What are people doing with the FAMAS? Are you using the third talent and forgoing accuracy and stability mods? Or just piling those on as usual, and/or rolling it off?
Mine is doing stupid damage, but is a little wild.
Last night I spent well over an hour doing survival solo and getting myself geared up. Called in extraction, had my hunter almost downed then 2 more appeared and killed their agents leaving me benny hilling around the extraction trying to pick them off.
Was never gonna happen
Let's say they know how the game works - why would agents run to your extraction knowing that they are going to spawn their own hunters in addition to mine and get whacked? I have to assume they don't know how it works.
I was playing today in pvp, called an extraction and killed my hunter (easy with an m44) only for another agent turn up and nearly die, he totally left me on my own to deal with the 2nd hunter. I jumped in the chopper and ran up mincing and holding his tail between his legs.
This is what folk do though, We went to one extraction only to find 10\11 agents and 10\11 hunters!
Total mayhem.
am I the only one still getting this freezing issue?
edit: oh for gods sake.. "Display driver nvlddmkm stopped responding and has successfully recovered."
again nvidia?
I'm getting some massive FPS drops, sometimes from a solid 60 down to 6 with no reason, other times from 60 to 40 odd but it just locks up for a second or so, most annoying.
No probs here Neil and I have been on pretty much solid for the last 9 days lol. Using the latest drivers as well and no crashing at all or freezing or frame drops.