The Division. Are we interested?

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Everyone refers to the E3 2013/2014 videos but I've watched both multiple times previously and I'm struggling to see how the current version differs from it. Looks pretty much spot on.
Been working on a SweetFX profile to change the colour palatte of the game. Id mentioned before that I think the old E3 footage looks different due to a number of changes in the colour properties of the visuals. It would be immpossible to know exactly what has changed due to the game development over the past few years but you can attempt to replicate the look by spotting clues in the old footage.

The first thing I noticed in the old E3 footage was the less saturated warm colours especially orange, most noticeable is the bleached rather than saturated orange 'O' on the rucksack shoulder strap. Theres also a blue hue or tint to the whole screen giving the scene a cold/bleak feel to match the games wintery environment. Something which is different and hard to replicate with SweetFX is the bloom from the sun, Bloom can be increased but it would change bloom across the whole image and not just the sun element.

I'll continue to tweak the SweetFX profile to find a good balance and look for some better images to match the time of day we see in the E3 footage and show a comparison. It basically tightens up the sharpening, removes the 'fog' to the image and alters the colours to dull down their warm saturation giving a colder feel.

The images below are quite warm to begin with due to the dusk time of day, I'll try and capture some in day time when its not foggy.

Heres a couple piccys, I cant do a swipe overlay as I havent put the profile on the SweetFX database yet:

Full size links to see the difference better:




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Native 1440p mate, monitor is in my sig. I'm using SMAA Ultra with Supersampling, in game sharpness set to 60 and 100 object detail and 100 extra distance streaming. Everything else Ultra plus I've disabled Chromatic Abortion and Vignette, those two are the first things that get turned off for me in any game lol. Got my brightness down at 25 as well, game looks just so damn good.

Cheers for info Tony, I adjusted a few settings and it does look better, I also had a couple of Nvidia only settings enabled (like HBAO+) which could be changing the image too.
Maybe, I only get the option to use ultra AO. And your right about the colour pallette, it's the foggy orange hue that makes the image look naff, I'm sure we'll get there on the pallette in time. whilst it's not E3 at the moment, it's a mighty impressive looking game.
Just a note to Ppl as well, check your brightness setting each time you launch the game. Mine keeps on resetting to the default each time so everytime I start a new game I have to reset it to 25.
Stand in front of the mission (there's only one) and press whatever button it prompts to open the menu. Select 'replay' or whatever the option is, and you can set the difficulty there.
Got my beta access this morning, glad it's been extended until tomorrow so will actually have chance to try it out.
TT, did you use Reshade?

It's failing to initialise setup:

'unable to copy file 'Reshade64.dll'

Tommy, dont use the reshade setup, just copy and paste sweetfx2.0 and reshade files into the game directory and rename reshade64.dll to dxgi.dll and voila

should look like this in your directory after you rename that file.

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Thanks mate, looks even nicer in motion, get that Sweetfx on mate and whack everything to Ultra lmao.

BTW im on now, been on since 9am :p I need some yellow loot

lol yeah I will do, I expect my FPS to plummet to single figures though :D

Unsure what time I will be on, if I am not on a bit later in the afternoon, I'll be on later tonight hopefully.

Just a note to Ppl as well, check your brightness setting each time you launch the game. Mine keeps on resetting to the default each time so everytime I start a new game I have to reset it to 25.

Noticed this too, also some of the graphic settings change too....

There is definitely a bug with the syncing of this beta as last night when you guys were saying something about gunshot/explosion in the background, I heard it about 2 or so minutes before you had even mentioned it.

Also, screenies from last night Tony when you were stuck in one area/on a loop:



How are people running this on ultra with a single 290? Am I doing something seriously wrong? I'm on high settings on a 290, 8gb ram and an i5 2500k and 4.4ghz and it runs OK but in places it will dip to 35/40... I'm only using an old 60hz monitor but the fps drop is noitciable. Everybody else is saying the game runs ultra smooth.
Decided to watch someone twitch stream the beta and the first thing I saw was someone unloading a full clip of an automatic in to a mob with multiple heas shots yet they didn't go down. The enemies seem less threatening than a bout of man flu which ruined the imersion and took away all sense of danger... On first impressions I think I'll pass on this.
Decided to watch someone twitch stream the beta and the first thing I saw was someone unloading a full clip of an automatic in to a mob with multiple heas shots yet they didn't go down. The enemies seem less threatening than a bout of man flu which ruined the imersion and took away all sense of danger... On first impressions I think I'll pass on this.

Personally I am very much enjoying this but I do agree to an extent. I don't mind them doing the combat RPG style rather than FPS style but the groups I have fought in the game seem pretty weak and I wish there were more bad guys to fight.

That's probably where the DZ comes in though.
Just got my BETa key e-mailed to me now on the last day of the test! Downloading now might get and hour or 2 in before the beta finishes.


ooooh reading back through this thread seems like I'm going to struggle to enjoy myself playing on my own
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