The Division. Are we interested?

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Not sure how I feel about this trend for live action trailers :s

They are a big waste of money but then PR +lies sells a game :p

That budget is better spent towards developer's salaries thus giving them the motivation + enjoyment to release a polished game, which in turn will lead to satisfied customers.
Only on live streams, there is no way pre-recorded footage that has been edited to hide usernames, ip's, version numbers etc etc can identify the user. Or the video uploader for that matter, it could be a different person.

A short clip of video could easily uniquely identify someone without any of that information.

First you've got all the gear the player is using, and the weapon + mods, selected grenades, skills. You have a location, any other players nearby (with their identifying characteristics), weather/time of day....that's probably enough to nail down an ID from a few hundred or thousand testers. Add in some combat telemetry (a single burst of weapon fire with it's damage stats on screen would be a good fingerprint), and you can be even more accurate.

Might seem like a lot of information but it's pretty standard to log this kind of detail to NoSQL stores for game design feedback (esp. during testing) and customer support reasons.

Plus the steganographic methods mentioned by CanSa, just blanking usernames isn't going to anonymise you ;)
They are a big waste of money but then PR +lies sells a game :p

That budget is better spent towards developer's salaries thus giving them the motivation + enjoyment to release a polished game, which in turn will lead to satisfied customers.

Money is not a big motivator for game devs btw, if it was we'd be in a different industry ;)
Numbers? I want to see guts and gore and limbs flying out of the enemy, not numbers!
Didn't even realise it was gonna be an rpg game thought it was going to be a realistic shooter with amazing graphics and physics (police car getting shot up anyone) with some interesting multiplayer mechanics.
Think ill wait for reviews and it to be a in the sales.
What did you expect from an RPG game...

You can still have an RPG and not make enemies absorb projectiles like they are nothing, not sure why people keep using that as an excuse for poor game mechanics. I don't want realistic arma style ballistics in this either, but some of the footage I've seen is ridiculous
Same as Borderlands, if you end up under-levelled with a crap gun everything turns into a bullet sponge. Level up, gear up, aim for crits, and they stop being bullet sponges.
You can still have an RPG and not make enemies absorb projectiles like they are nothing, not sure why people keep using that as an excuse for poor game mechanics. I don't want realistic arma style ballistics in this either, but some of the footage I've seen is ridiculous

Not really every RPG has enemies that don't do in 1-3 hits. That's kind of one of the fundamentals.

Personally speaking the AI didn't take that long to die, sans the veteran AI that have shields they seem overtuned..
If everything died in a matter of 5 bullets or'd mow through everything single player in seconds.

The game was never billed as an FPS sim guys.
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If everything died in a matter of 5 bullets or'd mow through everything single player in seconds..

No, you wouldn't. In Deus Ex I can kill an enemy with a head shot if he hasn't a helmet, but I'm also dead quite fast if I don't use cover and stealth. But that would be "too hard core" for the the numbers they're aiming to sell. :)
Deus Ex is a very different game, it's not a level and loot game like Borderlands and The Division.

Re: 'dead quickly'....trying sticking your head out when you're pinned down by a sniper in a dark zone ;)
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