*** The Division Thread 2.0 ***

Still no damn good striker knee pads!!!! :mad:

Did get a pretty nice lvoa with competent as the 3rd slot though :D 2 of the other talents are elec based so tried rolling one for destruction but no luck, just have to make do with brutal! Definitely my favourite assault rifle now, despite it not packing quite as much punch overall as my ak's, scar L or police m4, it is way easier to control and even though the accuracy is the same, it seems to be more accurate than the the police m4...

Really liking the sentry cluster of explosion balls as well atm, still got "pulse" with the headshot talent so not much loss there except for wall hacking purpose :p Just need to get more seeker damage performance mods now!
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Ah, cheers. For some reason when I wear it and use first aid, my over heal is reduced. This is despite my elec remaining the same.

Yeah its effectiveness has been reduced unfortunately, I believe the HP increase on the talent screen shows a different figure between overheal and booster.

Makes sense, booster gives you damage buff, ADR increase + HP back - overheal only gives HP back.
Had a nice 3 or 4 days away from this as I was milking survival non stop, was getting kinda burnt out. I'm raring to go again tonight if you fancy boys.
Had a nice 3 or 4 days away from this as I was milking survival non stop, was getting kinda burnt out. I'm raring to go again tonight if you fancy boys.

TBH, I am pretty burnt out with survival now :(

Quite enjoying just roaming around the city farming bosses and doing the dailys.
Finally found myself some Alpha Bridge gloves (for the second time, don't ask!) in the DZ, but it seems to be swarming with rogues today. Would anyone be able to give me a hand extracting them? Safety in numbers and all that! :)
Radeon has been on all morning I think - going rogue lol. Maybe if he's still playing he can help!

Btw I'm still meaning to get back on the PC - It's just this damn Barrett grind on my PS4 account has taken over my entire division life. I need to continue until the friends I've been running it with have it too :D
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