*** The Division Thread 2.0 ***

The most epic Survival tonight with Nexus, Josh and Twirly, totally bonkers on the extract, absolutely mental. It looked like 3 groups of players, chopper was called in not by us, but maybe a dozen hunters. The groups ahead were downed, most of them I think, we had a huge firefight with the remaining hunters, killed all of them. I had zero meds, was hypothermic, choppers came in....Nex, Twirly and Josh got on chopper but poor old muggins here missed out as another player got in.

The kicker was, Twirly was the only one that had a flare gun, so I had to make a mad dash back to hideout to try and craft a flare gun, but out of meds and fulls of sepsis, I was dying fast. Just got to the door of hideout and died :( A mental cluster of an ending, so annoying not to get out all the gear after an hour session, but hey ho, it happens.

Bloody amazing fun thoug, love it.
+1 to everything that Tony said again :D

So many dead agents and so many hunters lol

Extremely chaotic, reminds me of the good old days of the dark zone when PVP was really active (and fun...). I think PVP survival will be a bit too much though... well it depends, if you want to just grief other players and don't care about getting out alive in the end then maybe it will be good/fun :D :p

To give people an idea of how moody/atmospheric survival is with neutral lighting on:




Even better looking areas than that too but we didn't get spawned in those nicer areas tonight :(

Bit sick of the drops/rolls now though, they certainly have increased the quantity of the high end drops but I swear that the actual RNG/rolls are much worse now, keep getting crap armour with elec as the main stat or/and rubbish attributes i.e. increased xp...

I have zero green items now, all yellows FTW!
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I had a go on survival tonight and I'm not overly enamored if I am honest. It seemed rather stressful and annoying having to build up kit etc again. I don't think I will be playing it very much.
That Mike error at the end of the extraction and then looking at the Stash crate seeing that nothing was extracted was a :eek: moment.

For some reason all the stuff extracted ended up in our inventory. :confused:

That extraction was mental with only a few minutes left and taking on so many Hunters got the heart pumping :D

Sucks that Tony didn't get on the chopper because of that sneaky agent. :mad: There is always tomorrow though :p
He'll yeah twirly, was brilliant fun, really edge of your seats stuff.

Two key things to take from it.

1 - everyone make a flare gun just in case it goes south at the extraction.

2 - you individually need to get the antivirals when playing in a group so head for your little magnifying glass asap to save wasted time.
Gamble can probably confirm but you can craft a flare gun without getting the anti-virals if you collect Division Tech instead.

It was the first time I played Survival in a group so there is more management involved compared to solo but 100X the fun.
What kinda fps can I expect on an i7 4770k with a 1070 @ 1440p? Just ordered the Zotac AMP Extreme as I got bored waiting for Vega and wanted to upgrade from my 290. So I'm interested to know what kinda fps I can expect in Division :)
Probably upwards of 70fps. I get around 50fps on a single 390 (can't run crossfire as Ubi has screwed it up with the full screen bug at the moment)
season pass for £15 or Survival for £9.50 please ?

I'm reading Underground isn't that great - and that DLC not required for Survival (as you start from scratch) - but wondering if Last Stand might be rather good

I guess may as well get Season Pass ?
season pass for £15 or Survival for £9.50 please ?

I'm reading Underground isn't that great - and that DLC not required for Survival (as you start from scratch) - but wondering if Last Stand might be rather good

I guess may as well get Season Pass ?
I like Underground, have played it a lot, don’t think I will play Survival much as it takes a long time.
I'm just happy with the new equipment level as it now means I am on a level pegging with my mate. He got me into it a few months back but he had been playing for ages so had much better kit. If anything, my kit is better than his now as he still has a couple of lower level pieces.
He'll yeah twirly, was brilliant fun, really edge of your seats stuff.

Two key things to take from it.

1 - everyone make a flare gun just in case it goes south at the extraction.

2 - you individually need to get the antivirals when playing in a group so head for your little magnifying glass asap to save wasted time.

Gamble can probably confirm but you can craft a flare gun without getting the anti-virals if you collect Division Tech instead.

It was the first time I played Survival in a group so there is more management involved compared to solo but 100X the fun.

The solo survival run I did tonight I didn't collect the antivirals.

The antivirals are basically additional XP and guaranteed div tech, but once you get used to the DZ - you will start to learn where the Survival div tech crates are.

I collected 10 div tech on my second run in survival just from the underground bits, beside the DZ1 west extraction point (guarded by vets) and the contam area behind the DZ3 library safehouse(guarded by reds)

Antivirals are good for free XP, but I believe there are only a few locations that aren't surrounded by heavies - if you ever see the one in DZ6 rooftop extraction - don't consider it solo as a boss lives there plus his band of merry elites lol!!

I did an absolute **** move tonight though. There was a guy who went down beside me to an elite, so I killed the elite and noticed he was crawling over to me....it finished with me getting lots of medkits, painkillers, medicine and crafting materials :P lol!!!
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season pass for £15 or Survival for £9.50 please ?

I'm reading Underground isn't that great - and that DLC not required for Survival (as you start from scratch) - but wondering if Last Stand might be rather good

I guess may as well get Season Pass ?

I have always loved UG to be honest, but I think a lot of people got bored of it due to the difficulty of the game at the time it launched ie: 1.3 so it was hard to get to lvl 40 without a strong group.

Its amazing looking, and for the first 20 levels or so you will see randomly generated maps, but after that you will start to recognise a lot of the areas super quick so it gets a bit samey.

loot drops are epic though.
Still haven't got over last night on Survival.

Must have been 10+ Hunters at the extraction site, dead/dying players everywhere, so much loot it looked like a rave. Battled hard and extracted.

Only to hear Tony say "thanks boys, twirly has the flare gun" queue a quick panic, seems some random was still alive camping out on the extract and nicked the spot in the chopper - tbf it wasn't our extraction but still. With so much death and destruction going on, and reduced visibility due to that bloody lighting I didn't realise we still had a player up.

In a scene reminiscent of Platoon we left a man behind, only to hear him dying of sepsis shortly afterwards.

And the worst bit...the loot was ****.


Epic night though.
Did a bit of the tutorial last night! Seems to run really qell so thats good and looks miles better than when i played on xb1 at launch!

I imagine my first goal is to just play the story to hit level cap? Am i missing out on much with out dlc until the end game?
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