The Division. Are we interested?

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I take it you're not using PCSS+ shadows or supersampling either? Or doesn't it affect FPS too much on the AMD side?

Also super congrats on that weapon! I the best I've gotten so far is meh Blue doublebarrel shotgun :|

I have to agree about the graphics. I don't know what people are complaining about, the lighting and environmental effects breathe life into this game.

SMAA Ultra, SuperSampling on and Ultra AO as there is no option for HBAO+ for me being AMD.

That's just the purchasable weapon isn't it?

That's the kiddie, finally saved enough DZ points for the bad boy. Just wish I could get more purple attachments for my weapons

I knew you'd have all the best loot by now! :p you lot enjoying it then? Shame I missed it this weekend with the lads but will definitely link up with you lot on release no doubt :)

I'm absolutely loving it, think Nex, Westie, Hazard and Squeeze are too. Considering it's a rather limited beta, we've all put in quite a bit of time. I think Josh will warm to it once he get's used to how RPG's generally work with loot and stuff. Get your keybinds sorted properly as well Josh, can't put enough emphasis on that and get your skills on buttons that are second nature to you, ie mouse thumb buttons or the middle mouse.
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Are you getting 100% cpu usage with your processor? I've got my i5 2500k @ 4.4 and it's literally sitting at 95-100 consistently.

Yeah, pretty much

Wanderer89, I see your CPU usage is nowhere near as high as mine. Maybe the i5 2500k is showing its age finally :(
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Darn impressive to say the least! Especially with AMD not having brought out a driver just for this, or a having Xfire profile.

yeah I know, quite impressive indeed. Been reading a few forums, it seems AMD is actually performing better than Nvidia on like for like cards even though Nvidia has a game ready driver. Can't wait for AMD to get their ass in gear and get out a driver out for crossfire, using one card is so frustrating. :mad:
Will be back on at about 7 for more fun! PS. never enter the dark zone with hazard unless you want to go rogue :D

I need about 700 more credits to get me a yellow gun! Here is how my guy is setup atm, got a ton of blue weapons i.e. m249, shotties, sub machine guns but I find them all meh tbh:


Really wish I didn't buy the scar H.... so little ammo and the rate of fire.... Gone back to my green acwr with the above m4 loadout.

Yeah, I don't understand how people are claiming ultra settings. It's either simply not happening or we are doing something wrong lol

I set a few things to max there and tbh, my FPS didn't budge much so I'm not sure what's happening, with settings resetting etc. every now and then, I have a feeling that some settings aren't being applied, going to whack everything to max when I am next in.

A few screenies, apologies for Tony photo bombing them :D :p Remove the h before .png for full size versions












Finally just starting to really get into this i wasnt to sure on it at first but after spending time in the DZ im loving it.

As others have said though I hope there is enough content to keep the game going.
Still enjoying the DZ but did encounter a group of trolls this afternoon :rolleyes: They worked out you can fire one or two rounds at a person without going rouge.

So they surrounded my group and all started shooting one or two rounds at us each. Naturally with people shooting at you in the heat of the moment you think they've gone rouge, so before they have a chance to kill you we all we shoot back. This of course meant we were the ones who had gone rouge so they killed us all, took our loot and money and had a good laugh with one saying "Can't believe they fell for that." :rolleyes:

To make matters worse we respawned just along at the safe house so when we exited they were all outside applauding at us, followed by taunting us and shooting at us again to make us go rouge again.

I won't be falling for that one again! :)
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Managed to get beta access to this today in the last batch, wasn't expecting it but fortunately I'm home to give it a bash before it runs out. Quite enjoying it actually, when I saw footage of it over the last week or so I wasn't sure it was for me - but might be proven wrong. Time to kill is just on the long side for me...

I'm currently running on a single 290 at 3440x1440 and high and it runs well enough with some dips to 35ish, when the final release comes out and I can use crossfire I'm sure I'll be able to get high fps from the two cards on ultra.

I tried on my single 970 and 3440x1440 wasn't playable for me - hardly ever rose above 50 and averaged around 40. Dropped to 2560x1080 and runs at a constant 60fps. Hopefully by March I'll have something beefier ;)
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