*** The Division Thread 2.0 ***

I am trying to decide what to do, go for 3 strikers or 3 sentry... Definitely not getting rid of my savage gloves and sturdy holster so that leaves only chest piece (which I might also limit to a robust yellow chest piece for hitting 70% armour), knee pads + mask that I can use for gear set equipment. I could possibly go for 4 piece if I replace the specialised backpack but then that means that I'll have to replace firearm/stamina stat for electronics in order to bring my skill power back up so don't think it is worth changing that out.


Regarding Barret's chest piece, can that be got by just doing runs on hard? Or do you need to do challenge?
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I am trying to decide what to do, go for 3 strikers or 3 sentry... Definitely not getting rid of my savage gloves and sturdy holster so that leaves only chest piece (which I might also limit to a robust yellow chest piece for hitting 70% armour), knee pads + mask that I can use for gear set equipment. I could possibly go for 4 piece if I replace the specialised backpack but then that means that I'll have to replace firearm/stamina stat for electronics in order to bring my skill power back up.

Is there a particular reason you're going for so much armour? What weapons do you play with and in what style? Do you feel confident in hitting a lot of head shots? lol

Not sure re: Hard or challenging but you get more drops on challenging so will increase the chance. Running it challenging is honestly trivial anyway so I'd just farm it on that. You can also get it from field proficiency caches but it has a very low chance to drop.
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I am trying to decide what to do, go for 3 strikers or 3 sentry... Definitely not getting rid of my savage gloves and sturdy holster so that leaves only chest piece (which I might also limit to a robust yellow chest piece for hitting 70% armour), knee pads + mask that I can use for gear set equipment. I could possibly go for 4 piece if I replace the specialised backpack but then that means that I'll have to replace firearm/stamina stat for electronics in order to bring my skill power back up so don't think it is worth changing that out.


Regarding Barret's chest piece, can that be got by just doing runs on hard? Or do you need to do challenge?

It only drops from challenging. Can be done in 15 mins solo, and you might end up with some other nice drops as well.
Cool, will do a few runs of challenge lexington later on then.

Is there a particular reason you're going for so much armour? What weapons do you play with and in what style? Do you feel confident in hitting a lot of head shots? lol

I want to be a tank! :D I miss my tanktacian days :(

I vary my weapons up, got one of each type but mostly always an assault rifle (atm, an ak47) and a sexy m700 carbon :D No problem with getting headshots, at least with NPC's since they don't exactly move about very fast :p

Play style, depends on what I am doing... for solo play:

hard missions - run n gun
challenge missions - more careful, use cover a lot more with a bit of run n gun
heroic - extreme cover usage

Of course, it all depends on how many enemies there are as well as the type of mission/incursion though.
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I got the Barret's chest from a field cache.
using it with savage gloves and a reclaimer set.
The armor stat does not change in the character sheet, when the skills are on cooldown, bugged or just need to have faith?

I'm guessing skills need to literaly be on cooldown and not active either, (no increase shows in either scenario) it's quite rare to be in that posistion and you are never in it for long, don't see the love for the piece tbh.
There is a known bug IIRC where you have to remove and then re-equip it to get the talents to proc again, I think if you die? It's definitely bugged anyway. The increase in armour should show in your toughness when it's active.
There is a known bug IIRC where you have to remove and then re-equip it to get the talents to proc again, I think if you die? It's definitely bugged anyway. The increase in armour should show in your toughness when it's active.

/myth confirmed, re-equipping it worked. Seems pulse can be active but any heal skill needs to be on cooldown. It don't proc with a heal box out for example but does if the box is cooling for reuse.
/myth confirmed, re-equipping it worked. Seems pulse can be active but any heal skill needs to be on cooldown. It don't proc with a heal box out for example but does if the box is cooling for reuse.

Yep, that's why it's good to run with 2 immediate but fast cool down talents like booster shot and pulse. Easier to manage what bonuses you want at what time rather than waiting for things to die before they start cool down.
Right, havent played this since a bit of a bout in 1.4, downloaded 1.5 last night and picking up my new 1070 after work so will get it installed and probably give this a blast tonight.

Currently im GS 229 i think? if i want gear upgrades should i just change the World Level up to the next tier and go farm bosses and UG missions etc?

Havent tried Survival either yet, sounds fun as something to do in a group but potentially horrible solo? i prefer to play grouped anyhow.

What advice do you guys have to someone fresh to 1.5 with a GS 229 Character? I think im running the set that lets you equip 2 weapons and get the talents from both all the time? using AR's, this still viable?
Right, havent played this since a bit of a bout in 1.4, downloaded 1.5 last night and picking up my new 1070 after work so will get it installed and probably give this a blast tonight.

Currently im GS 229 i think? if i want gear upgrades should i just change the World Level up to the next tier and go farm bosses and UG missions etc?

Havent tried Survival either yet, sounds fun as something to do in a group but potentially horrible solo? i prefer to play grouped anyhow.

What advice do you guys have to someone fresh to 1.5 with a GS 229 Character? I think im running the set that lets you equip 2 weapons and get the talents from both all the time? using AR's, this still viable?

Alpha bridge, it's basically the best build in the game for damage now because of the 'Uncomplicated' talent on the Famas. First thing you should do is set yourself to world tier 5. Go the scavenger crate in the BOO (Opposite the DZ vendor at the front in the security wing) and get your first bit of 256 gear. Then go kill Bullet King, Sorretto and Strings to get your gear score up enough to unlock the 256 gear at the vendors. Then go to (I think) Meat Locker safe house and buy the Famas for sale there. Then depending on how many credits you have either buy caches for more 256 kit to try and rebuild your alpha bridge in 256 form, or go kill world bosses, or farm Lexington for Barretts chest, or do whatever you like really.

Main thing is getting those first bits of gear to unlock the 256 stuff at the vendors (I think you actually only need 3, but Strings is easy to kill and he's right next to Sorretto), then you can do whatever you have fun doing. You could actually also just come out of the BOO and go south to kill Fray and then Five-O, but in the time it takes you to walk out of the damn base you could probably have killed Bullet King already even with the fast travel time :D

Alpha bridge, it's basically the best build in the game for damage now because of the 'Uncomplicated' talent on the Famas. First thing you should do is set yourself to world tier 5. Go the scavenger crate in the BOO (Opposite the DZ vendor at the front in the security wing) and get your first bit of 256 gear. Then go kill Bullet King, Sorretto and Strings to get your gear score up enough to unlock the 256 gear at the vendors. Then go to (I think) Meat Locker safe house and buy the Famas for sale there. Then depending on how many credits you have either buy caches for more 256 kit to try and rebuild your alpha bridge in 256 form, or go kill world bosses, or farm Lexington for Barretts chest, or do whatever you like really.

Main thing is getting those first bits of gear to unlock the 256 stuff at the vendors (I think you actually only need 3, but Strings is easy to kill and he's right next to Sorretto), then you can do whatever you have fun doing. You could actually also just come out of the BOO and go south to kill Fray and then Five-O, but in the time it takes you to walk out of the damn base you could probably have killed Bullet King already even with the fast travel time :D


If you are already gs229 one piece of gs256 gear will boost you enough to get the vendors and drops :) I only did BK and then started buying caches, collecting my supply drops etc
If you are already gs229 one piece of gs256 gear will boost you enough to get the vendors and drops :) I only did BK and then started buying caches, collecting my supply drops etc

Ahh good to know :) In that case you should just be able to go to the scavenger crate in WT5 and not even have to leave the BOO!
Is crit hit chance and damage worth rolling these days? I could get my EAD to 65% but it would mean dropping my chance to 5% and damage to 40.
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Another question, this time Optomisation....

So ive owned AMD cards for the last 12+ years but i bit the bullet and bought a 1070, on the 290 i could tweak a few settings to keep the game at a nice 90fps average @1440p on my 144hz Freesync screen without losing too much in the way of graphical quality.

Anyone got a link to optomising the game for Nvidia hardware? ideally i'd like to get as close to 144fps as possible while keeping the quality nice, im not one to just press the "Ultra" button and live with the 60fps it provides as often you end up using lots of stupidly high fps crippling settings that have negligable visual impact when lowered, but give massive fps gains when lowered.

So is there anything i can turn down specific to Nvidia that will allow me to sit around 100-144fps while maintaining a nice graphical enviroment on this 1070 @ 1440p?

The lack of Freesync kinda worries me, should i now be also using Vsync with this screen to compensate?
on the 290 i could tweak a few settings to keep the game at a nice 90fps average @1440p on my 144hz Freesync screen without losing too much in the way of graphical quality.

You were running the game at 90fps @1440p on a 290??? I find that hard to believe even if you were running low for everything.

I'd love for you to share those tweaks.
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You were running the game at 90fps @1440p on a 290??? I find that hard to believe even if you were running low for everything.

Yeah i was averaging 90fps on my 290 @ 1440p, i had a guide from a site that had aload of options you can turn down for minimal visual impact but massive fps gains. Have a look here http://5000frames.com/the-division/

Infact ive found something similar on Nvidias site

Is crit hit chance and damage worth rolling these days? I could get my EAD to 65% but it would mean dropping my chance to 5% and damage to 40.

Personally I find it makes a difference. IMO, try to get a mix of both.

On my main assault rifle, I have:

EAD - 54.5%
Crit chance - 16.5%
Crit damage - 78%

This is without pulse.

Although IF you have to choose then definitely EAD.
So... It appears leveling (well... Boosting haha) was by far the easiest part of this game... Now to work out how the hell the build my char up.. What I should be equipping what what.. What set bonuses work best... What to "socket" so to speak with what items. Mind=blown.

I've worked my way through loads of gear sets (and their assorted bonuses) to find ones that suit my play style (whatever the hell that is). The idea of some are very appealing, but once you try it out you might find it to be a bit meh. Try out as much as you can, you'll get the drops to try out plenty :)
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