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I wonder if they have tweaked the loot tables during this last maintenance. I know officially there was not supposed to be any changes, but...

I've just completed 4 missions and received (all GS 163) a vest, knee pads, weapon (Police M4) and a HE Mk4 M5A2 scope - 21% headshot damage and 6.5% critical hit chance. First time I have ever seen this scope in HE and I've collected a ton of weapon mods. It is very unusual compared to what I've been getting over the past month or so.

Anyone else experience a change in the type of loot dropping?

Also received my season pass monthly supply drop - 5 each HE crafting material.


I think it has always been like that?

collecting wh***e? same as me then :D
cant wait till my laptop arrives :mad:

Good stuff and I look forward to you being back on... Well whilst you are connected and not DC from shoddy wireless connections :p
I think it has always been like that?

I have never completed 4 missions and not received at least 2 performance mods. 80% of all my HE drops have been performance mods, hand stops or barrel mods.

Maybe today was just a statistical anomaly but I hope I have more like that.

Would really like to try FL on Hard this weekend if anyone is about.

I have never completed 4 missions and not received at least 2 performance mods. 80% of all my HE drops have been performance mods, hand stops or barrel mods.

Maybe today was just a statistical anomaly but I hope I have more like that.

Would really like to try FL on Hard this weekend if anyone is about.


HM FL doesn't take too long so I would like to run through it several times this week and weekend :)

I think I have you added already in Uplay so will invite when I see you! :)

Anyone want to do anything particular tonight? Need PC and more greeennnss
Sorry wasn't on at all last night, I was busy watching movies. I won't be on tonight either but I should be on Friday and the weekend, no work on Monday either so I'll probably be on then too.
I am more than happy to do multiple Incursion runs. I am not that great though but know what I am doing (for the most) :D

I would welcome an invite mate,...I need to get my main and my Alt lvl 30 through,... I am having Zero success with random groups:confused: :mad:
Who the the big pvp dawgs around here? I need another 5 levels to get to 75 tonight!

PVP is the best way to level up quickly.. But also the quickest way to lose XP quickly too :p

You should add Prattler though, always manages to go rogue with no prior notice to his teammates :D
Glad I didn't buy the season pass, not great at all imo.

I've had my moneys worth already I think having paid for the season pass :p
It's an odd one this game - on one hand it's got lots of bugs, cheats and it's shallow as hell - but on the other - something about it means I can't stay away. Patch 1.2 looks promising! The lack of good loot has made me switch between this and a play through of Dying Light - but like I said, I keep coming back to this. Only wish I had more time!!!!
PVP is the best way to level up quickly.. But also the quickest way to lose XP quickly too :p

You should add Prattler though, always manages to go rogue with no prior notice to his teammates :D

Yup, I normally just kill one guy then run away until my timer disappears. Tried using match makinging for the DZ but I just end up with mutes who end up shooting everyone!
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Who needs their alts leveling boosting?
I may as well complete my 4th and if there are another 3 of us then we can get it done in no time. Just requires a bit of coordination but we're all on Discord anyway.

How to do it:

HM FL doesn't take too long so I would like to run through it several times this week and weekend :)

I think I have you added already in Uplay so will invite when I see you! :)

Anyone want to do anything particular tonight? Need PC and more greeennnss

I need to run through the dailies AQAP and then it's off to the DZ for funds, mats, XP, fun!

If you are going to watch it, can you provide a breakdown of items covered in here? At work so wont able to see it.

Hope 1.2 eta gets announced.

- So they haven't fixed One is None yet? :D
- New weapons coming (Barrett sniper anti-tank for sure, F2000 maybe?)
- Like the idea of multiple new Gear Sets coming. On the other hand it messes current things up ha ha!

Got to wave 15 on CM FL last night then wiped, absolutely gutted :confused: It was the agents with the seeker mines that did us in :(

When the mine is near you keep rolling, it shouldn't do you any damage upon exploding ;)

is there any other way to get set pieces?

I have given up doing FL with randoms as spent all evening trying to do it and failed so gave up.

I know they drop from the DZ but can you get any from running the normal missions on challenging? as I need another way I can try and get better gear as I'm stuck at the moment.

There are a couple of people needing to run FL HM on here, and plenty of us you can tag along with; I'll reply it a few times probably after the reset come weekend.

Yes normal chal missions can drop a green but the chances aren't good I suppose.


I've seen mats mentioned but there are also 2 new weapon skins at the rewards guy.
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