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I was looking at using Predators Mark set. Partly because I ended up with 3 items already due to the armour and stats and also because it sounded like a decent 4 piece Bonus.

The 4 piece bonus for this is:
Set Bonus (4):
Talent | Predator’s Mark
Hit 10 shots without switching target to make the enemy bleed for 100% of damage already done by those bullets.

Some people were of the opinion that it may be a total bleed of the 10 shots combined e.g. 10x 25K shots = 250K bleed whereas others thought it would just be the 10th bullet damage e.g. 25K bleed.

I went ahead and tested it with Pistol, SMG and Sniper. I didnt have LMG etc to test but my guess would be it works for ALL weapons:

The last section of the video I put explosives on. Its worth noting that the explosive damage does not seem to be counted for the bleed effect i.e. 25K bullet damage and 10K explosive will NOT give 35K bleed but just 25K bleed again.

So the results are that the 4 piece bonus will take the damage from your last 10 hits from bullet damage (as misses dont reset it) and then inflict an average of these hits as bleed damage every second for 10 seconds giving you a total of 100% extra damage bonus. It would also appear that, if you have hit 10 shots and they are bleeding, the 10 shot "counter" is not reset until the bleed stops i.e. you cant have 2 or 3 lots of bleed on a single target at the same time.

Of course, someone can heal themselves but the bleed will still occur for the remainder of those 10 seconds

Not sure about you but, in theory it looks good for PVP.... Only time will tell.
Very good Richie, cheers

Made a million credits today, and got 22 different 240 GS items so its time to start piecing some stuff together :) Without rolling, just to see what I can as base stats.

Want to hold out a bit longer and collect more things/credits
That looks good Richie, as it happens just dropped 3 Predator's mark items on 2 CS incursion runs so hopefully will be able to give this a try and see how well it works soon

Cheers Prattler, Mario, Spluff for that, was pretty easy :)
So, started a weekly hvt , joined a group, bam - no mission, no repeat, lost 40 Intel credits
Tried again , failed again

How am I meant to complete these missions, I can't solo them and grouping seems bugged
I can't chat because of the ui bug

I'm beginning to lose patience , a lot of these bugs are pretty obvious yet they weren't discovered by their testers ?
Right if you dont know there is a daily and weekly mission farm where you just farm 214\240. All you need to do i start a high value mission, when you have the boss in sight, pulse him and quickly leave the mission area. You have failed the mission, quickly run back and kill the boss. Go back to the boo restart the mission and rinse and repeat. You have tonight to do this as tomorrow it will be patched out.
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Pretty peeved at this game right now, 30 mins to play and I've so far spent 15 trying to get a group, keep being kicked for crap GS and then the buggy UI makes me log out/in to try find another group who then kick me again etc. Only reason I'm in the stupid 160+ bracket is a piece of green armor which is worse than my existing setup.

Edit: How on earth do people farm anywhere outside of DZ01-2 solo, I can just about survive in 3 but keep being jumped by people going rogue when they realise I'm alone. Never seemed to happen in lower brackets, people much more willing to team up etc.
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No gear sets tonight which is a bit pants.

I have about 9 different 214 gear set items and they are all much worse than my current 182 Yellow stuff. Really odd.

Rolled my MP5 and got some good stats but still need some better guns and money. Have 142kdps 252k toughness atm.

Going into work for 2 hours tomorrow then spend the day doing the dailies and HVT stuff from 10ish.
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