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just wondering why you levelling up 4 characters greg?

You can run Falcon Lost once per week to get 214 drops and then every run thereafter is 191 but if you have 2/3/4 chars, you can run it once per week on each char to get 214 drops. I am not good enough for FL Challenge, so I am resigned to 214 gear and quite happy about that for now. The same goes for dailies, I can run them all on each char to get more Phoenix creds. Plus I quite enjoy the challenge aspect of it again, albeit I was getting a rage on with some of the bosses on hard mode and getting owned too easily :(

Takes a bit longer leveling up on your own(my choice), plus logging in and out between alts, crafting and re-calibrating gear.
The material side is a bit naff now, had no option but to run around collecting mats with all 4 alts.
Need to start and do the dailies, not done any in a couple of days.
Will try at some point later today/night, to get my last alt leveled up a bit more in the DZ, then need to concentrate on getting my DZ66 alt up to 75.
Lots to do. :D
Should be on about 1-2pm, if anyone is about.

Yer, in fairness, I only had help on PA (hard) and Warrengate (normal) but I did hammer it and I gave my 3rd loads of gold to sell to help buying stuff. Like you, none of my chars have enough mats and in fairness, other than having 1000PC, they have nothing lese, no mats, no credits or DZ credits so I need to do some grinding on my main who has all the blue prints etc.
Because idleman hasn't spent to long playing this game :D, someone I play with was telling me his American friend had 3600 hours on the game and at the time I worked out how long the game had been release and it worked out at more like 1800 hours if he had played 24/7 since launch lmao.

I manage a couple of hours sleep, now and again. :D

Will be hopping on Division sometime today. will need to level up, only 11 haha. been a while :D

Yer, in fairness, I only had help on PA (hard) and Warrengate (normal) but I did hammer it and I gave my 3rd loads of gold to sell to help buying stuff. Like you, none of my chars have enough mats and in fairness, other than having 1000PC, they have nothing lese, no mats, no credits or DZ credits so I need to do some grinding on my main who has all the blue prints etc.

I had a load of 163 gear that I gave to the new alt, but as you start leveling up, ti does'nt go far.
I will probably spend an hour sorting through all my spare items, so as to buff the stats up on my new alt. Means a lot of logging in and out. Got a couple of HE Augs and Vectors, along with a half dozen snipers, along with weapon and gear mods. Got loads of Striker, Sentry, Tactician and Nomad items I can use, but don't have a full set of any.
I have quite a few and can roll bits of green as well for some 214 gear but nomads from DZ6 blueprints are pretty useless in truth and striker/sentry is my main hunt. My main gear of 3 striker and 3 sentry does very well and the Para from the BoO last week just rips the elites in no time.

I will be logging in soon if anybody needs a hand/boost with anything.
is there any other way to get set pieces?

I have given up doing FL with randoms as spent all evening trying to do it and failed so gave up.

I know they drop from the DZ but can you get any from running the normal missions on challenging? as I need another way I can try and get better gear as I'm stuck at the moment.
I have quite a few and can roll bits of green as well for some 214 gear but nomads from DZ6 blueprints are pretty useless in truth and striker/sentry is my main hunt. My main gear of 3 striker and 3 sentry does very well and the Para from the BoO last week just rips the elites in no time.

I will be logging in soon if anybody needs a hand/boost with anything.

I have to go to an appointment at 12pm, but should be back between 1 and 2.

Just got the General Assembly to do, then want to get the dailies done, before heading into the DZ.
Thanks to all I've played with tonight and aided me in getting to DZ rank 93; awesome!

You collecting Nomad too Gamble? Might be worth it if they change the talents/bonuses on it in due time (IF). I'd rather see it disappear entirely and have them change a few bits on the upcoming Juggernaut set.

Anyway, trying to do the same as you; full Sentry's, Strikers and Tactician's (& Juggernaut) at least and mix them about. Can't wait to get my new builds done; need more blueprints (hopefully come weekend) and proper 214/240 drops.

SiDeards73, add me on Uplay as well and when Falcon has reset come weekend I'm up for it as well. Maybe you and I, Gamble, can help the man out plus a fourth?

Shame I caught you as you were all leaving lol
But thanks to the brief 10 mins of clearing the extraction point I managed to extract some decent items from the DZ.
Hopefully catch you again for a longer session.
Think this was it..

No fixes today, server side tweek for chat spam. Concentrating on 1.2

1.2 - Not a comprehensive list, this is apparently some of the bigger points
*No date yet
*BIG changelog
*Lots of balancing - some weapon balancing to follow after 1.2
*Remove crafting as main source (more loot dropping)
*GS 240 score to remain max item level (new incursion to have same GS req as FL, new incursion name to change)
*Talent tweeks - Brutal (damage currently OP, will change to adding damage rather than multiplying), Balanced (fixed), Reckless (Fixed)
*Sentry - (4ps currently OP with some weapon type), poss balanced to MR? (my phone rang at this point, may have misheard)
*Talent stacking - Fixed
*Performance gear mods - Buffed skills to be useful
*Toughness UI attrib - takes into account to health and armour
*Armour cap - raised up to 75%
*VOIP - indicator in UI
*Pheonix Creds - double cap to 2000

*Sentry set Bug (marks being applied incorrectly, i.e.staying applied)- 1.2 fix
*Weekly reward not working when playing over reset time (i.e. still playing when the server resets) - 1.2 fix?
*No weekly rewards being looked at
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Think this was it..

No fixes today, server side tweek for chat spam. Concentrating on 1.2

*No date yet
*BIG changelog
*Lots of balancing - some weapon balancing to follow after 1.2
*Remove crafting as main source (more loot dropping)
*GS 240 score to remain max item level (new incursion to have same GS req as FC, new incursion name to change)
*Talent tweeks - Brutal (damage OP, adding rather than multiply), Balance (fixed), Reckless (Fixed)
*Sentry - (4ps currently OP with some weapon type), poss balanced to MR?
*Talent stacking - Fixed
*Performance gear mods - Buffed skills to be useful
*Toughness UI attrib - takes into account to health and armour
*Armour cap - raised up to 75%
*VOIP - indicator in UI
*PC - double cap to 2000

*Sentry set Bug (marks being applied incorrectly, i.e.staying applied)- 1.2 fix
*Weekly reward not working when playing over reset time - 1.2 fix?
*No weekly rewards being looked at

this looks like an interesting update :)
I have to go to an appointment at 12pm, but should be back between 1 and 2.

Just got the General Assembly to do, then want to get the dailies done, before heading into the DZ.

I don't mind bombing through that on hard if you want some help. I will be around most of the day as I have done all the chores to keep her indoors happy :D
is there any other way to get set pieces?

I have given up doing FL with randoms as spent all evening trying to do it and failed so gave up.

I know they drop from the DZ but can you get any from running the normal missions on challenging? as I need another way I can try and get better gear as I'm stuck at the moment.

DZ6 safe house sells nomad gear and the odd blueprint but thats it. Best source is FL, you really need to get with a good group of ppl who use comms.
DZ6 safe house sells nomad gear and the odd blueprint but thats it. Best source is FL, you really need to get with a good group of ppl who use comms.

one of the DZ safehouses (5 or 6) has at least sold GS items, the BoO tech guy has GS blueprints and they do occasionally drop in the DZ on named bosses.
lol they still haven't increased the ****ing stash size and made it that camos don't take up backpack space.

well if they have its not a main talking point compared to more important things.

but the 1.2 change log is sounding pretty big so keep your fingers crossed.
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