Yep the devs are happy about it but the community doesn't seem to be. I don't even think the drop rate would be that tough to stomach if you got a well rolled one for your efforts, or the ability to switch the main stat for free or something. To run lex hundreds of time for an electronics chest with HOK and PVE isn't the sort of thing that will keep players around. The thing with the named items previous to 1.5 is they weren't actually that good, so getting them was just a trophy thing. Barretts is probably the best single item in the game especially for the PVP streamers and youtubers. It's in every 'Best 1.5 build zomg' video so it's naturally creating a bit of a fuss.
In better news I finally got a LW M4 I could roll to get all 6 main damage talents. Destructive, Uncomplicated, Competant, Unforgiving, Responsive and Brutal. Cost me a fortune again but worth it. Rolled with 23% EAD which takes me to 56.5% total. Took it for a spin in the DZ and must have made 100k killing rogues in barely over an hour, and I'm not even good at PVP!