The Division. Are we interested?

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I think the ui bug kicks in when going multiplayer? Was fine all night until I matchmaked for daily challenge.

Completely derp'd on both hvt missions. Complete waste of time..
I'm really confused.

So in 201+ bracket only gold Division Techs are dropped.

But we can't covert HE Division Tech into HE parts for crafting?

Or am I being a noob and there is somewhere I can convert the Division Techs into parts that I need lol (Really need HE tools & electronics to craft mods)
I'm really confused.

So in 201+ bracket only gold Division Techs are dropped.

But we can't covert HE Division Tech into HE parts for crafting?

Or am I being a noob and there is somewhere I can convert the Division Techs into parts that I need lol (Really need HE tools & electronics to craft mods)

Div Tech is NOT mats/parts,div tech is additional crafting element for weapons/gear/mods which you crafting from blueprints bought in DZ
Blueprints bought outside DZ can be crafted without div tech.
My latest kit-out with three striker and two sentry (still no decent holster better than my 182 crafted one) and a 182 primary weapon gives me a DZ gear score of 201.57.

That's cutting it fine :-)

Need to go into 201+ though to progress so I'll just join a group doing Dz1-3.

Also still haven't done CS after the attempts on the first night. I'll be on tomorrow between about 11am - 2pm if anyone is about.

Div Tech is NOT mats/parts,div tech is additional crafting element for weapons/gear/mods which you crafting from blueprints bought in DZ
Blueprints bought outside DZ can be crafted without div tech.

Yeah I know Div Tech are used as a material for crafting blueprints from DZ.

But I think you can convert green/blue Div Tech into other crafting parts like Weapon parts / Tools etc in the BoO though?

Green DV for blue parts, Blue DV for gold parts, but I don't see anywhere I can covert gold DV into any parts though?

I'm just saying this as I've got loads of Div Tech from farming now, but without parts like Tools / electronics all those DT are essentially sitting there...
My latest kit-out with three striker and two sentry (still no decent holster better than my 182 crafted one) and a 182 primary weapon gives me a DZ gear score of 201.57.

That's cutting it fine :-)

Need to go into 201+ though to progress so I'll just join a group doing Dz1-3.

Also still haven't done CS after the attempts on the first night. I'll be on tomorrow between about 11am - 2pm if anyone is about.


I'll help you run through it tomorrow if you like. Uplay is Melbo-
I'm really confused.

So in 201+ bracket only gold Division Techs are dropped.

But we can't covert HE Division Tech into HE parts for crafting?

Or am I being a noob and there is somewhere I can convert the Division Techs into parts that I need lol (Really need HE tools & electronics to craft mods)

Gold Div Tech is the highest economy in the game. If you have lots then you are not crafting enough.

If you are running out from weapon, tool, electronic and fabric materials then either:

1, Deconstruct items that you pick up from the open world
2. Purchase items from DZ, BoO etc to deconstruct using your normal PVE credits or DZ funds.
3. Pick up materials from the random loot locations marked on the map
4. Deconstruct items from DZ extractions.
5. Use Phoenix credits to buy items and deconstruct.

Last week people hand more materials than Div Tech and now since 1.2 it's the other way round. You just need to find the balance to ensure you have enough crafting materials to make new gear mods, weapon parts etc and enough PVE credits to re-roll at the calibration station and enough DZ funds to buy the weekly blueprints.
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So my 22 240 Gs items, I have now sold as I have a goal in kind for what I want to get and these items weren't included in that. Onceni get what I want I will start farming for different sets.

Current setup: 229k dps, 409k toughness, 15k skill which I can make fluctuate 10k either way with mods.
So my 22 240 Gs items, I have now sold as I have a goal in kind for what I want to get and these items weren't included in that. Onceni get what I want I will start farming for different sets.

Current setup: 229k dps, 409k toughness, 15k skill which I can make fluctuate 10k either way with mods.

Would you mind listing your kit to achieve those stats

I'm on like 200k dps, 135k toughness, 10k skill

Just bought this game. Anyone fancy playing Friday night?

I have a couple of alts (second, third and fourth characters) that I am levelling up so would be happy to help out with the missions and levelling up.

I'm usually on in the middle of the day, UK time.

Uplay is Dr.Fate_OC

Would you mind listing your kit to achieve those stats

I'm on like 200k dps, 135k toughness, 10k skill


Of course, but please bear in mind this is a thrown together set to do me temporarily until I get the following:

Full sentrys in 240
Full strikers in 240
Full Hunters faith in 240

I used to be on 4 piece sentrys and 2 piece tacticians but that didn't cut if after the patch(all were 191 or 204) so I had to result to changing my gear a lot to make me resilient throughout the whole dz

Also **** balanced day to days. I am aiming for a pure toughness and high dps build now first, then once I have that I will focus on getting other sets to do a high toughness and electronics build for support for the future incursions. Although it is nice to have a nice high DPS and electronics build as it allows or pulsing/smart cover with a high dps build to work off.

Anyway, here is a screenshot of how I am now:

And a screenshot of whatI was before:

I changed a few mods since I posted but this is doing me well so far. I do mis the 30k skill however :( but the high toughness is worth it. I am still aiming to go back to 4 sentrys and 2 tacticians eventually, as I reckon I can get 250k dps, 400k toughness,, 35k electronics with the 240 gear I have now(minus a few bits I need listed above) but for the time being, the top screenshot will allow for me to run the DZ fairly happily until I get all those pieces

EDIT: just realied those screenshots are 2 days apart haha look at the DZ credits and pc. ffs I need a life
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Geeez Gamble, sweet loadouts. I need to get me some more 240s as well. I did another build with the GS that deals 100% more damage after 10 shots (can't remember what it is called) but overall stats are shocking. I need moar moar gear.
Sorry to those who I was to do cs with, started with HVTs and got caught up and forgot.

I need more 240s lol and am still looking to get 7 (probably only 6 as I am not that fond of lone star) full sets and then mix and match and recalibrate. I'm well underway though.
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