The Division. Are we interested?

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I just tried Kputts sweetfx... just the right balance now. Darkens it up and gets rid of that "film" it seems. So awesome :D

I just ran around taking screen shots.

Had fun in the DZ a bit too. It's impressive how many people I come across that are really just trying to extract and I'll just team up with them and help them get their loot safely home haha. FUN!
Got my character wearing and using all blue items now, got a few purple weapons, but still waiting for the elusive Legendary yellow item. I will get one before end of the beta.

Still loving the game I really am. Yeah the beta is empty and the DZ could have so much more in it, but I'm confident those things will be better in full game.

Just murder a few rogues...frequently get 500-1000 DZ credits for a rogue kill. Only 3000 for the assault rifle from the safe house :cool:. The shotgun is poop though.
I feel very trolled =[

just in case people think I am trolling
the key most likely got redeemed by a lurker. So I sent one in trust which worked.

Also if people want the 4 free in game items for when the game releases then follow my instructions from hukd.

Did the above using US VPN and a new account to get the code, then redeemed on my normal UK Uplay account.

Nothing happens in game though, guess it's a release thing!
So after a few more hours i'm going to go back on my first comment. The graphics are actually very detailed and do in most parts looking amazing.

The darkzone is fun when you are waiting for evac and others around you could go rogue at any moment! Had that happen a few times and can see this being intense when carrying high level gear.
Would appreciate if someone could answer these questions on gameplay:

1. In the DZ when I enter a contaminated area a filter is required symbol appears, yet I can roam the area and not get infected or die. Is that normal? If I do have a filter how do I know I have it equipped?

2. Is there loot in contaminated areas?

3. Are there different types of loot with higher value? If so how do I know which is one to keep or which one I mark as junk to the DZ safe area vendors?

4. When I encounter pve and kill them. Sometimes they drop dz currency and sometimes loot. I noticed that there is green beam over their dead bodies but that the beam becomes narrower when other players go over it. Does this indicate that they have taken better loot and left only crap?

5. Does the colour of your rucksack change depending on the loot you carry?

6. Where do I find the loot chests in dz? I look on the mini map and most of the time I go to Tech labs, is there somewhere else to go to find loot?

edit 7) Does carrying water bottles carry any purpose? There is no survival element similar to DayZ where you need to replenish health.
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Game is stunning, can't believe ppl are saying it's average looking lol. Even with the downgrade, I'd say this is top 5 best looking games ever.

At 1440p and Ultra with a Sweetfx profile as shown below it's a beaut of a game. The lighting is so atmospheric, especially at night in a heavy blizzard.


Tony, are you playing at native 1440 res or downsampled on a lower res monitor eg 1080? Your images look very sharp, Ive only got a 1080 monitor and traditional res downsampling does not work with the beta version for some reason so Im having to use Nvidia DSR (fake downsampling) and the image is not as crisp as yours. What AA are you using ingame?

EDIT: Ah, do you have Chromatic Aberration disabled?
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@TonyTurbo78 - they are defo the best looking screenies I've seen so far, got a link to that FX file ? cheers!

I just don't know about this it doesn't seem to grip me in anyway.

It's not a bad game but I just find it quite dull, granted I haven't teamed up and that's probably going to be the games best part, but as a single player it's very repetitive. It reminds me of Hellgate London for some reason, not a bad thing.

Graphics are good, not E3 good no shocker there, and it runs smooth. Not sure if I will be picking this up but like most games I usually give in before release.

Back to Paragon it is then :p
I'm really enjoying it so far, even though as a beta it's quite restrictive in terms of what you can do. Running @ 2560x1440 on ultra with no noticable issues. The graphics don't seem quite as good as I'd imagined they would be though. Went rogue and killed a few people waiting for an extraction last night, which was fun.
Tony, are you playing at native 1440 res or downsampled on a lower res monitor eg 1080? Your images look very sharp, Ive only got a 1080 monitor and traditional res downsampling does not work with the beta version for some reason so Im having to use Nvidia DSR (fake downsampling) and the image is not as crisp as yours. What AA are you using ingame?

EDIT: Ah, do you have Chromatic Aberration disabled?

Native 1440p mate, monitor is in my sig. I'm using SMAA Ultra with Supersampling, in game sharpness set to 60 and 100 object detail and 100 extra distance streaming. Everything else Ultra plus I've disabled Chromatic Abortion and Vignette, those two are the first things that get turned off for me in any game lol. Got my brightness down at 25 as well, game looks just so damn good.

@TonyTurbo78 - they are defo the best looking screenies I've seen so far, got a link to that FX file ? cheers!

thanks mate, got the game running so nice now, I'm amazed even how smooth it feels down around the 40fps mark. I could dial back a few settings to get 60fps, but I love eye candy and considering how smooth it actually plays, I'm more than happy to trade fps for eye candy lol. Just hope AMD get a driver out very soon for working crossfire on this, don't want to be waiting a month after a release for it.
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Resorted to playing on my tiny little second monitor at 1080p, 970 is fine with all the eye candy on. 2560x1600 is double the pixels and way more than halves performance. Going to hang on until release and see if any news on the new GPU gen is out.
Yeah good fun last night with the bf 4 regulars :D Shame I had to go of earlish, will be on today though.

I need more purple gear now (all blue and 1 purple atm) and I also need some more blue/purple weapons, nothing has really made me want to change mygreen m4 (although now using a green ACWR) and green carbine sniper rifle.

Stunning screenies Tony. Hopefully the game will run even better when released otherwise new GPU time....


I haven't found the dark zone to be too bad tbh, although I have only played with a group of 4 players so far... Had a couple of instances where:

- 2 guys ran around the corner and shot at me but quickly go "oh ****, sorry nexus, sorry nexus sorry nexus, friendlies....." and slowly go back, think once they saw that I had 3 others with me, they realised that they made a mistake :D
- a few groups firing near you to try and get you to fire back at them and go rogue
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