The Division. Are we interested?

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Few points I picked out which is applicable to anyone(outwith in game gear etc)
*any skill equipped is applicable to this run - use them as soon as they are up with the exception of pulse - save that for the start of waves(as in when shotgun rushes will arrive)
*ultimates - if you feel you are about to be over run, use them. This is why we run high skill builds with us.

What I also learnt tonight, the team leader of a cm run needs to be patient...something which I am not so because if that, I can't pull anyone through it lol! Labby/mender/f34r/greg - I am destined to do cm fl with one of you guys with me for the time being.

*comms - it isn't a gimick. Listen and communicate what you see.
*discord - tempted to use personal discord for whatever 4 man group I am in....

Cm fl is fun, albeit exhausting and stressful sometimes, but I still want to do it as much as possible before the patch.
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Few points I picked out which is applicable to anyone(outwith in game gear etc)
*any skill equipped is applicable to this run - use them as soon as they are up with the exception of pulse - save that for the start of waves(as in when shotgun rushes will arrive)
*ultimates - if you feel you are about to be over run, use them. This is why we run high skill builds with us.

What I also learnt tonight, the team leader of a cm run needs to be patient...something which I am not so because if that, I can't pull anyone through it lol! Labby/mender/f34r/greg - I am destined to do cm fl with one of you guys with me for the time being.

*comms - it isn't a gimick. Listen and communicate what you see.
*discord - tempted to use personal discord for whatever 4 man group I am in....

Cm fl is fun, albeit exhausting and stressful sometimes, but I still want to do it as much as possible before the patch.

Nice post Gamble. Its been a pretty good few days for the OCUK Division community. The talk has gone from lots of people wishing they could do FL HM to lots of people getting copmpleted runs. I think I must have been involved in about 7 or 8 people getting their 1st completion and now every1 feels they can do it. So thats really great for us all and in prep for the new Incursion coming in 1.2
Few points I picked out which is applicable to anyone(outwith in game gear etc)
*any skill equipped is applicable to this run - use them as soon as they are up with the exception of pulse - save that for the start of waves(as in when shotgun rushes will arrive)
*ultimates - if you feel you are about to be over run, use them. This is why we run high skill builds with us.

What I also learnt tonight, the team leader of a cm run needs to be patient...something which I am not so because if that, I can't pull anyone through it lol! Labby/mender/f34r/greg - I am destined to do cm fl with one of you guys with me for the time being.

*comms - it isn't a gimick. Listen and communicate what you see.
*discord - tempted to use personal discord for whatever 4 man group I am in....

Cm fl is fun, albeit exhausting and stressful sometimes, but I still want to do it as much as possible before the patch.

I'll always he about ha ha!

Survivor: I'd like to add that that means to communicate beforehand who is going to use theirs, use only one, and it shouldn't be the one going for the bomb.

Discord: having other people coming in the same channel is distracting and confusing, a personal channel is desirable.

Group leader: good idea, although I am not sure who of us is ha ha? Labby most likely :) (i.e. The skill build)

Nice new load out Gamble! Personally I'd stick with 4 Sentry until the patch lands because nothing beats having the additional 52% DMG in FL.

Let's do 1 successful FL CM run and head off to the DZ, haven't been there in two days and just short of 400K. Need to double that or close to.
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Nice post Gamble. Its been a pretty good few days for the OCUK Division community. The talk has gone from lots of people wishing they could do FL HM to lots of people getting copmpleted runs. I think I must have been involved in about 7 or 8 people getting their 1st completion and now every1 feels they can do it. So thats really great for us all and in prep for the new Incursion coming in 1.2

Agree it has been a good week...I'm one of those who finally completed FL on Hard. It makes a huge difference to gear progression, and general progression in that I am confident to match-make with randoms to do the challenging dailies. No-one wanted a GS 164 but at GS 186 it's very different. I've done 4 challenging with randoms over the past 2 days.

I haven't seen any of the OC crowd on when I have been for the past 2 days though. I am beginning to think I may have a problem with my group screen - the same eight people were on it last time as the time before (24hrs between). I'll be worried again later if it is the same again.

Ah fate, that sometimes happens which is very annoying. For about an hour a night all the entries in my friends list bug out and vanish lol
Had a good evening last night, got the dailies done (had a suicide squad for lex but got there 2nd attempt), got everything for the weekly bar the 10 missions.

*puts on tinted glasses*

Even in the dz, ranked a few levels, got enough creds for the next good bp in rotation. Was busy server and a rogue fest even in the lower levels, managed to avoid any deaths all night, didn't see any cheaters.
Got a few of you added already but last night was my first time playing in ages and seems my character is miles behind everyone else now. Anyone around level 14-15 who I can play with?

uplay - DHutch85
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Did it after the Liverpool game (2nd attempt) - was good, well organised group.... most importantly - NO LAG!!!! (was so close with Gregster!)

I think being patient is the most important thing and to be ready for the shotgunners....

Thanks Big and the rest of the team...
Nice one Spluff :)

Not sure where our failings were last night in truth and I was proper gutted to wipe out on wave 14 but I know another day and not so tired, we would have made it. CM FL is more than doable for most of us regulars now but comms and especially listening is the key.
When planting the bomb in FL whats the best way to do it?

playing with randoms and people seem to do what they want

I am a big fan of going left whilst the other 3 stay in the pit. I press the turret switch and then hit my Ultimate and go. Only failed once and that was due to some weird lag issue where it wouldn't let me plant.
You don't need ultimate for planting the bomb, not yours I mean. Let someone else pop his, and you throw down a healing station behind the apc and wait until they start shooting it. Stroll up and plant the bomb and stroll back to the pit without getting hit.

A decent drop...... finally.
When planting the bomb in FL whats the best way to do it?

playing with randoms and people seem to do what they want

If the bomb drops left then one person goes left, twitches off the turret, overheals and plants the bomb. Doesn't matter if you die after planting as you will respawn anyway and save your signature.

If it's wave 15 only then will I use it to ensure it is guaranteed to be planted whilst taking less damage from mobs. We normally just banzai it at the final wave.

If it drops at the right then one person turns off the left turret and I will turn off the right and plant it using the same overheal method.

Edit - Flash bangs and EMP grenades disrupt the turret, so you could always use them also.
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on other patch notes------ Scavenging changes in 1.2
The effectiveness of scavenging has been a long discussion within the community. With the changes made to loot in 1.1 the benefits have diminished slightly. This is something we are aware of and are working on to improve in update 1.2. so we shall see if they fix it in 1.2 :rolleyes:


We are adjusting the damage output level 34 variants of these NPC types :D that will make CM FL easier as well as the next incursion
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