The Division. Are we interested?

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Did you log in to uplay when you went through the code entry part? If so it's probably already linked. You got the beta showing up in uplay yet?

It was asked for my uplay username and password on the division website when I put in the code I purchased, never went on uplay and theres no icon in there for division either....
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It was asked for my uplay username and password on the division website when I put in the code I purchased, never went on uplay and theres no icon in there for division either....

Mine is the same mate.

I had to log into the website but it's not showing on Uplay either.

I understand we can pre-load from Weds so I assume (hope) it'll show up then!
I've got a BETA code that I'll give to whoever wants it as I won't be installing Uplay if my life depended on it.
Mine is the same mate.

I had to log into the website but it's not showing on Uplay either.

I understand we can pre-load from Weds so I assume (hope) it'll show up then!

The game will get added to your account when they release it out for download then unlocked for Friday. This is what they done with the last few Beta codes i've had through Uplay.
Are they drip feeding the EVGA Experience codes? I've signed up and already bought a Beta key but if I get one through Experience then I'll pop it on here.
This kind of thing is not trivial to implement. PC gamers have such high standards that they completely take for granted the work that goes into all these extra features that PC gamers downright *demand* or else they'll completely bash you for it. And triple display support is hardly some 'standard' practice for PC games. It is definitely notable to have it, especially for this type of game.

The ability to scale according to the display by using a correct aspect ratio and a proper FoV should be standard. Not only you assure compatibility for today's standards, but also for the future (more so when you're an online game). If they can't code that, then sorry, find a different job or don't release it on PC.

For God's sake, I'm not asking the latest in graphical effects and perfect quad GPU scaling at 1080p! Multi display is out for some time and even older games can use it fairly well: Fear, TES 4 (although Skyrim and F4 cannot), etc.

PS: Funny how some developers can't code that in their engine, but a guy can do a workaround in his spare time. It's not about how difficult it is, is about how they don't care. :)
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Seanspeed is PC developer's white knight :D :p

And yup +1!!!!!

Fallout 4 on release day, not even the basic res. setting option was working, you had to go through 4 config files just to set your res. :o

Flawless widescreen 21.9 fixes are developed by mainly 1 guy iirc and usually within the same day of release too.... Says it all really.
That said i think that is a small part of the reason we are all pc gamers... we enjoy " tinkering " with stuff and making it work how WE want it to.
Even if you want to (which is a bit silly to mess around with a triple AAA game), it could get "banny" in MP scenarios. I wouldn't mess around in GTA 5, for instance, if I would like to increase the FoV for 1st person view.
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