The Division. Are we interested?

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Well it is coming to PC, so all rather moot. Not long till the **** hits the fan anyways :D

Yeah like I said I am not trying to defend them. They should do the best they can for any launch on any system and promising things that can't be delivered on is not something they should do.

I am still looking forward to it though and think it'll be a good fun game as long as they don't get all...well, Ubisoft about it.
Yeah like I said I am not trying to defend them. They should do the best they can for any launch on any system and promising things that can't be delivered on is not something they should do.

I am still looking forward to it though and think it'll be a good fun game as long as they don't get all...well, Ubisoft about it.

I am looking forward to the Beta and if it has some good gameplay, regardless of UBI, I will get it. I am far too old and far to uncaring to worry about politcis in games/hardware :D
I'm away that whole weekend so count yourselves lucky. No BETA for me and I sodding bought a BETA key and have been looking forward to TR since announcement!
If anyone can spare me a code I would really appreciate it. Looking forward to trying it out. :)
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Long gone are the days of gameplay ruling for some it seems. Graphics only :(

Some of my favourite games are grphically pap but the gameplay is there, so I enjoy it. I won't be buying this if it doesn't have the gameplay when I try the Beta but if it does have gameplay, I will and that is that.

I don't think it's so much that (hell I'm playing Dragons Dogma and loving it!), it's the mentality of grasping why they would show us something and declare that's actually what we're getting and then go as far as to say they aren't going to pull a WD again, that they learned form their mistakes... which gives us hope for a beautiful atmospheric pc game that can make use of legit hardware Only to be let down yet again :(

I'm gonna play the beta and if it's fun I'll get it probably, but still these companies have got to stop with this bs.
Ubisoft Massive Proclaims: “PC Is Incredibly Important To Us”

Ubisoft is guilty of making disparaging comments about the PC platform including remarks which brandish the audience as pirates. Not only that, Ubisoft has consistently treated the PC as an afterthought and released games in a buggy, unoptimized state. As a result, the PC community is very suspicious of any Ubisoft release and wary that the game might not live up to their marketing prowess. However, early reports indicate The Division is prioritizing the PC version and implementing multi-GPU support, HBAO+, an uncapped framerate and high resolution monitors. Additionally, Creative Director Magnus Jansén released the following statement to Rock, Paper, Shotgun on The Division and outlined the importance of the PC platform:

“PC is incredibly important to us. There are plenty of incentives to do a good PC version. Personally it’s important – a I play on PC whenever I can and I want the thing they play at home to be the best possible version. That is not to be underestimated as a driving force. Secondly, both of the studios, Massive and Red Storm started out on PC so it’s a matter of pride, or heritage and pedigree if you will. We feel kind of ashamed if we don’t do the PC version really well. It really is something that we care about.”

“We’re a very technical studio as well. Sweden is a very technical country – we’re good at infrastructure and design, and a lot of our staff come from the old demoscene as well. There’s a lot of that heritage in the Swedish dev community and that is true here at Massive as well. It comes very natural to us. The engine, Snowdrop, enables the artists to do all of that great UI work and makes it relatively easy to expose all of those options on PC.”

Clearly, the developer seems very passionate towards the PC, and it’s great to see. However, the proof will be when the game actually comes out and we hear reports from users on a wide range of hardware configurations. I’m cautiously optimistic, as surely they wouldn’t praise the platform so much if the game has performance related problems.
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It isn't necessarily just how it "looks" though, it is the physics and how things happen and the interaction with the game world etc. that CAN impact how the game "feels" to play.

Again like watch dogs, there was so much removed from the e3 version that the game lost all the atmosphere i.e. the night club scene in the e3 footage looked so engrossing but the final version, a big fat meh.

Like I said earlier:

THIS THIS THIS.. is what I was trying to convey in my rants at 5am lol. It's not even just that the game looks so flat it makes Miley Cryus seem to have a bigg booty, but it's missing so many little things that created that atmosphere.

ok I'm done though, until beta :D
Clearly, the developer seems very passionate towards the PC, and it’s great to see. However, the proof will be when the game actually comes out and we hear reports from users on a wide range of hardware configurations. I’m cautiously optimistic, as surely they wouldn’t praise the platform so much if the game has performance related problems.

It doesn't matter how "passionate" the developers are. If Ubi tells them not to spend time or money on improvements and assets that make the PC version look and play better than the consoles, then they won't. Ubisoft wants the product out the door with minimum delay or costs, and like all marketing led companies, think they can just whip up enough interest via bullshots and interviews like this to maximise their profit margins.
Not entirely sure if this has been posted here or not or if it's legit. I think it is does not look photoshoped like a lot of the others. Also i have a funny feeling im not going to get access to the beta :( really disappointing if i don't as i genuinely need to be able to judge if my system will be capable of running it as im on a temp POS since my x99 left me.
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Not entirely sure if this has been posted here or not or if it's legit. I think it is does not look photoshoped like a lot of the others. Also i have a funny feeling im not going to get access to the beta :( really disappointing if i don't as i genuinely need to be able to judge if my system will be capable of running it as im on a temp POS since my x99 left me.

If your really desperate you could always buy a beta key, they are selling for around .30-.70p or just check a few gaming sites for giveaways.
If your really desperate you could always buy a beta key, they are selling for around .30-.70p or just check a few gaming sites for giveaways.

Haha im not that desperate. If it comes to it i will borrow a friends account for twenty mins when the main game releases ^^.
Not entirely sure if this has been posted here or not or if it's legit. I think it is does not look photoshoped like a lot of the others. Also i have a funny feeling im not going to get access to the beta :( really disappointing if i don't as i genuinely need to be able to judge if my system will be capable of running it as im on a temp POS since my x99 left me.

Been posted a few times.

Roll on Friday :cool:
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