The Division. Are we interested?

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Just got this in the esnail.

Looks interesting. Not sure I like the extraction bit. Fair enough if you got lots of items to take but if you only find a single weapon/ piece of armor that you want to keep it will be annoying defending it from other players.
Just me or does the combat look 10 years out of date in the new trailer? The E3 demo they showed back in... 14? 15? looked 100x sleeker. This now looks like APB gameplay, slightly put off by that - combined with the huge graphical downgrade and having Ubisoft associated with it... I don't hold out much hope =(
I think the hype-train got the better of me with this. The closer to release and the more gameplay vids I watch I feel like I have seen everything the game has to offer already and bearing in mind comparisons to Destiny have already been made, I can see why I would probably dislike this game for the same reason I dislike Destiny....repetitive grinding and bullet sponge enemies.

I like a degree of 'realism' in games so unloading an entire machine gun magazine into a human enemy only for him to carry on running is just silly. Fantasy games with monster type enemies maybe, but post apocalyptic thugs with shotguns no.

I will try the Beta but just pray that after final release, someone makes a 'Realism' mod or 'RPG no more' mod and a 'No-more-clutter-your-screen-with-messy-HUD' mod.

As for the obvious graphics downgrade...dont even get me started. This definately is an Ubisoft game after all...

From what I can see and what I've read, all the current YouTube clips and talk is from the XBone version. The PC version, despite what the YouTube link further up says, hasn't been shown yet I believe.
wait, did they just downgrade the downgrade :eek::confused:

Reading between the lines, seems like the PC version is the one to play. It surely can't look this bad on PC, get the impression it wont from the video and I'm sure will perform way better than the xb1 for obvious reasons. I'm interested, just need a need game to get into now.

I've looked in to this and its B&&&&&& apparently- The first Vid is from PC and the others is console so what do you expect , wait until the game comes out because Ubisoft said they are working on different versions for console and pc.
When I played it in September the graphics were pretty swanky, we played on PC with Swift's and I was quite impressed. Would be very odd for them to downgrade it from what I saw to something that looks hideous in that time frame.

The combat isn't the worst, but being thrown straight into the game we didn't have much to get to grips with it within 15 minutes.

I'm looking forward to it for sure.
The people talking about downgrades haven't seen or played any PC footage. Make up your own mind on the 29th.

I'm in Germany till 31st - and that's when the beta ends >.<
I expect full indepth reviews from all of you, including ultrawide gameplay footage. :p
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