The Division. Are we interested?

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Managed to finally get hold of a cheap key for this (uplay) so will be installing it later. Now that everyone has been flat out on it for a good while is it still relatively straightforward for a newcomer to jump in and start playing?
Managed to finally get hold of a cheap key for this (uplay) so will be installing it later. Now that everyone has been flat out on it for a good while is it still relatively straightforward for a newcomer to jump in and start playing?

easy peasy. :D

If you're not sure about anything, just post, plenty of guys on here willing to help.
Managed to finally get hold of a cheap key for this (uplay) so will be installing it later. Now that everyone has been flat out on it for a good while is it still relatively straightforward for a newcomer to jump in and start playing?

It's probably a good time to start playing now as the amount of hackers in PVP has drastically decreased. I only came across one yesterday during a 3 hour DZ session whereas before there would be atleast 5 in an hour.

Just play the campaign at your own pace.
I completed falcon lost on challenging last night, got a 240 score sentry mask though which i don't really need.
It's probably a good time to start playing now as the amount of hackers in PVP has drastically decreased. I only came across one yesterday during a 3 hour DZ session whereas before there would be atleast 5 in an hour.

Just play the campaign at your own pace.

Sounds good, will do. How big is the download? Travelling back from London and will kick off the download via snailpace broadband when I get in.
Praise the Lord, Bird Bucks cap increased to 2k!

Just watched the twitch stream, about damn time they increased it. Would have been nicer if they upped it to 3k or even removed the cap altogether.

That 1.2 update is looking really good so far. Never knew about the sentry bug, wouldn't mind trying that sentry set out before they patch it.

Will be back on by the 17th so the patch could possibly be out by next Friday as he said next week could be very exciting.

Won't have any catching up to do after my two weeks off apart from working on increasing my gear score and armour more.

So far I have four strikers and two sentry which has been working well for me, DPS is 245k, 81k health and 10.5k electronics. DZ I'm already rank 99 so just need to work on getting more DZ funds as they are a pain in the ass to get.

Just want the M1A blueprint next and I'm happy :)
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I wonder if they have tweaked the loot tables during this last maintenance. I know officially there was not supposed to be any changes, but...

I've just completed 4 missions and received (all GS 163) a vest, knee pads, weapon (Police M4) and a HE Mk4 M5A2 scope - 21% headshot damage and 6.5% critical hit chance. First time I have ever seen this scope in HE and I've collected a ton of weapon mods. It is very unusual compared to what I've been getting over the past month or so.

Anyone else experience a change in the type of loot dropping?

Also received my season pass monthly supply drop - 5 each HE crafting material.

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