*** The Division Thread 2.0 ***

I've always said a huge missed opportunity is not having zombies in the containment areas, fill them up with infected bad asses and have some nice loot at the end. Leave the city and open areas as they are, but make these containment areas really nasty.

I could also never understand why central park was not in the game, it's kind of a no brainer to include it, it's omission seemed very strange to me. Would have looked amazing in the snow.
Saving it for the DLC or a sequel ;) :(

Well that, and I'm sure they don't have a 'Central Park' asset lay around :p These things take time and money to build ykno! I'll gladly pay for year 2 DLC if it keeps the studio churning out fresh content. Rather that than abandoning a perfectly good base game and trying to flog me Division 2 for £60 in 2 years time. There's huge amounts of untapped potential in the game as it stands.
You would be surprised at what references are in the data files to things that are currently untapped:

Take this info with a pinch of salt:


  • DZ areas up to DZ9
  • NPC going to lvl 36
  • Weapons we currently dont have
  • Special ammo we dont have
  • References to East and West map areas
Introduced in patch 1.5 data files only:

  • world tiers going to world tier 7
  • NPC going to lvl 37
  • New faction: "Paladin" based on the hunter characterists/movements
  • Above faction descriptions referencing normal DZ and possible rogue hunting(this is only an unused narrative and nothing more)
  • New references for something called "ann_dlc"
  • References to "tank tread", "tank tread stagger left/right" within newly created stagger files. Points towards a light/heavy real tank
  • Also a possible new boss that has both the tank reference attached to it, the "paladin" faction, and a few other special characteristics.
  • References to new drone types
  • References to "contamination rewards"
  • References to "guild vendors" and "guild master archtypes"
The unused narrative for reference:
43C9F94C55A8A1FE00008D598F62AD8B,0,Hunters are highly trained Agents who hunt down Rogues. They are neutral to all other Agents and will not attack unless provoked. Be careful; attacking a Hunter will mark you as Rogue for all Agents!

I could go on but that should give you an idea of the stuff hidden away that could be implemented at some point but bear in mind some of these references have been there since 1.0 - like the additional DZ levels etc.

I reckon they will do a year 2 DLC, they have a key entry point during the destiny downtime to bring people on board but they really need solid, repeatable content to keep these players interested.
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Well that, and I'm sure they don't have a 'Central Park' asset lay around :p These things take time and money to build ykno! I'll gladly pay for year 2 DLC if it keeps the studio churning out fresh content. Rather that than abandoning a perfectly good base game and trying to flog me Division 2 for £60 in 2 years time. There's huge amounts of untapped potential in the game as it stands.

Yup no doubt it takes time to do that stuff but this is how the game industry rolls (and most industries for that matter), why give everything they possibly can in one game when they can withhold said ideas for DLC or even another game down the line, it makes no sense financially.

It will give people more incentive to buy the next game/DLC if the content is actually something people really want and central park most certainly is so I won't be surprised in the slightest if they don't release a central park setting with next years DLC as it will be a massive selling point for the sequel (where I imagine they will generate far more profit than if they were to sell it as a DLC pack).

However, with the player base dropping significantly not long after release and never really picking back up and holding those players (didn't look like many bought into the DLC stuff either), in some ways, releasing something as big as central park setting could get a lot more people back into the game than what UG and survival achieved and set massive/ubi up for doing well with the sequel. For all we know, they could even take the division 2 to a completely new area/setting...

Another perfect example as to how big ideas are withheld for DLC/sequels is star wars battlefront, we were told that space battles hadn't be removed for DLC purposes, fast forward to a few months ago and it got its very own DLC and now supposedly the next battlefront will contain considerably more depth.

Same goes for batman arkham knight, so many villains that tied into the main story line had been removed for DLC purposes.

And with BF 3, all the changes we wanted to see (which could have been easily done) were withheld for BF 4.

etc. etc.

Regarding DLC VS a sequel, I don't really mind, as long as the DLC has replay value, which lasts longer than 2 weeks.
The Division 2 or Year 2 DLC - I will take both :D

I still can't believe I am hooked on this damned game.

I always love the disaster strikes humankind genre where it's something that may actually happen. or is at least slightly plausible (another reason why the no to zombies). so was a no brainer for me :D
I can't seem to stomach playing at the moment. I've just got a feeling that we're going to be hit with a gear score increase early in the new year which will invalidate everything (again). I don't fancy spending weeks trying to obtain a nice set of AB (one piece looted since 1.5), only for it to be rendered useless.
It'll be longer (between GS increases), but sadly this is how these games work. And if you don't gear up now, then you'll find the next gear score increase even more of a slog. Your gear won't be useless though, it'll be the basis to begin your climb to the next GS cap.

The main gameplay loop of games like this is the never-ending search for bigger numbers, even slightly so. If you're burnt out by this, then maybe a break is required. I'm currently focusing my attentions elsewhere, but will definitely be back once the mood takes me.
seeing as they've openly said they wont be doing a GS increase unless there is a very good reason im not sure why you'd think that.
It all depends on 1.6 i think and if it brings what they deem as "meaningful content"

It if is PVP balancing only - I highly doubt it will be a GS increase.
After all the grinding so many have done for the named pieces all a GS update in 1.6 would do is drive people away. They know the drop rate on named items is contentious so to compound that by making all existing ones obsolete would be daft in the extreme.
they actually said the drop on barret chest was intentional due to it being intentionally rare. no plans to change that but didnt rule out drop rate changes in the future if really necessary.
they actually said the drop on barret chest was intentional due to it being intentionally rare. no plans to change that but didnt rule out drop rate changes in the future if really necessary.

I got one yesterday after about 20 runs, now trying for the Joe Ferro mask, guy in my group was pleading for it, dont see what all the fuss is to be honest
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