*** The Division Thread 2.0 ***

It does :)

70% armour is possible If you use sturdy holster and robust chest

Oh goody! :D IIRC, I am sitting at 55% armour atm.

Looks like that will be another yellow item that is staying along with my specialised backpack and savage gloves then :p

Have got a few of those robust chest pieces but don't want the 10% incoming damage boost.

Hopefully be lucky to get Barrett’s bulletproof vest at some point to complete the mighty yellows :D
Oh goody! :D IIRC, I am sitting at 55% armour atm.

Looks like that will be another yellow item that is staying along with my specialised backpack and savage gloves then :p

Have got a few of those robust chest pieces but don't want the 10% incoming damage boost.

Hopefully be lucky to get Barrett’s bulletproof vest at some point to complete the mighty yellows :D

You are thinking of reckless lol Robust is a 10% armour increase in cover.
Is there anyone who would be willing to boost my PC char? Normally play on PS4 but the steam offer was too good to pass up for the gold edition. Not interested in the story I've played it enough - Just after raw speed to end game :)

Yeah, I don't mind helping. We did it for Jackson in about 5 hours.

It does :)

70% armour is possible If you use sturdy holster and robust chest

Interesting...I have loads of yellow gear but not done a yellow build yet! Having too much fun to faf lol. I've got all my Banshee gear though :D
You are thinking of reckless lol Robust is a 10% armour increase in cover.

Ah yes, my bad :p

Urgh so that will be another yellow item to get then leaving room for only 2 green items! :D Might have to look at getting a green backpack with elec if I want to have 3 set strikers or sentry...
Yeah, I don't mind helping. We did it for Jackson in about 5 hours.

Interesting...I have loads of yellow gear but not done a yellow build yet! Having too much fun to faf lol. I've got all my Banshee gear though :D

That 70% us only in cover though, but is very strong
The only stat I'm lacking on is Electronics as I have an inactive talent on my G36. Could always roll it off for predatory.

If you roll talents, do the stat requirements change accordingly or are they retained from the previous?

Waiting it out for an electronics mod with armour or a decent gear item worth holding on to.
Interesting...I have loads of yellow gear but not done a yellow build yet! Having too much fun to faf lol. I've got all my Banshee gear though :D

I *love* my Gold setup tbh!! Esp with the Skulls MC gloves giving 16% extra damage ;) :cool:

Just need the Barrett's Chest and the Named Kneepads and I'm ready to go..... :D

Currently at 267/412/153 with Navy MP5/Tac SASG setup and Sturdy holster addition to toughen me up further :cool:

Might even switch out my Vigorous vest for Robust and put more emphasis on Firearms to boost up my DPS
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Yeah, I don't mind helping. We did it for Jackson in about 5 hours.

Awesome, thanks man. I'll trust you my uPlay. When do you usually play?

If you roll talents, do the stat requirements change accordingly or are they retained from the previous?.

Weapon talent requirements are fixed. Won't change with re-rolls, but obviously you have a limit of 7 rolls, so be careful!
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Awesome, thanks man. I'll trust you my uPlay. When do you usually play?

Weapon talent requirements are fixed. Won't change with re-rolls, but obviously you have a limit of 7 rolls, so be careful!

Normally after 1700 - I may jump off boosting at some point to do through Survival. Sure, add me - same on uPlay as here.

Yeah, I did wonder but that's fine - I'm still 800 too low on Electronics though :(
The only stat I'm lacking on is Electronics as I have an inactive talent on my G36. Could always roll it off for predatory.

If you roll talents, do the stat requirements change accordingly or are they retained from the previous?

Waiting it out for an electronics mod with armour or a decent gear item worth holding on to.

All weapon talents have their own unique requirements so if you rolled one off that is high electronics for example, you would get another talent with its own requirements - like brutal that has FA only
What are you trying to unlock and with what build?

I can't remember and I don't think I need it but it's there and annoying me lol

All weapon talents have their own unique requirements so if you rolled one off that is high electronics for example, you would get another talent with its own requirements - like brutal that has FA only

That's good to know, thanks for that

EDIT - also, has anyone setup streaming through Shadow Play?
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hmmm ive a 4piece striker, 2 piece AB build at the momen. Looking at the above google document, 4 piece Predator and 2 piece Striker looks like a powerful DPS build for SMG and AR.
my highest damage build for PVE at the moment is 3 sentry and 3 strikers which is giving me 68% EAD overall now - absolutely wrecks as it shreds armour so quick.

Tested it in PVP as well and it holds up well due to the same EAD stripping players down (22% roughly due to the 0.3% scaler)

Add in an LMG and I am getting 150k headshots with no booster or other damage increase talent - mental.
So... It appears leveling (well... Boosting haha) was by far the easiest part of this game... Now to work out how the hell the build my char up.. What I should be equipping what what.. What set bonuses work best... What to "socket" so to speak with what items. Mind=blown.
hmmm ive a 4piece striker, 2 piece AB build at the momen. Looking at the above google document, 4 piece Predator and 2 piece Striker looks like a powerful DPS build for SMG and AR.

Would depend if you primarily play PVE or PVP, or want a build that goes over both. I think the 2 piece AB is pretty poor - Both 4 piece AB or Predators carry over very well between PVE/PVP, even more so that destructive is a good talent for both rather than just PVE.
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