*** The Division Thread 2.0 ***

Solo PVE :) Best score yet. Going to try PVP now
Get your EAD up, I'm at 58% with the above build and they're downed in about 20 bullets :cool:

Got EAD on mask, knee pads, running destructive with Lvoa/Famas. I don't think I had this much EAD on my 1.4 build; Would have had slightly more crit chance due to the savage gloves but I doubt that's the big swing. No competent or deadly but I have uncomplicated.

I know about the enemy scaling between group and solo, but at the moment the speed I shred enemies solo feels way more akin to running group in 1.4, and running group feels another step up in enemy toughness. I dunno, just feels off. When I finally get that chest piece and can ditch these accomplished knee pads, and get a better rolled lvoa I'll reassess.

What kind of damage are you outputting and with what? Is 20 bullets mostly headshots? Group or solo? I'm honestly nowhere near that kind of damage and I'm not sure just a Barretts chest, competent and savage gloves would get me there.

Edit: Only just, a day later, noticed you posted your build above, lol. That's a little more firearms than I'm willing to run! Might try and swap some Stam mods out though and see how it feels.
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had one more on survival tonight solo - new high score :D


Got my 6 survival caches and started running around the map clearing all the bosses :)

Epic fun!
You will be doing the weekly in 1 run soon XD

Thats my next plan! lol

Blimey Gamble that's a huge score, must have been finding loads of medicine and painkillers to keep going for that long.

I was in for 1 hour 50 minutes, but redid the run again last night and got 100 points less in 1 hour exactly.

I can get to the DZ now with around 58 minutes left and can hit landmarks quick enough to use medicine which will last in between so I think.....i could technically keep the DZ part going for ages which means I could clear all landmarks with time to spare.

Also you ge tpoints for extracting medicine.

I just want to get the highest solo score if I can lol :D

Although I tried one more run, and got wrecked in dz5 - I had 4 grenadiers fire on me at once and all their mortars landed within rolling distance. Was so annoyed lol!
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After Friday I will never again run survival in a group.

Hunters everywhere and I had x4 gearset boxes and x2 survival crates. Super duper annoyed at that - I need a map with decent loot and med boxes etc.
After Friday I will never again run survival in a group.

Hunters everywhere and I had x4 gearset boxes and x2 survival crates. Super duper annoyed at that - I need a map with decent loot and med boxes etc.

I am in the process of making a map for div tech. Just collect as much divtech, craft HE gear, hit landmarks - medicine at each landmark all the time and survival caches

I wont extract until I get 6 survival caches now, even solo. :D
Yeah we were doing okay with our 4 Hunters, then another 4 man rocked up with theirs.

Our gear wasn't the best going in, we landed RH mid and the loot didn't seem great for any of us.

The map will be really helpful. I never did the divtech runs in 1.2/1.3 so normally only find them by stumbling around.
After Friday I will never again run survival in a group.

Hunters everywhere and I had x4 gearset boxes and x2 survival crates. Super duper annoyed at that - I need a map with decent loot and med boxes etc.

Survival is getting tedious tbh, annoying how it is separate to the main game and what is even more frustrating is when you call in extraction and other people come bringing more hunters in...

Should do it so that whoever called the extraction, only said person/group get their hunters and no one else outside the group can use the extraction heli thus no more hunters since they can't extract until they call their own one in. Too many people trolling with the current mechanic atm i.e. you call extraction and people come running to the extraction site and then **** of once their hunter shows...


Didn't help that we weren't well geared up either, we really need everyone to have skills and good toughness.

Whenever I do it solo, I make sure I have everything purple with a couple of yellow weapons and gear.
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Yeah we were doing okay with our 4 Hunters, then another 4 man rocked up with theirs.

Our gear wasn't the best going in, we landed RH mid and the loot didn't seem great for any of us.

The map will be really helpful. I never did the divtech runs in 1.2/1.3 so normally only find them by stumbling around.

a lot of the divtech is in different locations now for survival, but in DZ6, there is at least 7 boxes dotted around! Lots of DT :D
Has it been said whether or not we'll be getting a GS increase with the next dlc?

all they have said is that if they do a meaningful content update which requires higher GS they will consider it.

So if the last stand is an addon, they wont update the gear score - and I reckon the last stand will be an addon.
Has anyone else noticed that the Vigorous chest talent doesn't seem to work as it should? It's supposed to give an over heal, but it never works for me. In fact, when I equip it, my over heal is reduced.
Yes! Barretts chest! Not the best but already rolled Armour and health, so rolled electronics to 1271 FA and I can at least work it into my build. Would have liked ammo cap and more armour but at this point I'm just ecstatic to have one. Only popped on for one quick run whilst the missus was busy for 10 minutes and bam! Now the hunt turns to a better M4 variant so I can get competent back :D
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