I'm at 256 and only get 163 stuff from the Scavenger case...
Same here

I'm at 256 and only get 163 stuff from the Scavenger case...
Personally I find it makes a difference. IMO, try to get a mix of both.
On my main assault rifle, I have:
EAD - 54.5%
Crit chance - 16.5%
Crit damage - 78%
This is without pulse.
Although IF you have to choose then definitely EAD.
Start with nothing but a pistol and 1hr to live.Can someone give a quick explanation of what Survival is? Where do you start what do you do etc?
Do you use your own gear?
Just literally got back into this game after 4+ months off.
Cool, is it solo or group?
i get 70-120 on a 290x @1440p
Additionally, we are deploying a patch on PC tomorrow (29.11) at:
10:00 AM CET
04:00 AM EST
01:00 AM PST
This will not require maintenance.
» Source
Patch Notes
Here is the list of changes to be implemented with the November 29th maintenance:
- Fixed incorrect framerate limit when VSync is on or when Frame Limiter is enabled.
- Fixed a bug where the game would become unresponsive when switching between applications while in “fullscreen” mode.
» Source
4 Buids I'm running are:
4 AB 2 HE (savage gloves/spec bp) with g36/famas 367k dps, 419k toughness
3 Sent 3HF 578k dps 300k toughness, doesnt feel like it does anywhere near the dps figure
4 FC 2 HE just for fun
3 Preds 3 Striker with Famas this for some reason feels just as strong if not stronger than my AB build, but a bit more squishy 366k dps, 368k toughness.
I dont know why but I find myself enjoying the preds more, possibly because I dont have to worry about matching the right talents up every time an AR drops XD.