The Division. Are we interested?

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This still loose interesting, even with new vids coming out. Usually where people loose their mind "ohhh that drain pipe looked better at E3".

Could be promising.
I really like the look of it, but the preview vids give me cause for concern re migraines. Shame I can't play the beta.

I'm also concerned that not having a huge amount of time to put into the game, I'd not get as much out of it playing largely by myself.
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I'm definitely interested in this game, and have purchased a Beta key to make up my mind.

This video is a good technical look into some of the graphics we have seen from E3 to now. It will be interesting to see if the PC version replicates this.

I'm definitely interested in this game, and have purchased a Beta key to make up my mind.

This video is a good technical look into some of the graphics we have seen from E3 to now. It will be interesting to see if the PC version replicates this.

I'd take that with a pinch of salt, it's just comparing trailers, not gameplay. Old trailers at that, pre-alpha.

Had to laugh a little bit as his expert software engineer witness, a compsci undergrad :D
That's quite an interesting video, but I'm not going to read that much into it. I'm keen to see what videos come out of the beta.

That said, my poor R290x probably wouldn't be able to cope with all those fancy effects so might appreciate a slightly dumbed down graphic experience if it's a good game.

I bought a beta key and now won't be able to use it as I'm away that weekend, rather disappointed but them's the breaks!
Yeah I am away the beta weekend too or I'd have bought one. Shame!
The BETA is out the same day Rise of the Tomb Raider is out. And I'm away all weekend. Arse!
Until I see a reputable source of confirmed PC gameplay that's not a rehash of E3 trailers and actually being played and, ideally, without the awful YouTube compression (uploading at >1080p and @60Hz means less compression at youtubes end?) then I'm not worrying about the graphics at this stage.
Rumours seem to be that the youtube/twitch chosen ones will have their NDA lifted further tomorrow to reveal PC stuff, but it's just speculation on Reddit afaik.
Until I see a reputable source of confirmed PC gameplay that's not a rehash of E3 trailers and actually being played and, ideally, without the awful YouTube compression (uploading at >1080p and @60Hz means less compression at youtubes end?) then I'm not worrying about the graphics at this stage.

I'm similar to you, I will just rely on the PC beta gameplay on the day. I don't really care what x,y,z person thinks and poorly analyzes until I get to play it myself.

It's like if they want to get their viewer counts up by releasing any old crap at this moment whilst the hype train is in motion. ;)
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