The Division. Are we interested?

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I'll be on tonight anyway doing whatever, DZ probably, need more funds and mats

OK cool :)

I made 50k DZ funds yesterday, 300k credits and a rank from DZ farming. Wanting to do the same, if not more tonight.

Hey man, glad you're enjoying the new beast!!! :D

I gotta say though, my Ti's scaled pretty well after a patch or 2. Wasn't perfect, but got between 90-99% utilisation@4K :cool:

See, I can utilise my cards to 95% at 4k but then the FPS drops to around 45.

What drivers are you on? (realisation I may not have bothered to update them to include the division SLI drivers)
If at anytime you are short for one on CM FL, I will step in. The furthest I have gotten is Wave 9 and we failed.

1st attempt in CM with Melbo and Tootall and a random last night got to 14 and were doing well.. then all went to S***. and after that couldn't get very far >.<..

Fantastic strategy and worked extremely well.. Def need to do it again with them sometime..

OK cool :)

I made 50k DZ funds yesterday, 300k credits and a rank from DZ farming. Wanting to do the same, if not more tonight.

See, I can utilise my cards to 95% at 4k but then the FPS drops to around 45.

What drivers are you on? (realisation I may not have bothered to update them to include the division SLI drivers)

I made the same amount then I got killed x times and came out with a lousy 2K. FTW.
Im online,will be all day :)
just trying to figure best settings for that new lappy,as it has Win10 and i dont like it and Div runs quite a crap with it,so need to reinstall Win7 at some point
Anyways-im on if any want to do dailies,FC,DZ
the OS shouldnt cause TD to run bad, running W10 here with no bother.

check it'll work with 7 before going through the bother of wiping it..
the OS shouldnt cause TD to run bad, running W10 here with no bother.

check it'll work with 7 before going through the bother of wiping it..

I had W7 on my main pc at home,and after i upgraded to W10 it felt little bit different (same drivers for gpu),little bit more lag,so having much weaker gpu in this laptop it should (i hope) make a diff after i install W7.Not today tho,to busy atm :D
I did some DZ runs earlier today our team of 3 going rogue and farming people it was fun until we went down to two men, a team of 4 on Manhunt took out endless guys including us at a safe house in DZ3 we just couldn't touch them, something fishy so I just left before i lost far too much xp :eek:
I seem to have hit abit of a wall now..

My gear score is 189 (although that's my choosing to get better stats, highest I can be is 196).

But nothing I have access to is building me up now. DPS 180 and 125, Health 72, Skill 20.

I've only run FL on Hard, and that's hard simply dependant on the group I get lumbered with as no one seems to know what they're doing when I matchmake.. don't really know anyone personally to group with. But I guess I need to be doing this on challenging to get some 240 pieces.

With Dark Zone, its frustrating me. I'm lvl 30, and PvP doesn't interest me. I just want to lvl up to unlock DZ Blueprints.. Seems to be taking an absolute age. Last night I got randomly pwned twice by two groups of 4 just killing for the fun of it in DZ03. I didn't even have any items on me.

Plus, I'm on xbone, which I believe most of you aren't. But, if you are and fancy teaming up to help try and push me over the edge before the game does, gamertag: RocketRammer2k7
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