The Division. Are we interested?

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Just got my BETa key e-mailed to me now on the last day of the test! Downloading now might get and hour or 2 in before the beta finishes.


ooooh reading back through this thread seems like I'm going to struggle to enjoy myself playing on my own

Same! mine just came through lol just glad that i can test if my pc can handle it before launch :)

Ok, UPlay name change to minimise confusion. New name is Tess-Lacoil which is more like my Battlelog id and the same as my R* ID

Okay :) I will change it in OP for you.
Ubi's track record on PC is pretty good, I imagine this will run great. a lot of people will be able to run it who didn't think they could.
Hmmm, Ive just done the sliding skid move into cover behind a barrier, not seen that before and figured it was taken out. I think it was shown in some of the old gameplay footage. I think I may of recorded it, I'll check.

EDIT: Yep recorded it, will stick it in my next vid :)
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Hmmm, Ive just done the sliding skid move into cover behind a barrier, not seen that before and figured it was taken out. I think it was shown in some of the old gameplay footage. I think I may of recorded it, I'll check.

EDIT: Yep recorded it, will stick it in my next vid :)

Happens when you use the move between cover points move.
Happens when you use the move between cover points move.

Ah right, first time Ive seen it. It happened so fast I thought hang on, what was that?! I tried to replicate it but it wouldnt happen, just the usual crouch behind cover lol.

Cool, does anyone know if 'extras moves' will be an ability upgrade feature?
Same here marc. I just let the game auto detect and most stuff set to high, fps are mostly around 50-60 bu dips to 40's and 35 in a few areas.

Yeah, I don't understand how people are claiming ultra settings. It's either simply not happening or we are doing something wrong lol
How are people running this on ultra with a single 290? Am I doing something seriously wrong? I'm on high settings on a 290, 8gb ram and an i5 2500k and 4.4ghz and it runs OK but in places it will dip to 35/40... I'm only using an old 60hz monitor but the fps drop is noitciable. Everybody else is saying the game runs ultra smooth.
I'm currently running on a single 290 at 3440x1440 and high and it runs well enough with some dips to 35ish, when the final release comes out and I can use crossfire I'm sure I'll be able to get high fps from the two cards on ultra.

Make sure that vsync is off evertime you run the game it hurts fps and makes the game feel worse, it also seems to switch itself back on at random.

Decided to watch someone twitch stream the beta and the first thing I saw was someone unloading a full clip of an automatic in to a mob with multiple heas shots yet they didn't go down. The enemies seem less threatening than a bout of man flu which ruined the imersion and took away all sense of danger... On first impressions I think I'll pass on this.
The elite enemies are tough and they will kill you in a heartbeat.

Depending on the price I think I might give this a go I quite enjoy it, it's not fantastic but it's enjoyable.
Can my uplay get added to the original post? Same name as on here, will be playing on release. @Harry5522

How are people running this on ultra with a single 290? Am I doing something seriously wrong? I'm on high settings on a 290, 8gb ram and an i5 2500k and 4.4ghz and it runs OK but in places it will dip to 35/40... I'm only using an old 60hz monitor but the fps drop is noitciable. Everybody else is saying the game runs ultra smooth.

Are you getting 100% cpu usage with your processor? I've got my i5 2500k @ 4.4 and it's literally sitting at 95-100 consistently.
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Tried it this weekend. Not sure why there is so much hype for this game. If it came out three years I ago I can understand but I feel like the parts of this game is bettered offered in existing multiplayer FPS survival games. The helicopter extraction is pretty nifty though.
It's actually quite good, I can see myself purely camping drop zones, murdering players and robbing loot all day's all I've done so far :p
normally a ubisoft hater it isnt the best game i played but a move in the right direction.

little to hand held for my liking would rather just roam as i like with less screen clutter . the gunplay and cover system is pretty decent.

so not bad.
Yeah, I don't understand how people are claiming ultra settings. It's either simply not happening or we are doing something wrong lol

I'm using Ultra at 1440p, CA and vignetting disabled and normally sitting around 40fps ish, but having a freesync screen it definitely helps it feel a lot smoother than those type of frames would normally suggest.

Got my first gold legendary gun :)

Image removed - maximum width is 1280 pixels wide. please resize before replacing image tags.

Game looks so good at night in the snow 2560x1440 screenie

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Really impressed with the beta, and more so how well it runs. I was expecting it to run like a dog, have no ultra wide support natively, crash every 15 minutes and just be an all-round nightmare to play. But nope, runs great, and has ultra wide support! Spent most of my time just exploring and doing side stuff :)

Getting pretty much rock solid 60 FPS on Ultra @ 2560x1080, 6600k/980ti. Lowest I saw was 52 FPS but never felt like it was running anything other than silky smooth. Definitely keeping my pre-order.
I'm using Ultra at 1440p, CA and vignetting disabled and normally sitting around 40fps ish, but having a freesync screen it definitely helps it feel a lot smoother than those type of frames would normally suggest.

Got my first gold legendary gun :)

Game looks so good at night in the snow 2560x1440 screenie

I take it you're not using PCSS+ shadows or supersampling either? Or doesn't it affect FPS too much on the AMD side?

Also super congrats on that weapon! I the best I've gotten so far is meh Blue doublebarrel shotgun :|

I have to agree about the graphics. I don't know what people are complaining about, the lighting and environmental effects breathe life into this game.
I'm using Ultra at 1440p, CA and vignetting disabled and normally sitting around 40fps ish, but having a freesync screen it definitely helps it feel a lot smoother than those type of frames would normally suggest.

Got my first gold legendary gun :)


Game looks so good at night in the snow 2560x1440 screenie


I knew you'd have all the best loot by now! :p you lot enjoying it then? Shame I missed it this weekend with the lads but will definitely link up with you lot on release no doubt :)
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