*** The Division Thread 2.0 ***

I just watched the SOTG from the other day. Dz pvp leader boards strike me as a rather odd design choice, given the developers ineptitude at getting a handle on people who exploit to gain an advantage. Hacking stats will likely be just as easy. I'm yet to play a game in which leader boards haven't in some way been manipulated.
Steam numbers are effectively meaningless IMO. Anyone who bought the game from a key site (in other words, most of the players IMO) will be playing directly through UPlay.
It's the first time you have posted it, the comment wasn't aimed exclusively at you, it's been done quite often.

Yes steam is all powerful...etc... But this is a ubisoft game, who have their own platform, it was cheaper on uplay, more offers for the game on uplay, CD key sites sold it for uplay. Not a single person I know got it on steam.

So back to my original point, that the figures are completely meaningless as it's not even close to the full picture. You can't use it to spot trends unless you have the numbers from the dominant platform, which unfortunately we don't have. Hopefully ubi release them sometime.
Nice gains for me on a GTX 1080 :)

Everything fully maxed, including Nvidia HFTS at 1440P



@Greg and other Nvidia users, does DX12 give any gains then for Nvidia cards in The Division? i havent tried the DX12 patch yet on my 1070.

Yer, a sweet boost for me and now allows me to run everything fully maxed to the limits. Game is gorgeous anyways but nice to be able to do that :)
just trying the free weekend out and Im finding the game challenging doing the missions alone lol

Ditto. Stuck on the last boss of the department store mission... hours:)

Late for the gym. It's looking like a easy sale... not many single'ish player games grab me these days.
Hopefully they like it. I feel this game has slipped past a few and I wouldn't have bothered if not for liking the free demo beta way way back.

thing is, in a weekend of fresh meat - they will enjoy it and they will buy it!

But its the same story, hit end game and then what :O

I have been grinding so damn much (as you saw in the other thread) and I have now removed myself from the stats and focus on the game modes - I am having so much more fun now. Deleting every piece I get, just playing.

Although I almost god rid of two god rolls by accident due to this lol
thing is, in a weekend of fresh meat - they will enjoy it and they will buy it!

But its the same story, hit end game and then what :O

I have been grinding so damn much (as you saw in the other thread) and I have now removed myself from the stats and focus on the game modes - I am having so much more fun now. Deleting every piece I get, just playing.

Although I almost god rid of two god rolls by accident due to this lol

People like me and you and many others on this forum alone play it for the fun and I would like to feel we are past grinding for gear (or bloody well should be) and just playing because we like it. I have so many different sets and enjoy trying them all out. I also messed up my AlphaBridge and sold my god roll M60 but all good :D :mad: :p

That D3-FNC build with Barrets Vest just feels like cheating though and running missions I am not even trying lol :D
Have to say though, the last three patches 1.4, 1.5 and impending 1.6 I can't say I've ever been excited for updates in any other game.

Looking forward to 1.6 PvP balance, might get to run dz solo with no banshee set..
People like me and you and many others on this forum alone play it for the fun and I would like to feel we are past grinding for gear (or bloody well should be) and just playing because we like it. I have so many different sets and enjoy trying them all out. I also messed up my AlphaBridge and sold my god roll M60 but all good :D :mad: :p

That D3-FNC build with Barrets Vest just feels like cheating though and running missions I am not even trying lol :D

When 1.3 was out it was a different story however lol I was looking for god roll after god roll for pvp and pve because it was "needed" as such to be able to actually do it.

Now for pve its not so Im not bothered. Im not going to run lexi 100 times for a slight chance at a crap vest. Im going to run survival and try and get the max reward out of it, even if the reward is 100% sold. :)

Maybe when they add competitiveness in I will care, until then - Im enjoying doing the fun stuff and not grinding :)

Besides, I have 7 builds basically finished with 55% armour lol so Im all set :)
@Greg and other Nvidia users, does DX12 give any gains then for Nvidia cards in The Division? i havent tried the DX12 patch yet on my 1070.

I'm away so can't speak for me personally, but my best mate has a 1080 and has a nice boost, hes been able to whack the settings up a bit more.
Turns out my OSD was causing the stuttering, Now with DX12 enabled with everything maxed/turned on i.e HBAO+, HFTS etc... at 1440P DX11 and DX12, DX12 giving quite a nice boost with the GTX 1080 -


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