The Division. Are we interested?

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It should have 21.9 support as the recent ubi games have. It will look glorious (hopefully)!

Watched some more videos of this and I really don't like the shooting, I hate games where enemies are bullet sponges..... the first e3 trailer was so much better :(
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What I can never get my head around is why devs make so many bad choices. They make a prototype and release a debut video and everyone goes wow. Months down the line these 'wow' features start disappearing until we come to release and these features are totally gone or changed in such a way that they dont 'wow' anymore.

Okay examples - obvious graphics downgrades aside - in the E3 2014 video and maybe others we saw a cool player wrist watch/gadget with an orange floating interface to access things in the game. It would zoom in on the players wrist an allow you to cycle through different options, nice bit of DoF to blur the backgorund. Wheres this feature now???

The world map, again in the early footage we saw a cool holographic unfolding map that looked intricate and detailed. Now what do we have, a toned down less fancy version. Why?

Colour pallete - thank **** for SweetFX - why doNT they have realistic looking environments with better colours without the horrid haze or tints to the visuals. Why? Surely someone at Ubi is capable of making realistic looking colours ffs!?!

The dog poop video on reddit/youtube right now -


Did the graphics artist have nothing better to do than work on a dog taking a dump - comical value aside and inevitable gifs/vids incoming - why not concentrate on better features?!

The list goes on but my point is why do devs just seem to get it so wrong, so often. Do games dev companies have too many anarchists working for them that couldnt really give two hoots about the final game and just happily take their pay cheque each month?

EDIT: An example of what Im talking about:

Even looking at that video title picture you can clearly see the difference in colour pallete, it has a redish tint to it - it could be a different time of day blah blah blah - but there is an obvious difference not to mention the more populated environment.
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Well that bottom video is comparing an e3 demo running on a very high end pc, to the xbox one version that isn't even running at 1080p. I would suggest waiting for the Pc beta to have a true reflection of what it will look like.
Well that bottom video is comparing an e3 demo running on a very high end pc, to the xbox one version that isn't even running at 1080p. I would suggest waiting for the Pc beta to have a true reflection of what it will look like.

Don't be silly, why wait when you can spout ill-informed rubbish :)

2 year old PC build versus Xbox one footage, OMG THERE ARE DIFFERENCES! Burn them!
Yeah not liking how they are bullet sponges either hopefully you will be able to change difficulty or something. Also hate the amount of clutter on screen hope you can turn some of it off.
Yup the amount of UI clutter is insane and no doubt the HUD/UI elements will be 16.9 and not 21.9 too i.e.

I had to turn of pretty much everything in assassins creed syndicate, it was so bad, it just distracts you from the game :o This "should" have options to remove some HUD elements though.

The one thing that does look superb about this game is no loading screens in MP i.e. you can go to the dark zone, enter your base etc. with no loading whatsoever, this is my biggest complaint with games like GTA 5, leave/enter your garage/apartment = loading screen, join/leave mission = loading screen
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I personally don't mind "bullet sponges" in an RPG. I'm quite happy to bash on some NPCs until they drop my loot :D
Besides I was always going to play this on my Steam Controller so anything too twitchy wouldn't suit me as I'm still getting to grips with the gyro aiming .

Article from RPS:

Think it strikes the right balance between excitement and caution.
Don't be silly, why wait when you can spout ill-informed rubbish :)

2 year old PC build versus Xbox one footage, OMG THERE ARE DIFFERENCES! Burn them!

Spouting rubbish hmm, how so?

You missed my point entirely but hey ho, don't work for Ubisoft by any chance do you? ;)
Watch dogs was bad but tbh, I was far more disappointed with the false advertising of far cry 3, huge downgrade for it:


I don't know why game companies feel the need to do this, yes it makes the games look even better and chances are more people would pre-order but the thing is, even after the downgrade, the games still look pretty good, they should just show how the game will really look as I doubt people will be that disappointed especially if the gameplay is good rather than misleading potential customers and causing a **** storm further down the line thus doing more damage in the end.
Watch dogs was bad but tbh, I was far more disappointed with the false advertising of far cry 3, huge downgrade for it:


I don't know why game companies feel the need to do this, yes it makes the games look even better and chances are more people would pre-order but the thing is, even after the downgrade, the games still look pretty good, they should just show how the game will really look as I doubt people will be that disappointed especially if the gameplay is good rather than misleading potential customers and causing a **** storm further down the line thus doing more damage in the end.

Vertical slice, it's all the rage.
I don't know why game companies feel the need to do this, yes it makes the games look even better and chances are more people would pre-order

You answer your own question there dude! I assume they are quite happy to take some flack over a downgrade to get the preorder sales, and as people don't seem to learn especially after Watch Dogs it will continue.
^ Not seen that comparison vid before and totally agree, it's a practice that all devs do and they seem to always get away with it. A typical feature of the games industry these days.
Spouting rubbish hmm, how so?

You missed my point entirely but hey ho, don't work for Ubisoft by any chance do you? ;)

Given that you're trying to draw conclusions from comparing console and PC footage (that's nearly two years old), gotta wonder if you're being serious, I hope not!

Wait and see how the PC version looks with all the eye candy turned up...
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