The Division. Are we interested?

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drops are really starting to **** me off now. Spent 4 days farming CS, all today farming the UG, up to lvl 11 now, not one 240 drop, and still not able to get any better gear score to improve my lousy 200k toughness. I've got scavenging on 100%, I equip all my best gear when opening my Underground caches, still **** all drops of any note. Yet Josh comes in and the first 3 or 4 Caches he opens gets 268 gear from all of them.

whats your current GS as it is related to that in a way.

Waste not want not directive for UG - I am so glad I unbended reload button haha! I pressed it about 10 times out of habit but luckily nothing happened
drops are really starting to **** me off now. Spent 4 days farming CS, all today farming the UG, up to lvl 11 now, not one 240 drop, and still not able to get any better gear score to improve my lousy 200k toughness. I've got scavenging on 100%, I equip all my best gear when opening my Underground caches, still **** all drops of any note. Yet Josh comes in and the first 3 or 4 Caches he opens gets 268 gear from all of them.

What gear score are you?

Cache drops scale with GS so you won't get 268s unless you are already full of 240s. And then the mission rewards/boss drops will only be 268s from Challenging missions, not Hard or Normal.

Did you run CS on hard or challenging? It won't drop 240s on hard, something very wrong if it didn't drop 240 on CM.
whats your current GS as it is related to that in a way.

Gear score is about 218 I think.

What gear score are you?

Did you run CS on hard or challenging? It won't drop 240s on hard, something very wrong if it didn't drop 240 on CM.

Was doing CS on hard, I'm trying to get gear with higher armour, I'm so bloody squidgy. I don't know what to do.
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So the 231+ DZ Bracket

Div Tech cases - Seems Gold is no longer guaranteed as I got 2 blues
Cases - 229 weapons and level 32 mods
Named bosses - Can drop anything it seems. Green sealed Caches, 229 weapons. I got a HE 229 chest and 6 PC. Unsure if you can get 268 gearsets atm.
Mobs - Can drop weapon cases as well as HE Div Tech.
I think the Underground is a great addition to the game.

I like how I can run quick missions solo and/ or with a team, and change the parameters depending on how I want to play. I attempted 9 missions in total, finishing 5.

Of the 5 finished, four were on normal and one hard, while of the 4 not complete, three were hard and one normal ( the normal one was at the boss fight, and running head first into a cleaner boss who roasted me. I got too cocky and thought I could breeze through. He brought me down to earth. )

I mainly concentrated on normal as the bang for the buck was better - I was still getting a 229 weapon or 268 gear piece for ranking up when completing normal, and while it is 66% of the XP compare to hard, I can complete a normal twice as fast when solo. The mission rewards are only 163 compared to 182 for hard, but the rewards from the mission end up being gold crafting mats anyway. It's the cache that you're after.

I had the single biggest jump in GS in one day since release, and that's not even equipping the GS 268 Blind mask I got....just equipping the three GS 229 weapons.

I ran Sentry 4 piece and didn't really notice any difference on hard mode. I was using a 204 SASG and 182 M1a for the first three missions but then received a 229 SVD and was consistently hitting head shots, and getting three stack sentry with ease. The SVD, while not hitting as hard as my M1a, is a laser beam and every shot, even not scoped is pretty well a headshot. It hardly moves and seems to have a higher ROF than the M1a although on paper it is lower. My very last cache I received a G36 so plan on rolling it out next I play.

The level design is really well done, the areas where the fights take place are mazes sometimes and it is hard to turtle in one place with Smart Cover as you can be outflanked quite easily. That's usually how I was killed each time.

Dying at the boss is a bit of a letdown, but that's the risk v reward. Overall I can see doing the underground a lot.

Big shout out to Gamble, the Discord channel was humming the time I was on, well organised and very useful.

I did equip all the highest GS I had when opening the caches and got 229/268 each time. My GS would have been about 220-228 each time.

This is a prime example of why you should never only look at DPS when it comes to figuring out your stats:

my DPS was on 270k or thereabouts before this, and the damage/rpm/mag size/crit hit chance/crit hit damage is all the exact same.

.....only thing that increased it from 270k to this is 100% reload speed due to firecrest 3 piece.


Big shout out to Gamble, the Discord channel was humming the time I was on, well organised and very useful.

Thanks bud. It would be good if everyone used it as I tried to lay it out to suit everyone. Maybe in time lol the invite has been used 19 times though, so there are now 28 people(inc those I sent invites too originally) who have it on their discord which is good

My thoughts on today are very good ones. I love the underground!!! We managed to get our rank up to try 3 directives which is just fantastic. These three were:

Fog of ware - removes mini map and directional indicators for shots firesd
Mad skills - if you use a skill - both go on cooldown. If you use a signature - whole groups sigs go on cooldown
Waste not want not - if you reload with bullets in the mag - they vanish. Decreased initial ammo loadout and no ammo drops from NPC's.

Very fun to play - although I had to unbind my reload and forgot to put it back when we went in the dz lol

Heroic FL - not as bad as I thought it was going to be. We completed it first try with little extra effort over CM. Lvl35 but same routine.
HM DN - not hard but annoying. I highly recommend two immunisers, and high EDR throughout. Lots of drops though. 4 boss drops in first half, one boss drop at the end. The whole thing is basically a firepit.

I haven't tried normal missions yet on CM (queens tunnel) nor have I tried Heroic CS but I can do tomorrow.

Tony - next time you are on give me a shout and we can get you through CM FL/CM CS or even underground CM to get some gear. Wont take long to get you geared up
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Realllllllllly loving the 1 second reload that Firecrest brings ;) Almost like you can produce a constant barrage of bullets!!! :cool:

Don't think much of 4 piece Firecrest talent, so running 3 FC/3 TA atm which is nice for just switching out 1 piece for a TA and running Skill support :)
I saw in the underground Jedi :)

I am now officially offline for the night. Went on the division at 11am as soon as the servers came up, 15 minutes downtime for server refresh, roughly 20 minutes of breaks....

13 hours gaming session. It has been a long time since I pulled something like this.

Will be on around 09:30-10:30 tomorrow if anyone is about then? CM UG with 3 directives ftw
Level 13, looted nowt but the same 182 lmg and the same 182 mask several dozen times. Got one pistol that pushed my gs to 231. Yay. Also, unless I've missed them, I can't find any 229 weapon blueprints. I even ventured into the dark zone to have a look. Combine all that with being unable to login for a few hours, the map not working and then getting stuck in between a wall. Ah well, will give it another go tomorrow.
Realllllllllly loving the 1 second reload that Firecrest brings ;) Almost like you can produce a constant barrage of bullets!!! :cool:

Don't think much of 4 piece Firecrest talent, so running 3 FC/3 TA atm which is nice for just switching out 1 piece for a TA and running Skill support :)

Having picked up four pieces of Firecrest 268 today (and then suspiciously hardly getting a single high end gear drop this evening at all, just like the new gear sets last time too) and re calibrating them, my DPS and Toughness has really improved but as you said, the four piece gear bonus is pretty rubbish. It's very situational and you just can't carry enough incendiary bullets to get it to work reliably. That and despite being surrounded in fire, I'm sure someone mentioned that enemies in PvE only actually burn for three seconds? On challenging it's next to impossible to kill someone that quickly rendering the set bonus kind of pointless. I suspect as I get more gear then I will be moving away from it.
BTW - totally forgot about this problem as got to excited about UG..
After servers went online today,roughly 40min after i stuck on a ladder in UG,couldnt move,did alt+f4 and my Uplay crashed,when started,all FR list was gone,so added again some..Sent this this crash report to Ubi as well,so maybe try not to use alt+f4 to often..
drops are really starting to **** me off now. Spent 4 days farming CS, all today farming the UG, up to lvl 11 now, not one 240 drop, and still not able to get any better gear score to improve my lousy 200k toughness. I've got scavenging on 100%, I equip all my best gear when opening my Underground caches, still **** all drops of any note. Yet Josh comes in and the first 3 or 4 Caches he opens gets 268 gear from all of them.

Check you dont have much low end gear in your stash - my gs was 219 & I got a 268 backpack, & 3 229 weapons (all from caches), but all my stash is 240s of sets i will probably never use - lone star pred hunters etc. I guess the drops from caches are calculated off the same gs that your dz bracket is, which you dont actually see.
You can buy weapon kit blueprints from the tactical centre vendor that turn high end mats into weapon kits :)

I bought the fabric one initially, as have tons to fabric that I never use - 4 fabric to 1 weapon kit.
is there anything worth using the phoenix credits on? maxed out now.

im only rank 59 in the DZ.

whats the best way to rank up in UG? i have just been running hard (solo) and challenging (group) and just keep farming them. Rank 8 and unlocked the mod for no map\direction of fire etc

i have hit the 75% mit, 453K tough with 170K DPS so not too bad or i can use 330K tough with 220K DPS. i normally use the more DPS for hard\normal and the higher tough for challenging
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is there anything worth using the phoenix credits on? maxed out now.

im only rank 59 in the DZ.

whats the best way to rank up in UG? i have just been running hard (solo) and challenging (group) and just keep farming them. Rank 8 and unlocked the mod for no map\direction of fire etc

i have hit the 75% mit, 453K tough with 170K DPS so not too bad or i can use 330K tough with 220K DPS. i normally use the more DPS for hard\normal and the higher tough for challenging

I've been at max for weeks. I'd hoped we might have some new level bp's to buy, but nah. I'm going to save mine until later...
is there anything worth using the phoenix credits on? maxed out now.

im only rank 59 in the DZ.

whats the best way to rank up in UG? i have just been running hard (solo) and challenging (group) and just keep farming them. Rank 8 and unlocked the mod for no map\direction of fire etc

i have hit the 75% mit, 453K tough with 170K DPS so not too bad or i can use 330K tough with 220K DPS. i normally use the more DPS for hard\normal and the higher tough for challenging

Weapon recalibration will dry PC's very quickly ;)
There is BP's,but you need lvl 40 UG
I got an SVD and a G36 enhanced yesterday from caches, pleased with that.

Not sure blueprints are as useful any more, given the drops you can get. Haven't even tried the dark zone yet!
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