

Tempted to pick up The Division 1 as the gold edition is only £7.50. Once we complete this, I am hoping they will have ironed out any problems with #2.
TD1 @ £7.50 is well worth it the campaign to level 30 is pretty decent though not everyone will love the end game content and at that price you probably don't get the extra stuff like incursions and underground, etc. which are some of the better experiences post level 30 for coop.

One downside for coop play through the main story though is that if you don't play together (i.e. if someone plays for a few hours while the other is at work, etc.) one person can easily outstrip the other making it a bit difficult to play together until you hit level 30 GS 256 without a bit of an impact on the experience.
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Does anyone know whetger the full release necessitate a new full download or will the beta download be at least partially used?
I would if you'll be able to copy the files over and then varify them, i know that trick has worked in the past.

Devs said that wouldn't be possible on the technical test forum - though it might just be a stock answer to prevent potential issues.

EDIT: Not devs but official Ubi representative.
the game does seem poorly optimised, ive seen people with fairly recent i7 and a gtx1080 struggle to get decent frames

I don't think this is a fault of the game TBH - possibly a Windows 10 or DX12 issue of some sort. It plays pretty much flawlessly performance wise on my older i7 4820K and GTX1070 - albeit I can't quite hit ultra settings and hold 60 fps at 1440p but a mixture of high and ultra is possible. My setup is only mildly overclocked.

EDIT: One thing I haven't tested for is how much difference RAM bandwidth makes with the game - generally it doesn't make much odds but I've noticed 1-2 games where the fairly high quad channel bandwidth on my 4820K lets me play at settings other people struggle with on ostensibly faster dual channel consumer CPUs.
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Seems AMD Rewards are really screwing up with not giving people codes... Really hope I get mine on release day and there's no delay!
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