*** The Division Thread 2.0 ***

Ok may be daft here, ok I am being daft here, I can't seem to find where to start survival I've activated the key and it says I own it in uplay but then what?

Head through the door at the back of the base (as though you were going to the UG) and there's a door way on your right close to the recal station.
Meh! I just can't get a good matching gear set build going at all, tried out a 3 piece alpha + 3 piece striker and it is worse than my Frankenstein build so I am back to mostly yellows as it has way better attributes "overall"


My armour - 51%
EAD - 55%
DTE - 9%

Stupidly destroyed a god holster roll as well :(
Pretty sure its safe to say Massive have brought back the element of challenge in this game AND made it achievable :)

Well done @ Fredflint
Most stressful game ever, had 30s left before i would die when chopper landed:

Wow that's awesome, I just played my first Survival game apart from a quick go on the PTS and got into the DZ although I died to a group of mobs :(

Oh well at least I got a couple of caches :)

I enjoyed it far more than on PTS and can see it could be fun when I fancy a break from gear grinding.
Any place i could pick this up and the season pass together for a good price?

Cheapest seems to be seperate purchases via cdkeys and steam comes to about £33 already had it on xbox with season pass but sold xbox and don't intend to buy another so on the lookout.

EDIT: Sod it bought it from steam £32 its Christmas after all :D

Anyone care to add me nowhereboy on steam.
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A few questions

What are these caches?
Whats a good time to be doing things in survival to allow myself enough time at the end?
Where can I find good loot?
Does anything from survival carry into the normal game?

Just had a quick go I got to the DZ manage to find a shotgun and cap and that was about it, got killing about 10 mins in the DZ, any tips I suck.
BTW can anyone confirm if Division Tech is found in crates or off mobs or both in the Survival DZ ?

I couldn't find the 1 I needed to make a flare gun :(
Div tech is in them long flat cases, I did not make a flare gun, did not know I had to. When I got to extract point, I found one with some loot.
BTW can anyone confirm if Division Tech is found in crates or off mobs or both in the Survival DZ ?

I couldn't find the 1 I needed to make a flare gun :(

Divtech crates are dotted around the map but you also get one from the anti viral crate.

The subway systems are good for it.

A few questions

What are these caches?
Whats a good time to be doing things in survival to allow myself enough time at the end?
Where can I find good loot?
Does anything from survival carry into the normal game?

Just had a quick go I got to the DZ manage to find a shotgun and cap and that was about it, got killing about 10 mins in the DZ, any tips I suck.

Caches contain loot. For mods/weapons/gear/HE etc

As long as find enough painkillers etc, you can get to the DZ within 15 minutes with 55 minutes or so remaining on your timer - with an overall completion time of 1 hour.

In survival I assume? Lots of places - chopper crash, other players etc but avoid the landmarks where possible. Unnecessary aggro for little reward.

Nothing transfers from survival - but its all gs163 so useless in main game.

You get caches for your actual gear score based on XP, and whatever you extract from the DZ
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