*** The Division Thread 2.0 ***

not had the mask yet, had the gloves, kneepads and chest.

chest wasnt a bad roll and still using, gloves were okay until i got a better tact set, pads were rubbish.
Just had a quick read through some of the things to come 'maybe'
The only items they should focus on is new content, not increasing the current content.
Here is why: It is exactly the same game you play now!
Move from level 30 npc to level 35 npc, guess what you get better dps/guns/armor etc and it is right where it was.
New bad ass bosses, new areas on the map or new game modes (survival for instance has been popular) or new types of scenarios (Hoarde type mode?)
New weapons are always welcome.

Everyone will always max out their stats so the enemies have to be different not just tougher.
Just had a quick read through some of the things to come 'maybe'
The only items they should focus on is new content, not increasing the current content.
Here is why: It is exactly the same game you play now!
Move from level 30 npc to level 35 npc, guess what you get better dps/guns/armor etc and it is right where it was.
New bad ass bosses, new areas on the map or new game modes (survival for instance has been popular) or new types of scenarios (Hoarde type mode?)
New weapons are always welcome.

Everyone will always max out their stats so the enemies have to be different not just tougher.

That is what i would love. More map but with different content to fill it and different types of enemy.

I think they will do something awesome, they have so much ready made map to play with, without even thinking about working vertical!!
Doesn't look like it was today Tony :( Update is dropping sometime this week though so I just thought it would be Tuesday as usually that is patch day, possibly Thursday now....
Have had an idea for a few events related to survival:

PVE Mode
*Solo runs for quickest extraction
*Solo runs for highest score
*Duo runs for the above two points

We will all basically chill in a voice channel, someone does a count down and then we all start queuing at the same time. Then we segregate off into our pre allocated groups by challonge

And because its PVE mode it doesnt matter if we are in the same server, as we can take screenshots etc of times/scores as long as one of the two in the group finish the round

Can utilise challonge to track the scores/times etc. What do you guys think?
I've got over 500hrs logged on the Xbox but just built a new gaming PC,
Gonna try the free weekend but im not sure i can stomach grinding out that again.

That said with the new system it would be much quicker but doing it solo will take a while.
Hi everyone,

This is to let you know that a patch has been deployed on PC. This will only require a client restart, hence no maintenance is needed.

Here's a list of changes that have been implemented with this patch:

Fixed some instances with the Xbox controller not working on PC
Addressed some rare cases with the Fullscreen mode not working
Some improvements to the audio positioning have been made
Improvements to high CPU usage cases on PC
Players losing control of their characters for a brief moment
DirectX12 is now activated

- The Division Team

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