*** The Division Thread 2.0 ***

Epic gains for me :cool: :D

DX 11:


DX 12:


They really need to show the min fps as well, during the dx 11 run, fps was dropping to 40's, dx 12, I don't think I saw it drop below 60, even the max fps was better, which is unusual for dx 12.
One thing for me has changed and that is having to set my flight sticks throttle to 50% to be able to play it. I never had to do this previous though but a minor bug.
With lower settings on dx 11, I would have been sitting at about 40 fps but with dx 12 and even higher settings (mainly the 2 sliders for object detail and distance), I am sitting at this instead now...



Seems like alt tabbing out/in is still a bit broke though :(

And yeah, it is a shame that sweetfx still doesn't work with dx 12 but the game looks pretty damn good without it anyway, especially with neutral lighting on.
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Yep, I refuse to run anything but neutral lighting anymore, even in pvp, couldn't care about dying to be honest.

Nice gains nexus, what graphic settings again?
Had a quick run around and FPS still hasn't dropped below 50FPS with higher settings, game feels stupidly smooth now.





Yep, I refuse to run anything but neutral lighting anymore, even in pvp, couldn't care about dying to be honest.

Nice gains nexus, what graphic settings again?

For the benchmark run, iirc, the 2 sliders were at about 10%, shadow stuff all to medium with contact shadows to all low, AO to low, volumetric fog to medium and one of the reflection quality settings to medium.

With the in actual game screenies, I have upped all the shadow stuff to high, contact shadows still set to all low, AO still at low (could go higher for this but there is **** all difference between low and ultra and I don't like HBAO+), volumetric fog still at medium, reflection quality set to high and object detail at 52% and distance slider at 50%.

Think I could up a few more settings and still keep above 50FPS.
they actually said the drop on barret chest was intentional due to it being intentionally rare. no plans to change that but didnt rule out drop rate changes in the future if really necessary.

Yep the devs are happy about it but the community doesn't seem to be. I don't even think the drop rate would be that tough to stomach if you got a well rolled one for your efforts, or the ability to switch the main stat for free or something. To run lex hundreds of time for an electronics chest with HOK and PVE isn't the sort of thing that will keep players around. The thing with the named items previous to 1.5 is they weren't actually that good, so getting them was just a trophy thing. Barretts is probably the best single item in the game especially for the PVP streamers and youtubers. It's in every 'Best 1.5 build zomg' video so it's naturally creating a bit of a fuss.

In better news I finally got a LW M4 I could roll to get all 6 main damage talents. Destructive, Uncomplicated, Competant, Unforgiving, Responsive and Brutal. Cost me a fortune again but worth it. Rolled with 23% EAD which takes me to 56.5% total. Took it for a spin in the DZ and must have made 100k killing rogues in barely over an hour, and I'm not even good at PVP! :D
nice Nexus. Ill run a bench later or tomorrow, hopefully to see improvement. I know when I benched mine on dx11 with all settings at high, supersampling smaax1 low with crossfire disabled I got 43fps....which in fairness on a 390 at 1440p with those settings wasn't all that bad. I'd love to see gains up in the high 50's on same settings, throw in the freesync and it should feel great.

is everyone else able to call up the Uplay chat window overlay with Shift+F2 when in game when using DX12? mine doesn't seem to be working now.
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Yep the devs are happy about it but the community doesn't seem to be. I don't even think the drop rate would be that tough to stomach if you got a well rolled one for your efforts, or the ability to switch the main stat for free or something. To run lex hundreds of time for an electronics chest with HOK and PVE isn't the sort of thing that will keep players around. The thing with the named items previous to 1.5 is they weren't actually that good, so getting them was just a trophy thing. Barretts is probably the best single item in the game especially for the PVP streamers and youtubers. It's in every 'Best 1.5 build zomg' video so it's naturally creating a bit of a fuss.

In better news I finally got a LW M4 I could roll to get all 6 main damage talents. Destructive, Uncomplicated, Competant, Unforgiving, Responsive and Brutal. Cost me a fortune again but worth it. Rolled with 23% EAD which takes me to 56.5% total. Took it for a spin in the DZ and must have made 100k killing rogues in barely over an hour, and I'm not even good at PVP! :D

Nice one man!! Using Preds with my AB setup til I can get a good AB Mask (so I can use my B Vest and Sav Gloves). I'll keep playing around though, seems like it'll be a pretty stellar combo!!!

I use a G36 with the Famas for mine, the only bad talent I have is Focussed but at least it's semi (barely!) usable unlike the other one which I couldn't unlock without Electronics :D Semi better than none I suppose! :D
Couldn't give a rats about gfx upgrades or fixes which you probably can't really notice.
However, did they fix the stupid amount of times you get stuck in the DZ (place I've noticed the most), like on bags of rubbish, or between a gate etc.
So frustrating.
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